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Procedural Law-viz default judgment re unopposed proceedings iro failure to file opposing papers.
Procedural Law-viz chamber application re Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules iro leave to appeal.
Procedural Law-viz final orders re entitlement of litigants to written reasons for judgement.
Procedural Law-viz urgent application re urgency iro time to act urgency.
Procedural Law-viz appeal re leave to appeal iro Rule 31 of the Supreme Court Rules.
Procedural Law-viz appeal re interlocutory proceedings iro the question of urgency.
Procedural Law-viz appeal re interim proceedings iro the question of urgency.
Procedural Law-viz appeal re grounds of appeal iro the question of urgency.
Procedural Law-viz appeal re grounds for appeal iro the question of urgency.
Procedural Law-viz jurisdiction re judicial deference iro assessment of prospects on appeal.
Procedural Law-viz pleadings re cross-referencing.
Procedural Law-viz pleadings re cross referencing.
Procedural Law-viz appeal re findings of fact made by the primary court.

Cause of Action and Draft Orders re: Appearance to Defend, Filing of Opposition Papers & Set Down of Matters

In chambers in terms of Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules.

This is an application filed in terms of Rule 31(2) of the Supreme Court Rules.

On 9 of December 2013, and upon reading documents filed of record, I dismissed the application with no order as to costs. No opposing papers were filed by the respondent.

The applicant has requested that I furnish him with reasons for the judgment, and these are provided herein.

Default Judgment re: Default Judgment and Snatching at a Judgment iro Approach, Unopposed Proceedings & Pleadings on the Record

In chambers in terms of Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules.

This is an application filed in terms of Rule 31(2) of the Supreme Court Rules.

On 9 of December 2013, and upon reading documents filed of record, I dismissed the application with no order as to costs. No opposing papers were filed by the respondent.

The applicant has requested that I furnish him with reasons for the judgment, and these are provided herein.

Final Orders re: Approach iro Functions, Powers, Obligations, Judicial Misdirections and Effect of Court Orders

In chambers in terms of Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules.

This is an application filed in terms of Rule 31(2) of the Supreme Court Rules.

On 9 of December 2013, and upon reading documents filed of record, I dismissed the application with no order as to costs. No opposing papers were filed by the respondent.

The applicant has requested that I furnish him with reasons for the judgment, and these are provided herein.

Pleadings re: Inter-related Proceedings, Cross-Referencing, Record of Proceedings and Off the Record Submissions

In chambers in terms of Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules.

This is an application filed in terms of Rule 31(2) of the Supreme Court Rules.

On 9 of December 2013, and upon reading documents filed of record, I dismissed the application with no order as to costs. No opposing papers were filed by the respondent.

The applicant has requested that I furnish him with reasons for the judgment, and these are provided herein.

The applicant filed an application in the High Court, on a certificate of urgency. The court a quo, on 26 June 2013, issued the following decision:

“There is no urgency in this matter warranting this matter to be allowed to jump the queue. The applicant has had all the time in the world to take the initiative to clear his name. I decline to treat this matter as urgent.”

Upon a request from the applicant, the court a quo provided written reasons for the decision not to hear the matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo, in this respect, relied on the case of Kuvarega v Registrar-General and Anor 1998 (1) ZLR 188 (H)…, in which the following principle was set out:

“What constitutes urgency is not only the imminent arrival of the day of reckoning: a matter is urgent, if, at the time the need to act arises, the matter cannot wait. Urgency which stems from a deliberate or careless abstention from action until the deadline draws near is not the type of urgency contemplated by the rules.”

The learned Judge's assessment of the evidence before him indicated, that, the genesis of the applicant's problems with the respondent dated back to 2003, spilled over to 2007, and then to 2009 and thereafter.

The Judge found, that, the applicant had been fully aware of the conduct of the respondent towards him and that he had always had the opportunity to take the initiative to clear his name. He had chosen not to do so and had only rushed to court, on an urgent basis, on 24 June 2013.

The court concluded, that, the applicant's conduct, in this respect, was not what the whole concept of urgent applications contemplated.

The applicant, on 16 September 2013, then sought the leave of the court a quo to appeal to this court against the decision declining to hear his matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo having dismissed that application, the applicant then filed the present application before me.

It is essentially an application where the applicant is seeking my leave to appeal to this court, against the decision of the judge a quo that his matter before that court was not urgent.

To properly determine this matter, I consider it pertinent to consider two main issues. These are:

(i) Firstly, the reasoning of the court a quo which led to the decision that it reached: and

(ii) Secondly, the question of whether or not the intended appeal has any prospects of success.

It is my view, that, the requirement for the applicant to file a copy of his Notice and Grounds of Appeal together with an application of this nature, is to enable this court to make a proper assessment of the applicant's prospects of success on appeal.

Having considered the papers before me, which included the reasoned judgment of the court a quo as well as the applicant's affidavits, I find myself in full agreement with the judge's reasoning and determination.

I find, more to the point, that, the applicant did not place before the court a quo, nor before me, any evidence to show that there was, in his application, the type of urgency that would have merited a hearing on an urgent basis.

In other words, he failed to show, that, at the time the need to act arose, the matter could not wait.

I would therefore have dismissed the application to hear the matter on an urgent basis, in the same manner that the court a quo did, and for the same reasons.

As already indicated, I proceeded to do the same in casu.

The applicant properly filed a copy of his notice and grounds of appeal. A synopsis of his grounds of appeal shows that he intends to premise his appeal on two main grounds, both essentially factual:

(i) Firstly, the applicant seems to argue that the court a quo improperly interposed and considered together, two cases that had different HC numbers and were therefore unrelated.

This was in reference to the fact, that, the urgent chamber application was given the number HC4997/13 while the chamber application for leave to appeal was given the number 5794/13.

A perusal of the latter shows that both numbers are, properly, in my view, endorsed on the right hand corner of the document entitled “Chamber Application for Leave to Appeal” clearly showing that the two cases were related.

Apart from this ground of appeal, indicating what seems to me to be a mis-appreciation, by the applicant, of the HC numbering system and its implications in related cases, it is evident that the issue has no bearing on the merits of whether or not the case merited an urgent hearing a quo.

I find, therefore, that, there is little, if any, prospect of success on appeal based on this ground.

Urgency re: Approach iro Time, Consequent and Remedial Alternative Considerations of Urgency

In chambers in terms of Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules.

This is an application filed in terms of Rule 31(2) of the Supreme Court Rules.

On 9 of December 2013, and upon reading documents filed of record, I dismissed the application with no order as to costs. No opposing papers were filed by the respondent.

The applicant has requested that I furnish him with reasons for the judgment, and these are provided herein.

The applicant filed an application in the High Court, on a certificate of urgency. The court a quo, on 26 June 2013, issued the following decision:

“There is no urgency in this matter warranting this matter to be allowed to jump the queue. The applicant has had all the time in the world to take the initiative to clear his name. I decline to treat this matter as urgent.”

Upon a request from the applicant, the court a quo provided written reasons for the decision not to hear the matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo, in this respect, relied on the case of Kuvarega v Registrar-General and Anor 1998 (1) ZLR 188 (H)…, in which the following principle was set out:

“What constitutes urgency is not only the imminent arrival of the day of reckoning: a matter is urgent, if, at the time the need to act arises, the matter cannot wait. Urgency which stems from a deliberate or careless abstention from action until the deadline draws near is not the type of urgency contemplated by the rules.”

The learned Judge's assessment of the evidence before him indicated, that, the genesis of the applicant's problems with the respondent dated back to 2003, spilled over to 2007, and then to 2009 and thereafter.

The Judge found, that, the applicant had been fully aware of the conduct of the respondent towards him and that he had always had the opportunity to take the initiative to clear his name. He had chosen not to do so and had only rushed to court, on an urgent basis, on 24 June 2013.

The court concluded, that, the applicant's conduct, in this respect, was not what the whole concept of urgent applications contemplated.

The applicant, on 16 September 2013, then sought the leave of the court a quo to appeal to this court against the decision declining to hear his matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo having dismissed that application, the applicant then filed the present application before me.

It is essentially an application where the applicant is seeking my leave to appeal to this court, against the decision of the judge a quo that his matter before that court was not urgent.

To properly determine this matter, I consider it pertinent to consider two main issues. These are:

(i) Firstly, the reasoning of the court a quo which led to the decision that it reached: and

(ii) Secondly, the question of whether or not the intended appeal has any prospects of success.

It is my view, that, the requirement for the applicant to file a copy of his Notice and Grounds of Appeal together with an application of this nature, is to enable this court to make a proper assessment of the applicant's prospects of success on appeal.

Having considered the papers before me, which included the reasoned judgment of the court a quo as well as the applicant's affidavits, I find myself in full agreement with the judge's reasoning and determination.

I find, more to the point, that, the applicant did not place before the court a quo, nor before me, any evidence to show that there was, in his application, the type of urgency that would have merited a hearing on an urgent basis.

In other words, he failed to show, that, at the time the need to act arose, the matter could not wait.

I would therefore have dismissed the application to hear the matter on an urgent basis, in the same manner that the court a quo did, and for the same reasons.

As already indicated, I proceeded to do the same in casu.

The applicant properly filed a copy of his notice and grounds of appeal. A synopsis of his grounds of appeal shows that he intends to premise his appeal on two main grounds, both essentially factual:

(i) Firstly, the applicant seems to argue that the court a quo improperly interposed and considered together, two cases that had different HC numbers and were therefore unrelated.

This was in reference to the fact, that, the urgent chamber application was given the number HC4997/13 while the chamber application for leave to appeal was given the number 5794/13.

A perusal of the latter shows that both numbers are, properly, in my view, endorsed on the right hand corner of the document entitled “Chamber Application for Leave to Appeal” clearly showing that the two cases were related.

Apart from this ground of appeal, indicating what seems to me to be a mis-appreciation, by the applicant, of the HC numbering system and its implications in related cases, it is evident that the issue has no bearing on the merits of whether or not the case merited an urgent hearing a quo.

I find, therefore, that, there is little, if any, prospect of success on appeal based on this ground.

The applicant alleges, in his other main ground of appeal, that, there was evidence on record to show, that, contrary to the finding by the court a quo, he had in fact timeously made the effort to clear his name over the period stretching from 2003.

I have already associated myself with the reasoning of the judge a quo and his assessment of the evidence that led to the decision that he reached on this point and will therefore not repeat my reasons for doing so.

This ground of appeal, in my view, lacks merit and carries with it no prospects of success on appeal.

It was for these reasons that I dismissed the application, on the papers, and with no order as to costs.

It should be noted, however, that, the dispute between the applicant and the respondent is still pending before the High Court. It will take its place in the “queue” of ordinary court applications and be set down for hearing when its turn comes.

It occurs to me, that, by pursuing the course of action that he has in casu, the applicant might possibly have delayed, or may delay progress in the finalization of the matter.

Appeal, Leave to Appeal, Leave to Execute Pending Appeal re: Approach and the Right of Appeal

In chambers in terms of Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules.

This is an application filed in terms of Rule 31(2) of the Supreme Court Rules.

On 9 of December 2013, and upon reading documents filed of record, I dismissed the application with no order as to costs. No opposing papers were filed by the respondent.

The applicant has requested that I furnish him with reasons for the judgment, and these are provided herein.

The applicant filed an application in the High Court, on a certificate of urgency. The court a quo, on 26 June 2013, issued the following decision:

“There is no urgency in this matter warranting this matter to be allowed to jump the queue. The applicant has had all the time in the world to take the initiative to clear his name. I decline to treat this matter as urgent.”

Upon a request from the applicant, the court a quo provided written reasons for the decision not to hear the matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo, in this respect, relied on the case of Kuvarega v Registrar-General and Anor 1998 (1) ZLR 188 (H)…, in which the following principle was set out:

“What constitutes urgency is not only the imminent arrival of the day of reckoning: a matter is urgent, if, at the time the need to act arises, the matter cannot wait. Urgency which stems from a deliberate or careless abstention from action until the deadline draws near is not the type of urgency contemplated by the rules.”

The learned Judge's assessment of the evidence before him indicated, that, the genesis of the applicant's problems with the respondent dated back to 2003, spilled over to 2007, and then to 2009 and thereafter.

The Judge found, that, the applicant had been fully aware of the conduct of the respondent towards him and that he had always had the opportunity to take the initiative to clear his name. He had chosen not to do so and had only rushed to court, on an urgent basis, on 24 June 2013.

The court concluded, that, the applicant's conduct, in this respect, was not what the whole concept of urgent applications contemplated.

The applicant, on 16 September 2013, then sought the leave of the court a quo to appeal to this court against the decision declining to hear his matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo having dismissed that application, the applicant then filed the present application before me.

It is essentially an application where the applicant is seeking my leave to appeal to this court, against the decision of the judge a quo that his matter before that court was not urgent.

To properly determine this matter, I consider it pertinent to consider two main issues. These are:

(i) Firstly, the reasoning of the court a quo which led to the decision that it reached: and

(ii) Secondly, the question of whether or not the intended appeal has any prospects of success.

It is my view, that, the requirement for the applicant to file a copy of his Notice and Grounds of Appeal together with an application of this nature, is to enable this court to make a proper assessment of the applicant's prospects of success on appeal.

Having considered the papers before me, which included the reasoned judgment of the court a quo as well as the applicant's affidavits, I find myself in full agreement with the judge's reasoning and determination.

I find, more to the point, that, the applicant did not place before the court a quo, nor before me, any evidence to show that there was, in his application, the type of urgency that would have merited a hearing on an urgent basis.

In other words, he failed to show, that, at the time the need to act arose, the matter could not wait.

I would therefore have dismissed the application to hear the matter on an urgent basis, in the same manner that the court a quo did, and for the same reasons.

As already indicated, I proceeded to do the same in casu.

The applicant properly filed a copy of his notice and grounds of appeal. A synopsis of his grounds of appeal shows that he intends to premise his appeal on two main grounds, both essentially factual:

(i) Firstly, the applicant seems to argue that the court a quo improperly interposed and considered together, two cases that had different HC numbers and were therefore unrelated.

This was in reference to the fact, that, the urgent chamber application was given the number HC4997/13 while the chamber application for leave to appeal was given the number 5794/13.

A perusal of the latter shows that both numbers are, properly, in my view, endorsed on the right hand corner of the document entitled “Chamber Application for Leave to Appeal” clearly showing that the two cases were related.

Apart from this ground of appeal, indicating what seems to me to be a mis-appreciation, by the applicant, of the HC numbering system and its implications in related cases, it is evident that the issue has no bearing on the merits of whether or not the case merited an urgent hearing a quo.

I find, therefore, that, there is little, if any, prospect of success on appeal based on this ground.

The applicant alleges, in his other main ground of appeal, that, there was evidence on record to show, that, contrary to the finding by the court a quo, he had in fact timeously made the effort to clear his name over the period stretching from 2003.

I have already associated myself with the reasoning of the judge a quo and his assessment of the evidence that led to the decision that he reached on this point and will therefore not repeat my reasons for doing so.

This ground of appeal, in my view, lacks merit and carries with it no prospects of success on appeal.

It was for these reasons that I dismissed the application, on the papers, and with no order as to costs.

It should be noted, however, that, the dispute between the applicant and the respondent is still pending before the High Court. It will take its place in the “queue” of ordinary court applications and be set down for hearing when its turn comes.

It occurs to me, that, by pursuing the course of action that he has in casu, the applicant might possibly have delayed, or may delay progress in the finalization of the matter.

Appeal, Leave to Appeal, Leave to Execute Pending Appeal re: Interlocutory Judgments & Nature and Effect of Relief Granted

In chambers in terms of Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules.

This is an application filed in terms of Rule 31(2) of the Supreme Court Rules.

On 9 of December 2013, and upon reading documents filed of record, I dismissed the application with no order as to costs. No opposing papers were filed by the respondent.

The applicant has requested that I furnish him with reasons for the judgment, and these are provided herein.

The applicant filed an application in the High Court, on a certificate of urgency. The court a quo, on 26 June 2013, issued the following decision:

“There is no urgency in this matter warranting this matter to be allowed to jump the queue. The applicant has had all the time in the world to take the initiative to clear his name. I decline to treat this matter as urgent.”

Upon a request from the applicant, the court a quo provided written reasons for the decision not to hear the matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo, in this respect, relied on the case of Kuvarega v Registrar-General and Anor 1998 (1) ZLR 188 (H)…, in which the following principle was set out:

“What constitutes urgency is not only the imminent arrival of the day of reckoning: a matter is urgent, if, at the time the need to act arises, the matter cannot wait. Urgency which stems from a deliberate or careless abstention from action until the deadline draws near is not the type of urgency contemplated by the rules.”

The learned Judge's assessment of the evidence before him indicated, that, the genesis of the applicant's problems with the respondent dated back to 2003, spilled over to 2007, and then to 2009 and thereafter.

The Judge found, that, the applicant had been fully aware of the conduct of the respondent towards him and that he had always had the opportunity to take the initiative to clear his name. He had chosen not to do so and had only rushed to court, on an urgent basis, on 24 June 2013.

The court concluded, that, the applicant's conduct, in this respect, was not what the whole concept of urgent applications contemplated.

The applicant, on 16 September 2013, then sought the leave of the court a quo to appeal to this court against the decision declining to hear his matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo having dismissed that application, the applicant then filed the present application before me.

It is essentially an application where the applicant is seeking my leave to appeal to this court, against the decision of the judge a quo that his matter before that court was not urgent.

To properly determine this matter, I consider it pertinent to consider two main issues. These are:

(i) Firstly, the reasoning of the court a quo which led to the decision that it reached: and

(ii) Secondly, the question of whether or not the intended appeal has any prospects of success.

It is my view, that, the requirement for the applicant to file a copy of his Notice and Grounds of Appeal together with an application of this nature, is to enable this court to make a proper assessment of the applicant's prospects of success on appeal.

Having considered the papers before me, which included the reasoned judgment of the court a quo as well as the applicant's affidavits, I find myself in full agreement with the judge's reasoning and determination.

I find, more to the point, that, the applicant did not place before the court a quo, nor before me, any evidence to show that there was, in his application, the type of urgency that would have merited a hearing on an urgent basis.

In other words, he failed to show, that, at the time the need to act arose, the matter could not wait.

I would therefore have dismissed the application to hear the matter on an urgent basis, in the same manner that the court a quo did, and for the same reasons.

As already indicated, I proceeded to do the same in casu.

The applicant properly filed a copy of his notice and grounds of appeal. A synopsis of his grounds of appeal shows that he intends to premise his appeal on two main grounds, both essentially factual:

(i) Firstly, the applicant seems to argue that the court a quo improperly interposed and considered together, two cases that had different HC numbers and were therefore unrelated.

This was in reference to the fact, that, the urgent chamber application was given the number HC4997/13 while the chamber application for leave to appeal was given the number 5794/13.

A perusal of the latter shows that both numbers are, properly, in my view, endorsed on the right hand corner of the document entitled “Chamber Application for Leave to Appeal” clearly showing that the two cases were related.

Apart from this ground of appeal, indicating what seems to me to be a mis-appreciation, by the applicant, of the HC numbering system and its implications in related cases, it is evident that the issue has no bearing on the merits of whether or not the case merited an urgent hearing a quo.

I find, therefore, that, there is little, if any, prospect of success on appeal based on this ground.

The applicant alleges, in his other main ground of appeal, that, there was evidence on record to show, that, contrary to the finding by the court a quo, he had in fact timeously made the effort to clear his name over the period stretching from 2003.

I have already associated myself with the reasoning of the judge a quo and his assessment of the evidence that led to the decision that he reached on this point and will therefore not repeat my reasons for doing so.

This ground of appeal, in my view, lacks merit and carries with it no prospects of success on appeal.

It was for these reasons that I dismissed the application, on the papers, and with no order as to costs.

It should be noted, however, that, the dispute between the applicant and the respondent is still pending before the High Court. It will take its place in the “queue” of ordinary court applications and be set down for hearing when its turn comes.

It occurs to me, that, by pursuing the course of action that he has in casu, the applicant might possibly have delayed, or may delay progress in the finalization of the matter.

Appeal, Leave to Appeal, Leave to Execute Pending Appeal re: Grounds of Appeal and Notice of Appeal iro Approach

In chambers in terms of Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules.

This is an application filed in terms of Rule 31(2) of the Supreme Court Rules.

On 9 of December 2013, and upon reading documents filed of record, I dismissed the application with no order as to costs. No opposing papers were filed by the respondent.

The applicant has requested that I furnish him with reasons for the judgment, and these are provided herein.

The applicant filed an application in the High Court, on a certificate of urgency. The court a quo, on 26 June 2013, issued the following decision:

“There is no urgency in this matter warranting this matter to be allowed to jump the queue. The applicant has had all the time in the world to take the initiative to clear his name. I decline to treat this matter as urgent.”

Upon a request from the applicant, the court a quo provided written reasons for the decision not to hear the matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo, in this respect, relied on the case of Kuvarega v Registrar-General and Anor 1998 (1) ZLR 188 (H)…, in which the following principle was set out:

“What constitutes urgency is not only the imminent arrival of the day of reckoning: a matter is urgent, if, at the time the need to act arises, the matter cannot wait. Urgency which stems from a deliberate or careless abstention from action until the deadline draws near is not the type of urgency contemplated by the rules.”

The learned Judge's assessment of the evidence before him indicated, that, the genesis of the applicant's problems with the respondent dated back to 2003, spilled over to 2007, and then to 2009 and thereafter.

The Judge found, that, the applicant had been fully aware of the conduct of the respondent towards him and that he had always had the opportunity to take the initiative to clear his name. He had chosen not to do so and had only rushed to court, on an urgent basis, on 24 June 2013.

The court concluded, that, the applicant's conduct, in this respect, was not what the whole concept of urgent applications contemplated.

The applicant, on 16 September 2013, then sought the leave of the court a quo to appeal to this court against the decision declining to hear his matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo having dismissed that application, the applicant then filed the present application before me.

It is essentially an application where the applicant is seeking my leave to appeal to this court, against the decision of the judge a quo that his matter before that court was not urgent.

To properly determine this matter, I consider it pertinent to consider two main issues. These are:

(i) Firstly, the reasoning of the court a quo which led to the decision that it reached: and

(ii) Secondly, the question of whether or not the intended appeal has any prospects of success.

It is my view, that, the requirement for the applicant to file a copy of his Notice and Grounds of Appeal together with an application of this nature, is to enable this court to make a proper assessment of the applicant's prospects of success on appeal.

Having considered the papers before me, which included the reasoned judgment of the court a quo as well as the applicant's affidavits, I find myself in full agreement with the judge's reasoning and determination.

I find, more to the point, that, the applicant did not place before the court a quo, nor before me, any evidence to show that there was, in his application, the type of urgency that would have merited a hearing on an urgent basis.

In other words, he failed to show, that, at the time the need to act arose, the matter could not wait.

I would therefore have dismissed the application to hear the matter on an urgent basis, in the same manner that the court a quo did, and for the same reasons.

As already indicated, I proceeded to do the same in casu.

The applicant properly filed a copy of his notice and grounds of appeal. A synopsis of his grounds of appeal shows that he intends to premise his appeal on two main grounds, both essentially factual:

(i) Firstly, the applicant seems to argue that the court a quo improperly interposed and considered together, two cases that had different HC numbers and were therefore unrelated.

This was in reference to the fact, that, the urgent chamber application was given the number HC4997/13 while the chamber application for leave to appeal was given the number 5794/13.

A perusal of the latter shows that both numbers are, properly, in my view, endorsed on the right hand corner of the document entitled “Chamber Application for Leave to Appeal” clearly showing that the two cases were related.

Apart from this ground of appeal, indicating what seems to me to be a mis-appreciation, by the applicant, of the HC numbering system and its implications in related cases, it is evident that the issue has no bearing on the merits of whether or not the case merited an urgent hearing a quo.

I find, therefore, that, there is little, if any, prospect of success on appeal based on this ground.

The applicant alleges, in his other main ground of appeal, that, there was evidence on record to show, that, contrary to the finding by the court a quo, he had in fact timeously made the effort to clear his name over the period stretching from 2003.

I have already associated myself with the reasoning of the judge a quo and his assessment of the evidence that led to the decision that he reached on this point and will therefore not repeat my reasons for doing so.

This ground of appeal, in my view, lacks merit and carries with it no prospects of success on appeal.

It was for these reasons that I dismissed the application, on the papers, and with no order as to costs.

It should be noted, however, that, the dispute between the applicant and the respondent is still pending before the High Court. It will take its place in the “queue” of ordinary court applications and be set down for hearing when its turn comes.

It occurs to me, that, by pursuing the course of action that he has in casu, the applicant might possibly have delayed, or may delay progress in the finalization of the matter.

Appeal re: Findings of Fact or Exercise of Discretion Made by Lower Court and Non Sequitur Reasoning iro Approach

In chambers in terms of Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules.

This is an application filed in terms of Rule 31(2) of the Supreme Court Rules.

On 9 of December 2013, and upon reading documents filed of record, I dismissed the application with no order as to costs. No opposing papers were filed by the respondent.

The applicant has requested that I furnish him with reasons for the judgment, and these are provided herein.

The applicant filed an application in the High Court, on a certificate of urgency. The court a quo, on 26 June 2013, issued the following decision:

“There is no urgency in this matter warranting this matter to be allowed to jump the queue. The applicant has had all the time in the world to take the initiative to clear his name. I decline to treat this matter as urgent.”

Upon a request from the applicant, the court a quo provided written reasons for the decision not to hear the matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo, in this respect, relied on the case of Kuvarega v Registrar-General and Anor 1998 (1) ZLR 188 (H)…, in which the following principle was set out:

“What constitutes urgency is not only the imminent arrival of the day of reckoning: a matter is urgent, if, at the time the need to act arises, the matter cannot wait. Urgency which stems from a deliberate or careless abstention from action until the deadline draws near is not the type of urgency contemplated by the rules.”

The learned Judge's assessment of the evidence before him indicated, that, the genesis of the applicant's problems with the respondent dated back to 2003, spilled over to 2007, and then to 2009 and thereafter.

The Judge found, that, the applicant had been fully aware of the conduct of the respondent towards him and that he had always had the opportunity to take the initiative to clear his name. He had chosen not to do so and had only rushed to court, on an urgent basis, on 24 June 2013.

The court concluded, that, the applicant's conduct, in this respect, was not what the whole concept of urgent applications contemplated.

The applicant, on 16 September 2013, then sought the leave of the court a quo to appeal to this court against the decision declining to hear his matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo having dismissed that application, the applicant then filed the present application before me.

It is essentially an application where the applicant is seeking my leave to appeal to this court, against the decision of the judge a quo that his matter before that court was not urgent.

To properly determine this matter, I consider it pertinent to consider two main issues. These are:

(i) Firstly, the reasoning of the court a quo which led to the decision that it reached: and

(ii) Secondly, the question of whether or not the intended appeal has any prospects of success.

It is my view, that, the requirement for the applicant to file a copy of his Notice and Grounds of Appeal together with an application of this nature, is to enable this court to make a proper assessment of the applicant's prospects of success on appeal.

Having considered the papers before me, which included the reasoned judgment of the court a quo as well as the applicant's affidavits, I find myself in full agreement with the judge's reasoning and determination.

I find, more to the point, that, the applicant did not place before the court a quo, nor before me, any evidence to show that there was, in his application, the type of urgency that would have merited a hearing on an urgent basis.

In other words, he failed to show, that, at the time the need to act arose, the matter could not wait.

I would therefore have dismissed the application to hear the matter on an urgent basis, in the same manner that the court a quo did, and for the same reasons.

As already indicated, I proceeded to do the same in casu.

The applicant properly filed a copy of his notice and grounds of appeal. A synopsis of his grounds of appeal shows that he intends to premise his appeal on two main grounds, both essentially factual:

(i) Firstly, the applicant seems to argue that the court a quo improperly interposed and considered together, two cases that had different HC numbers and were therefore unrelated.

This was in reference to the fact, that, the urgent chamber application was given the number HC4997/13 while the chamber application for leave to appeal was given the number 5794/13.

A perusal of the latter shows that both numbers are, properly, in my view, endorsed on the right hand corner of the document entitled “Chamber Application for Leave to Appeal” clearly showing that the two cases were related.

Apart from this ground of appeal, indicating what seems to me to be a mis-appreciation, by the applicant, of the HC numbering system and its implications in related cases, it is evident that the issue has no bearing on the merits of whether or not the case merited an urgent hearing a quo.

I find, therefore, that, there is little, if any, prospect of success on appeal based on this ground.

The applicant alleges, in his other main ground of appeal, that, there was evidence on record to show, that, contrary to the finding by the court a quo, he had in fact timeously made the effort to clear his name over the period stretching from 2003.

I have already associated myself with the reasoning of the judge a quo and his assessment of the evidence that led to the decision that he reached on this point and will therefore not repeat my reasons for doing so.

This ground of appeal, in my view, lacks merit and carries with it no prospects of success on appeal.

It was for these reasons that I dismissed the application, on the papers, and with no order as to costs.

It should be noted, however, that, the dispute between the applicant and the respondent is still pending before the High Court. It will take its place in the “queue” of ordinary court applications and be set down for hearing when its turn comes.

It occurs to me, that, by pursuing the course of action that he has in casu, the applicant might possibly have delayed, or may delay progress in the finalization of the matter.

Jurisdiction re: Judicial Deference iro Assessment of Prospects on Appeal, Review or Main Proceedings

In chambers in terms of Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules.

This is an application filed in terms of Rule 31(2) of the Supreme Court Rules.

On 9 of December 2013, and upon reading documents filed of record, I dismissed the application with no order as to costs. No opposing papers were filed by the respondent.

The applicant has requested that I furnish him with reasons for the judgment, and these are provided herein.

The applicant filed an application in the High Court, on a certificate of urgency. The court a quo, on 26 June 2013, issued the following decision:

“There is no urgency in this matter warranting this matter to be allowed to jump the queue. The applicant has had all the time in the world to take the initiative to clear his name. I decline to treat this matter as urgent.”

Upon a request from the applicant, the court a quo provided written reasons for the decision not to hear the matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo, in this respect, relied on the case of Kuvarega v Registrar-General and Anor 1998 (1) ZLR 188 (H)…, in which the following principle was set out:

“What constitutes urgency is not only the imminent arrival of the day of reckoning: a matter is urgent, if, at the time the need to act arises, the matter cannot wait. Urgency which stems from a deliberate or careless abstention from action until the deadline draws near is not the type of urgency contemplated by the rules.”

The learned Judge's assessment of the evidence before him indicated, that, the genesis of the applicant's problems with the respondent dated back to 2003, spilled over to 2007, and then to 2009 and thereafter.

The Judge found, that, the applicant had been fully aware of the conduct of the respondent towards him and that he had always had the opportunity to take the initiative to clear his name. He had chosen not to do so and had only rushed to court, on an urgent basis, on 24 June 2013.

The court concluded, that, the applicant's conduct, in this respect, was not what the whole concept of urgent applications contemplated.

The applicant, on 16 September 2013, then sought the leave of the court a quo to appeal to this court against the decision declining to hear his matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo having dismissed that application, the applicant then filed the present application before me.

It is essentially an application where the applicant is seeking my leave to appeal to this court, against the decision of the judge a quo that his matter before that court was not urgent.

To properly determine this matter, I consider it pertinent to consider two main issues. These are:

(i) Firstly, the reasoning of the court a quo which led to the decision that it reached: and

(ii) Secondly, the question of whether or not the intended appeal has any prospects of success.

It is my view, that, the requirement for the applicant to file a copy of his Notice and Grounds of Appeal together with an application of this nature, is to enable this court to make a proper assessment of the applicant's prospects of success on appeal.

Having considered the papers before me, which included the reasoned judgment of the court a quo as well as the applicant's affidavits, I find myself in full agreement with the judge's reasoning and determination.

I find, more to the point, that, the applicant did not place before the court a quo, nor before me, any evidence to show that there was, in his application, the type of urgency that would have merited a hearing on an urgent basis.

In other words, he failed to show, that, at the time the need to act arose, the matter could not wait.

I would therefore have dismissed the application to hear the matter on an urgent basis, in the same manner that the court a quo did, and for the same reasons.

As already indicated, I proceeded to do the same in casu.

The applicant properly filed a copy of his notice and grounds of appeal. A synopsis of his grounds of appeal shows that he intends to premise his appeal on two main grounds, both essentially factual:

(i) Firstly, the applicant seems to argue that the court a quo improperly interposed and considered together, two cases that had different HC numbers and were therefore unrelated.

This was in reference to the fact, that, the urgent chamber application was given the number HC4997/13 while the chamber application for leave to appeal was given the number 5794/13.

A perusal of the latter shows that both numbers are, properly, in my view, endorsed on the right hand corner of the document entitled “Chamber Application for Leave to Appeal” clearly showing that the two cases were related.

Apart from this ground of appeal, indicating what seems to me to be a mis-appreciation, by the applicant, of the HC numbering system and its implications in related cases, it is evident that the issue has no bearing on the merits of whether or not the case merited an urgent hearing a quo.

I find, therefore, that, there is little, if any, prospect of success on appeal based on this ground.

The applicant alleges, in his other main ground of appeal, that, there was evidence on record to show, that, contrary to the finding by the court a quo, he had in fact timeously made the effort to clear his name over the period stretching from 2003.

I have already associated myself with the reasoning of the judge a quo and his assessment of the evidence that led to the decision that he reached on this point and will therefore not repeat my reasons for doing so.

This ground of appeal, in my view, lacks merit and carries with it no prospects of success on appeal.

It was for these reasons that I dismissed the application, on the papers, and with no order as to costs.

It should be noted, however, that, the dispute between the applicant and the respondent is still pending before the High Court. It will take its place in the “queue” of ordinary court applications and be set down for hearing when its turn comes.

It occurs to me, that, by pursuing the course of action that he has in casu, the applicant might possibly have delayed, or may delay progress in the finalization of the matter.

Before: GWAUNZA JA, in chambers in terms of Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Rules.

This is an application filed in terms of Rule 31(2) of the Supreme Court Rules.

On the 9 of December 2013, and upon reading documents filed of record, I dismissed the application with no order as to costs. No opposing papers were filed by the respondent. The applicant has requested that I furnish him with reasons for the judgment, and these are provided herein.

The applicant filed an application in the High Court, on a certificate of urgency. The court a quo, on 26 June, 2013 issued the following decision;

There is no urgency in this matter warranting this matter to be allowed to jump the queue. The applicant has had all the time in the world to take the initiative to clear his name. I decline to treat this matter as urgent.”

Upon a request from the applicant, the court a quo provided written reasons for the decision not to hear the matter on an urgent basis. The court a quo in this respect relied on the case of Kuvarega vs Registrar-General and Anor (1998 (1) ZLR 188 (H)) at 193F-G in which the following principle was set out:

What constitutes urgency is not only the imminent arrival of the day of reckoning, a matter is urgent if at the time the need to act arises, the matter cannot wait. Urgency which stems from a deliberate or careless abstention from action until the deadline draws near is not the type of urgency contemplated by the rules.”

The learned Judge's assessment of the evidence before him indicated that the genesis of the applicant's problems with the respondent dated back to 2003, spilled over to 2007 and then to 2009 and thereafter.

The Judge found that the applicant had been fully aware of the conduct of the respondent towards him and that he had always had the opportunity to take the initiative to clear his name. He had chosen not to do so and had only rushed to court on an urgent basis on 24 June 2013. The court concluded that the applicant's conduct in this respect was not what the whole concept of urgent applications contemplated.

The applicant on 16 September 2013 then sought the leave of the court a quo to appeal to this court against the decision declining to hear his matter on an urgent basis.

The court a quo having dismissed that application, the applicant then filed the present application before me.

It is essentially an application where the applicant is seeking my leave to appeal to this court, against the decision of the judge a quo that his matter before that court was not urgent.

To properly determine this matter, I consider it pertinent to consider two main issues. These are: (i) firstly, the reasoning of the court a quo, which led to the decision that it reached: and

(ii) secondly, the question of whether or not the intended appeal has any prospects of success.

It is my view that the requirement for the applicant to file a copy of his Notice and Grounds of appeal together with an application of this nature, is to enable this court to make a proper assessment of the applicant's prospects of success on appeal.

Having considered the papers before me, which included the reasoned judgment of the court a quo as well as the applicant's affidavits, I find myself in full agreement with the judge's reasoning and determination.

I find, more to the point, that the applicant did not place before the court a quo, nor before me, any evidence to show that there was, in his application, the type of urgency that would have merited a hearing on an urgent basis.

In other words he failed to show that at the time the need to act arose, the matter could not wait.

I would therefore have dismissed the application to hear the matter on an urgent basis, in the same manner that the court a quo did, and for the same reasons.

As already indicated, I proceeded to do the same in casu.

The applicant properly filed a copy of his notice and grounds of appeal. A synopsis of his grounds of appeal shows that he intends to premise his appeal on two main grounds, both essentially factual:

(i) Firstly the applicant seems to argue that the court a quo improperly interposed and considered together, two cases that had different HC numbers and were therefore unrelated.

This was in reference to the fact that the urgent chamber application was given the number HC4997/13 while the chamber application for leave to appeal was given the number 5794/13.

A perusal of the latter shows that both numbers are, properly in my view, endorsed on the right hand corner of the document entitled “Chamber application for Leave to Appeal”, clearly showing that the two cases were related.

Apart from this ground of appeal indicating what seems to me to be a misappreciation by the applicant, of the HC numbering system and its implications in related cases, it is evident that the issue has no bearing on the merits of whether or not the case merited an urgent hearing a quo.

I find therefore that there is little, if any, prospect of success on appeal based on this ground.

The applicant alleges in his other main ground of appeal that there was evidence on record to show that, contrary to the finding by the court a quo, he had in fact timeously made the effort to clear his name over the period stretching from 2003.

I have already associated myself with the reasoning of the judge a quo and his assessment of the evidence that led to the decision that he reached on this point and will therefore not repeat my reasons for doing so.

This ground of appeal in my view lacks merit and carries with it no prospects of success on appeal.

It was for these reasons that I dismissed the application, on the papers and with no order as to costs.

It should be noted however, that the dispute between the applicant and the respondent is still pending before the High Court. It will take its place in the “queue” of ordinary court applications, and be set down for hearing when its turn comes.

It occurs to me that by pursuing the course of action that he has in casu, the applicant might possibly have delayed or may delay, progress in the finalization of the matter.

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