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Procedural Law-viz declaratory order.

Procedural Law-viz urgent chamber application re declaratur.
Procedural Law-viz leave to execute a provisional order for want of prosecution of an application of rescission of judgment.
Procedural Law-viz leave to execute an interim interdict for want of prosecution of an application for rescission of judgment.
Procedural Law-viz stay of execution re directions of the court pursuant to a granting of a stay of execution.
Procedural Law-viz principle of finality in litigation.

Final Orders re: Principle of Finality to Litigation iro Dismissal of a Matter For Want of Prosecution ito Approach

The applicants seeks a declaratory order in this matter in the following terms..., -

1. That it be and is hereby declared that the stay of execution of Honourable Mr. Justice KARWI's provisional order under case number HC6541/09 obtained by the third respondent as the applicant under case number HC128/2010 (HH16-10) has lapsed for want of prosecution of an application for rescission of judgment within the time limits ordered and directed by Honourable Justice KARWI under case number HC128/2010 (HH16-10).

2. That it be and is hereby ordered that the applicants are authorized and empowered forthwith to attend to the execution and implementation of the interim relief as provided for under case number HC6541/09.

3. It be and is hereby ordered that any purported noting of an appeal against this order shall not have the effect of staying or suspending the execution of the interim relief granted under HC6541/09.

4. That the third respondent, in the event of opposition, pay the costs of this application.

The relief sought is opposed by the third respondent.

There was no appearance on behalf of the first, second, and fourth respondents respectively.

The first respondent filed a document stating that the first respondent will abide by the decision of the court.

The factual background relevant, and of essence, to the determination of this matter, and which is not in dispute, is as follows:

In proceedings in case number HC6541/09, the present applicants filed an urgent chamber application in which they sought, and were granted, a provisional order of spoliation against the present third respondent on 5 January 2010...,. The present third respondent then filed an urgent chamber application in proceedings filed under case number HC128/10 seeking a stay of the spoliation order granted by KARWI J. This court, having considered the application, issued a judgment and granted interim relief..., on 26 January 2010 as follows -


Pending the determination of this matter, the applicant is granted the following relief:

(a) The operation of, and execution of the default order handed down by KARWI J in case number HC6541/09 be and is hereby stayed.

(b) The applicant shall file his application for rescission of judgment granted in case number HC6541/09 within seven days of the granting of this order.”

It is clear from the interim order issued by MUSAKWA J that he granted the present third respondent a stay of execution. The third respondent was directed to file an application for rescission within a period of seven days of the date of the grant of the order – which was 26 January 2010.

The third respondent submitted that in proceedings under case number 128/10 he filed an application for rescission. The final order sought in those papers was one of rescission of the interim order granted in default by KARWI J.

A perusal of the papers filed under case number HC128/10 confirms this position.

The relief sought by the present applicants is misplaced given the presence of an application for rescission which is pending.

The complaint by the present applicants is understandable. It should not have taken more than fourteen days for the present respondent to have enrolled this matter on the opposed roll for hearing on notice to the present applicants.

That was not done.

Under the circumstances, the relief sought cannot be granted.

In order that this matter is finalised, it is proposed to grant the following directions -

1. The papers filed under case number HC128/10 shall stand as the application for rescission.

2. The present applicants shall, within seven days of the date of this order, file their opposing papers.

3. The parties shall file their heads of argument within the time limits as stipulated within the High Court Rules, and obtain a date of set down for the hearing of the application for rescission on the opposed roll.

4. Costs shall be costs in the cause.

Cause of Action and Draft Orders re: Appearance to Defend iro Effect of Non-Appearance

There was no appearance on behalf of the first, second, and fourth respondents respectively.

The first respondent filed a document stating that the first respondent will abide by the decision of the court.

OMERJEE J:  The applicants seek a declaratory order in this matter in the following terms as appears at p 53 of the record as follows:


  1. That it be and is hereby declared that the stay of execution of Honourable Mr Justice T KARWI's provisional order under case number HC 6541/09 obtained by the third respondent as the applicant under case number HC 128/2010 (HH 16-2010) has lapsed for want of prosecution of an application for rescission of judgment within the time limits ordered and directed by Honourable Justice MUSAKWA under case number HC 128/2010 (HH 16-2010).


  1. That it be and is hereby ordered that the applicants are authorized and empowered forthwith to attend to the execution and implementation of the interim relief as provided for under case number HC 6541/09.


  1. It be and is hereby ordered that any purported noting of an appeal against this order shall not have the effect of staying or suspending the execution of the interim relief granted under HC 6541/09.


  1. That the third respondent, in the event of opposition, pay the costs of this application.


The relief sought is opposed by the third respondent. There was no appearance on behalf of the first, second and fourth respondents respectively. The first respondent filed a document stating that the first respondent will abide by the decision of the court.

The factual background relevant and of essence to the determination of this matter and which is not in dispute is as follows:

In proceedings in case number HC 6541/09 the present applicants filed an urgent chamber application in which they sought and were granted a provisional order of spoliation, against the present third respondent on 5 January 2010.  (Pages 33 – 35 inclusive of the record refer). The present third respondent then filed an urgent chamber application in proceedings filed under case number HC 128/10 seeking a stay of the spoliation order granted by KARWI J  This court having considered the application issued a judgment and granted interim relief (as appears at p 42 of the record) on 26 January 2010 as follows:



Pending the determination of this matter, the applicant is granted the following relief:


(a)    The operation of and execution of the default order handed down KARWI J in case number HC 6541/09 be and is hereby stayed.

(b)   The applicant shall file his application for rescission of judgment granted in case number HC 6541/09 within seven days of the granting of this order.


It is clear from the interim order issued by MUSAKWA J that he granted the present third respondent, a stay of execution.

The third respondent was directed to file an application for rescission within a period of seven days of the date of the grant of the order which was 26 January 2010.

The third respondent submitted that in proceedings under case number 128/10 he had filed an application for rescission.  The final order sought in those papers, was one of rescission of the interim order granted in default by KARWI J. A perusal of the papers filed under case number HC 128/10 confirms this to be the position.

The relief sought by the present applicants is misplaced, given the presence of an application for rescission which is pending.  The complaint by the present applicants is understandable. It should not have taken more than fourteen days for the present respondent to have enrolled this matter on the opposed roll for hearing on notice to the present applicants. That was not done.

Under the circumstances the relief sought cannot be granted. In order that this matter is finalised, it is proposed to grant the following directions:-


1.                  The papers filed under case number HC 128/10 shall stand as the application for rescission.

2.                  The present applicants shall within seven days of the date of this order file their opposing papers.

3.                  The parties shall file their heads of argument within the time limits as stipulated within the High Court Rules and obtain a date of set down for the hearing of the application for rescission on the opposed roll.

4.                  Costs shall be costs in the cause.




Gallop & Blank, applicants' legal practitioners

G.N. Mlotshwa, and Co, 3rd respondent's legal practitioners
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