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Procedural Law-viz citation re party acting in an official capacity iro nominus officiae.
Procedural Law-viz citation re party acting in an official capacity iro nominee officii.
Procedural Law-viz citation re party acting in an official capacity iro non-officio.
Procedural Law-viz citation re party acting in an official capacity iro nomine officio.
Procedural Law-viz urgent court application.
Procedural Law-viz consolidation of matters.
Procedural Law-viz joinder of actions.
Procedural Law-viz citation re joinder.
Constitutional Law-viz Parliament re Constitutional amendment.
Procedural Law-viz rules of construction re time limits.
Procedural Law-viz rules of interpretation re effect of repealed legislation.
Procedural Law-viz rules of construction re ex post facto laws.
Procedural Law-viz declaratory order re consequential relief.
Procedural Law-viz declaratur re consequential relief.
Constitutional Law-viz constitutional appointment re tenure iro section 186 of the Constitution.
Labour Law-viz contract of employment re termination iro retirement.
Constitutional Law-viz constitutional rights re equal protection of the law iro section 56 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz rules of interpretation re retrospective construction of statutes.
Procedural Law-viz pleadings re abandoned pleadings.
Procedural Law-viz pleadings re amendment of pleadings.
Procedural Law-viz pleadings re amendment to pleadings.
Procedural Law-viz cause of action re legal basis for invoking the jurisdiction of the court.
Procedural Law-viz cause of action re proceedings involving judges.
Procedural Law-viz cause of action re failure to file opposing papers iro presumption of election to abide by the decision of the court.
Procedural Law-viz citation re multiple litigants.
Procedural Law-viz directions of the court.
Procedural Law-viz judicial directives.
Constitutional Law-viz constitutional rights re access to courts iro section 69 of the Constitution.
Constitutional Law-viz constitutionality of statutory provisions re Constitutional provisions iro section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.
Procedural Law-viz recusal re judicial bias iro conflict of interest.
Procedural Law-viz final orders re entitlement of litigating parties to written reasons for judgment iro interlocutory proceedings.
Procedural Law-viz ex tempore judgement re entitlement of litigants to written reasons for judgement iro interim proceedings.
Procedural Law-viz jurisdiction re hierachy of the courts.
Procedural Law-viz recusal re institutional bias.
Procedural Law-viz recusal re the presumption of impartiality.
Procedural Law-viz urgent court application re urgency iro constitutional proceedings.
Procedural Law-viz jurisdiction re cause of action jurisdiction.
Procedural Law-viz declaratory order re section 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06].
Procedural Law-viz declaratur re section 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06].
Procedural Law-viz cause of action re legal basis for invoking the jurisdiction of the court.
Procedural Law-viz declaratory order re consequential relief iro section 167 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz declaratur re consequential relief iro section 167 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz cause of action re form of proceedings iro application proceedings.
Procedural Law-viz nature of proceedings re motion proceedings iro Form 29.
Procedural Law-viz manner of proceedings re application procedure iro Rule 230 of the High Court Rules.
Procedural Law-viz condonation re the pleading of form over substance.
Procedural Law-viz condonation re the doctrine of substantial compliance.
Procedural Law-viz form of proceedings re application proceedings iro Rule 232 of the High Court Rules.
Procedural Law-viz cause of action re filing of opposition papers iro Rule 230 of the High Court Rules.
Procedural Law-viz cause of action re points in limine iro section 85 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz final orders re procedural irregularities iro discretion of the court to condone.
Procedural Law-viz procedural irregularities re discretion of the court to condone iro section 85 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz condonation re the pleading of form over substance iro section 85 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz cause of action re proceedings involving judges iro Rule 18 of the High Court Rules.
Procedural Law-viz locus standi re constitutional proceedings iro section 85 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz citation re joinder iro misjoinder.
Procedural Law-viz locus standi re factual averments ordinarily available to another party.
Procedural Law-viz citation re joinder iro Rule 87 of the High Court Rules.
Procedural Law-viz citation re joinder iro non-joinder.
Constitutional Law-viz the doctrine of separation of powers.
Procedural Law-viz review re actions taken under Executive prerogative.
Constitutional Law-viz constitutional application re protection of constitutional rights iro section 85 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz final orders re brutum fulmen judgment iro the doctrine of effectiveness.
Procedural Law-viz final orders re brutum fulmen judgement iro the doctrine of mootness.
Procedural Law-viz final orders re relief conflicting with prima facie lawful conduct.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re documentary evidence.
Procedural Law-viz affidavits re founding affidavit iro deponent.
Procedural Law-viz locus standi re authority to institute legal proceedings.
Agency Law-viz acting on behalf of another re institutional resolutions.
Procedural Law-viz cause of action re joinder proceedings.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re findings of fact iro the doctrine of estoppel.
Procedural Law-viz findings of fact re assessment of evidence iro the doctrine of estoppel.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re onus iro burden of proof.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re onus iro standard of proof.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re onus iro the principle that he who alleges must prove.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re onus iro the rule that he who avers must prove.
Legal Practitioners-viz right of audience before the court re State functionaries.
Procedural Law-viz affidavits re commissioning.
Procedural Law-viz condonation re pleading of form over substance.
Constitutional Law-viz constitutional appointments re tenure of office iro section 186 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz rules of construction re notwithstanding clause.
Procedural Law-viz rules of interpretation re non obstante provision.
Constitutional Law-viz constitutional appointees re tenure of office iro section 328 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz rules of construction re the reckoning of time iro section 328 of the Constitution.
Constitutional Law-viz Parliament re Constitutional amendments iro section 328 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz rules of interpretation re conflicting statutory provisions.
Procedural Law-viz rules of interpretation re constitutional provisions.
Procedural Law-viz rules of construction re purposive interpretation.
Procedural Law-viz rules of interpretation re contextual construction.
Procedural Law-viz rules of construction re Constitutional provision iro section 46 of the Constitution.
Constitutional Law-viz constitutionality of statutory provisions re section 2 of the Constitution.
Constitutional Law-viz Parliament re the rule of law iro section 3 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz rules of interpretation re Constitutional provisions iro section 331 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz rules of construction re statutory definition of terms.
Procedural Law-viz rules of interpretation re the mischief rule.
Administrative Law-viz the presumption of validity of documents issued in the course of duty re the doctrine of legality.
Labour Law-viz contract of employment re acting capacity.
Constitutional Law-viz constitutional rights re equal protection of the law iro section 56 of the Constitution.
Constitutional Law-viz constitutional rights re access to the courts iro section 69 of the Constitution.
Constitutional Law-viz separation of powers re section 3 of the Constitution.
Constitutional Law-viz powers of Parliament to legislate re the rule of law iro section 3 of the Constitution.
Constitutional Law-viz legislative powers of Parliament re the rule of law iro section 3 of the Constitution.
Procedural Law-viz costs re constitutional proceedings.
Procedural Law-viz costs re public interest litigation.
Procedural Law-viz costs re no order as to costs.
Procedural Law-viz costs re no costs order.
Procedural Law-viz rules of construction re statutory provisions iro prohibitions.
Procedural Law-viz rules of interpretation re statutory provisions iro prohibition.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re findings of fact iro concessions between counsel.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re findings of fact iro agreements between counsel.
Procedural Law-viz evidence on oath re sworn affidavit iro submissions from the Bar.
Procedural Law-viz evidence of oath re sworn affidavit iro evidence from the Bar.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re evidence on oath iro sworn affidavit.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re evidence of oath iro sworn affidavit.

Court Management re: Consolidation of Matters, Joinder of Actions, Fragmantation of Disputes and the Consolidation Order

This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Court Management re: Approach, Case Management, Postponement of Proceedings and Judicial Directives of the Court


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent....,.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

Pleadings re: Abandoned Pleadings


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly....,.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC)....,.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Pleadings re: Amendment to Pleadings, Summons, Declaration and Draft Orders iro Approach


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

Judicial Declaratory Order or Declaratur re: Approach iro Rights, Facts, Consequential Relief & Disguised Review Actions


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration....,.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."...,.

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

Cause of Action and Draft Orders re: Approach, Timing, Framing and Legal Basis for Invoking Jurisdiction of the Court


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration....,.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."...,.

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

Cause of Action and Draft Orders re: Appearance to Defend iro Effect of Non-Appearance


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. 

Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

Court Management re: Approach, Case Management, Postponement of Proceedings and Judicial Directives of the Court


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. 

Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

Evidence of Oath, Evidence Derived from Previous, Concurrent or Criminal Litigation, Perjury & Submissions from the Bar


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. 

Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

Cause of Action re: Mutually Exclusive Claims, Alternative Pleas & Formulation of Essential Elements of Each Claim

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."...,.

The applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Final Orders re: Approach iro Entitlement of Parties to Written Reasons for Judgment ito Interlocutory Judgments

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections. The first issue pertained to the recusation of the judges sitting in this matter.

We dismissed the application and advised that the full reasons would be contained in the final judgment. Brief reasons were given in the ex tempore judgment that we delivered on 15 May 2021.

Constitutional Appointments, Body Established by Constitution, Administrative Powers, Corporate Status, Tenure and Misconduct


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

Before dealing with the substance of the matter, it is important to advert to two issues. These issues arise from the submissions made on behalf of the respondents by the legal practitioners representing them as well as from the affidavit of the Attorney-General:

(i) The first one is the suggestion that judges are employees of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the nineteenth (19th) respondent in HC2128/21 and first (1st) respondent in HC2166/21.

That is a mis-apprehension of the Constitutional position.

Judges are not employees but are Constitutional appointees. They are appointed by the President in terms of the Constitution.

Employment Contract re: Approach iro Public Office


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

Before dealing with the substance of the matter, it is important to advert to two issues. These issues arise from the submissions made on behalf of the respondents by the legal practitioners representing them as well as from the affidavit of the Attorney-General:

(i) The first one is the suggestion that judges are employees of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the nineteenth (19th) respondent in HC2128/21 and first (1st) respondent in HC2166/21.

That is a misapprehension of the Constitutional position.

Judges are not employees but are Constitutional appointees. They are appointed by the President in terms of the Constitution....,.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

Jurisdiction re: Approach iro Judicial Hierarchy and Court of Record


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

Before dealing with the substance of the matter, it is important to advert to two issues. These issues arise from the submissions made on behalf of the respondents by the legal practitioners representing them as well as from the affidavit of the Attorney-General:


(ii) The second point is the reference to the High Court as an inferior court.

That, too, is a misapprehension.

The High Court, under both the old Constitutions and the current Constitution, is a superior court.

These are fundamentals that the court expects every legal practitioner to be aware of, hence the need to highlight them herein.

Court Management re: Approach, Case Management, Postponement of Proceedings and Judicial Directives of the Court

The suggestion that the panel of judges was biased because they truncated the deadline for filing papers is unsound. The dates were discussed and agreed upon, having regard to the basis of the urgency, which was that the second respondent was turning 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The court has inherent power to control its processes and procedures.

Rules of Court re: Autonomy of a Court over its own Rules and the Judicial Interference with Rules of Other Courts

The suggestion that the panel of judges was biased because they truncated the deadline for filing papers is unsound. The dates were discussed and agreed upon, having regard to the basis of the urgency, which was that the second respondent was turning 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The court has inherent power to control its processes and procedures.

Recusal re: Approach, Presumption of Judicial Impartiality, Nemo Judex in Sua Causa and the Doctrine of Necessity


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:

The first issue pertained to the recusation of the judges sitting in this matter. We dismissed the application and advised that the full reasons would be contained in the final judgment. Brief reasons were given in the ex tempore judgment that we delivered on 15 May 2021....,.

Application for Recusal

The application on behalf of the 2nd to 19th respondents pertained only to ZHOU J.

As already noted, the 2nd to 18th respondents have not opposed the applications. The grounds advanced are that the judge is conflicted in that he was a Commissioner of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) for a period of six (6) years, and, secondly, that, he participated in the interviews for the selection of Constitutional Court judges which were held in September 2020.

There was also the submission, that, the entire High Court bench, or, alternatively, the judges who constitute the panel in casu would be biased.

An application for the recusal of a member of a court or tribunal, based on interest, has its foundations in the principle of natural justice known as nemo judex in sua causa. The test for bias is an objective one. The applicant must show a reasonable possibility of bias.

ln the case of Bernert v Absa Bank Ltd 2011 (3) SALR 92 the Constitutional Court of South Africa held, that, in the context of an allegation of judicial bias the "double requirement of reasonableness" must be satisfied, that both the person who apprehends bias and the apprehension itself must be reasonable.

When one considers that there is a presumption of impartiality, the need for genuine evidence or facts upon which the allegations of bias are founded is enjoined.

On the other hand, it is understood, that, an application for recusal of a judge necessarily places the party making it, particularly the legal practitioner, in an unenviable position. For this reason, courts must not be over-sensitive to such an application being made for their recusal as the rules of natural justice are an important feature of the right to a fair hearing.

ZHOU J, having left the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) in February 2020, a period of about 15 months has passed. The matters in this case do not arise from what happened up to mid-February 2020. Counsel for the second to nineteenth respondents referred to a resolution by which the deponent to the 19th respondent's (JSC) affidavit was authorized to act. He submitted that the resolution was made during the period prior to February 2020, and that some of the applicants had challenged the authority of the Secretary of the JSC.

The resolution speaks for itself, and no evidence outside it or pertaining to how it came into existence was debated in this case. The challenge pertained to whether the Secretary had been authorized by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to apply for its joinder and to defend the applications. No interest arising out of previous membership of the JSC has been shown which would suggest a reasonable possibility of bias.

The issue of the interviews for appointment to the Constitutional Court does not arise in this case. The provisions which are the subject matter of these applications introduce a new regime for appointment of sitting judges to the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court. No interest can be imputed arising out of the interviews which would have a bearing on the present applications.

The move for the recusation of the entire panel of judges was predicted upon two grounds as advanced by counsel for the first respondent and the Attorney General:

(i) The first ground was that the amendments which were introduced by section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 disadvantage High Court judges because their retirement age limit was not extended to 75 years.

The submission was that the High Court should not therefore hear the instant applications.

This startling submission, which was directed at all the High Court judges, including those who are not on this, panel, assumes that extension of working age to 75 years is a benefit.

That is a misapprehension not based on an interview of any of the High Court judges.

(ii) The additional ground was that the judges sitting in this matter were constituted by the Judge President who is a commissioner of the Judicial Service Commission, and would be conflicted.

The allocation of cases to judges is an administrative function which judges have no control over. The involvement of the office of the Judge President is purely in the discharge of his administrative function. The insinuation by counsel for the first respondent, that the judges may have been picked for some other improper purpose in this matter is not based on evidence, and is a reckless submission by a legal practitioner who is an officer of this court.

The suggestion that the panel of judges was biased because they truncated the deadline for filing papers is unsound. The dates were discussed and agreed upon, having regard to the basis of the urgency, which was that the second respondent was turning 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The court has inherent power to control its processes and procedures.

Secondly, the dates were established with the involvement and consent of those who instructed counsel for the first respondent. The directions issued in respect of the filing of papers could therefore not be evidence of bias or an interest in the matter as suggested.

For these reasons, we dismissed the application for recusal of the judges.

Findings of Fact re: Concessions or Agreements Between Counsel and the Abandonment of Concessions or Agreements


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.


The respondents revisited their objection that the matters were not urgent and consented to the matters being dealt with on an urgent basis. Accordingly, we relate to the matters on an urgent basis.

Jurisdiction re: Approach, Concurrent Jurisdiction, Statutory, Procedural and Contractual Jurisdictional Curtailment


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Jurisdiction of this Court

The objection to the jurisdiction of this court dealing with the matter was not argued notwithstanding the indication that it was being persisted with.

Counsel for the second to nineteenth respondents accepted that this court does have the jurisdiction to grant a declaratur in terms of section 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06].

He, however, made two points:

(i) The first one, namely, that, any order that this court makes remains not operational until it is confirmed by the Constitutional Court is incorrect. Only the orders referred to in section 175(1) of the Constitution become effective after confirmation by the Constitutional Court.

(ii) The second submission was that this court has no authority to appoint judges or decide on the hierarchy of the courts.

However, this application is not concerned with the appointment of judges or the setting of the hierarchy of the courts. These are matters which are contained in the Constitution.

Both points are, in any event, irrelevant to the issue of jurisdiction which had been raised.

The objections set out in paragraphs 17.1 and 17.2 of the opposing affidavit of the first respondent in HC2166/21 (Judicial Service Commission) were not persisted with in argument. These objections were that this court has no jurisdiction to grant consequential relief and that such consequential relief would be in violation of section 167(3) of the Constitution.

However, as has been pointed out above, notwithstanding that in the draft order being sought the relief is presented as if it is consequential relief what is being sought is in fact and substance a declaratur.

The raising of the point in limine, that, the court has no jurisdiction is misconceived. 

The objection is therefore dismissed.

Jurisdiction re: Monetary, Cause of Action, Domestic Territorial Jurisdiction and Change of Venue


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Jurisdiction of this Court

The objection to the jurisdiction of this court dealing with the matter was not argued notwithstanding the indication that it was being persisted with.

Counsel for the second to nineteenth respondents accepted that this court does have the jurisdiction to grant a declaratur in terms of section 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06].

He, however, made two points:

(i) The first one, namely, that, any order that this court makes remains not operational until it is confirmed by the Constitutional Court is incorrect. Only the orders referred to in section 175(1) of the Constitution become effective after confirmation by the Constitutional Court.

(ii) The second submission was that this court has no authority to appoint judges or decide on the hierarchy of the courts.

However, this application is not concerned with the appointment of judges or the setting of the hierarchy of the courts. These are matters which are contained in the Constitution.

Both points are, in any event, irrelevant to the issue of jurisdiction which had been raised.

The objections set out in paragraphs 17.1 and 17.2 of the opposing affidavit of the first respondent in HC2166/21 (Judicial Service Commission) were not persisted with in argument. These objections were that this court has no jurisdiction to grant consequential relief and that such consequential relief would be in violation of section 167(3) of the Constitution.

However, as has been pointed out above, notwithstanding that in the draft order being sought the relief is presented as if it is consequential relief what is being sought is in fact and substance a declaratur.

The raising of the point in limine, that, the court has no jurisdiction is misconceived. 

The objection is therefore dismissed.

Judicial Declaratory Order or Declaratur re: Approach iro Rights, Facts, Consequential Relief & Disguised Review Actions


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Jurisdiction of this Court

The objection to the jurisdiction of this court dealing with the matter was not argued notwithstanding the indication that it was being persisted with.

Counsel for the second to nineteenth respondents accepted that this court does have the jurisdiction to grant a declaratur in terms of section 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06].

He, however, made two points:

(i) The first one, namely, that, any order that this court makes remains not operational until it is confirmed by the Constitutional Court is incorrect. Only the orders referred to in section 175(1) of the Constitution become effective after confirmation by the Constitutional Court.

(ii) The second submission was that this court has no authority to appoint judges or decide on the hierarchy of the courts.

However, this application is not concerned with the appointment of judges or the setting of the hierarchy of the courts. These are matters which are contained in the Constitution.

Both points are, in any event, irrelevant to the issue of jurisdiction which had been raised.

The objections set out in paragraphs 17.1 and 17.2 of the opposing affidavit of the first respondent in HC2166/21 (Judicial Service Commission) were not persisted with in argument. These objections were that this court has no jurisdiction to grant consequential relief and that such consequential relief would be in violation of section 167(3) of the Constitution.

However, as has been pointed out above, notwithstanding that in the draft order being sought the relief is presented as if it is consequential relief what is being sought is in fact and substance a declaratur.

The raising of the point in limine, that, the court has no jurisdiction is misconceived. 

The objection is therefore dismissed.

Cause of Action re: Form, Manner and Nature of Proceedings iro Approach to Application, Motion and Action Proceedings


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Form Used in the Court Application

The respondents objection is that the court application filed on behalf of the applicant is not in Form 29, as is required by Rule 230 of the High Court Rules 1971. The respondents point out, that, the form filed does not alert the respondents to their procedural rights, such as the consequences of any failure to oppose the application.

The only missing portion of Form 29 is the one that warns the respondents, that, if they fail to file their opposing papers within the dies induciae, then, the matter would be dealt with as an unopposed application. In all the other respects, the Form complies with the requirements of Form 29. The dies induciae are not contained in the Form 29 itself but are stated in Rule 232.

The failure to state the period of ten days cannot, therefore, be a failure to comply with Form 29.

The other requirements of Form 29, like the need to file a notice of opposition and opposing affidavit; the need to serve opposing papers; and the entitlement to attach annexures to the opposing affidavits, are stated.

Given that this application was filed under a certificate of urgency, and with truncated periods for filing papers, and would be subject to the directions to be issued by the judges who would be seized with the case, we do not believe that it would have been up to the applicant to warn the respondents of the consequences of a failure to file opposing papers within the proposed dies induciae which were, after all, proposed by the applicants.

These would be subject to whatever directions that the court would give.

These directions were given with the consent of all the parties. No prejudice was occasioned by the failure to state the consequences of a failure to file the opposing affidavit within the period proposed. Those who intended to oppose the applications did file their opposing papers in accordance with the directions issued.

We take note of, and draw attention to, the provisions of section 85(3)(c) of the Constitution 2013, which state that:

“The court, while observing the rules of natural justice, is not unreasonably restricted by procedural technicalities."

Given that all the parties had the opportunity, by consent, to file the opposing and answering affidavits and heads of argument, the objection pertaining to the form used cannot be sustained having regard to the important constitutional questions which arise from the papers.

For these reasons, we dismiss the objection.

Final Orders re: Procedural Irregularities and Discretion of Court to Condone, Interfere, Dismiss, Remit, Strike or Remove


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Form Used in the Court Application

The respondents objection is that the court application filed on behalf of the applicant is not in Form 29, as is required by Rule 230 of the High Court Rules 1971. The respondents point out, that, the form filed does not alert the respondents to their procedural rights, such as the consequences of any failure to oppose the application.

The only missing portion of Form 29 is the one that warns the respondents, that, if they fail to file their opposing papers within the dies induciae, then, the matter would be dealt with as an unopposed application. In all the other respects, the Form complies with the requirements of Form 29. The dies induciae are not contained in the Form 29 itself but are stated in Rule 232.

The failure to state the period of ten days cannot, therefore, be a failure to comply with Form 29.

The other requirements of Form 29, like the need to file a notice of opposition and opposing affidavit; the need to serve opposing papers; and the entitlement to attach annexures to the opposing affidavits, are stated.

Given that this application was filed under a certificate of urgency, and with truncated periods for filing papers, and would be subject to the directions to be issued by the judges who would be seized with the case, we do not believe that it would have been up to the applicant to warn the respondents of the consequences of a failure to file opposing papers within the proposed dies induciae which were, after all, proposed by the applicants.

These would be subject to whatever directions that the court would give.

These directions were given with the consent of all the parties. No prejudice was occasioned by the failure to state the consequences of a failure to file the opposing affidavit within the period proposed. Those who intended to oppose the applications did file their opposing papers in accordance with the directions issued.

We take note of, and draw attention to, the provisions of section 85(3)(c) of the Constitution 2013, which state that:

“The court, while observing the rules of natural justice, is not unreasonably restricted by procedural technicalities."

Given that all the parties had the opportunity, by consent, to file the opposing and answering affidavits and heads of argument, the objection pertaining to the form used cannot be sustained having regard to the important constitutional questions which arise from the papers.

For these reasons, we dismiss the objection.

Rules of Court re: Approach, Abuse of Court Process, Strict and Substantial Compliance & Pleading of Form over Substance


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Form Used in the Court Application

The respondents objection is that the court application filed on behalf of the applicant is not in Form 29, as is required by Rule 230 of the High Court Rules 1971. The respondents point out, that, the form filed does not alert the respondents to their procedural rights, such as the consequences of any failure to oppose the application.

The only missing portion of Form 29 is the one that warns the respondents, that, if they fail to file their opposing papers within the dies induciae, then, the matter would be dealt with as an unopposed application. In all the other respects, the Form complies with the requirements of Form 29. The dies induciae are not contained in the Form 29 itself but are stated in Rule 232.

The failure to state the period of ten days cannot, therefore, be a failure to comply with Form 29.

The other requirements of Form 29, like the need to file a notice of opposition and opposing affidavit; the need to serve opposing papers; and the entitlement to attach annexures to the opposing affidavits, are stated.

Given that this application was filed under a certificate of urgency, and with truncated periods for filing papers, and would be subject to the directions to be issued by the judges who would be seized with the case, we do not believe that it would have been up to the applicant to warn the respondents of the consequences of a failure to file opposing papers within the proposed dies induciae which were, after all, proposed by the applicants.

These would be subject to whatever directions that the court would give.

These directions were given with the consent of all the parties. No prejudice was occasioned by the failure to state the consequences of a failure to file the opposing affidavit within the period proposed. Those who intended to oppose the applications did file their opposing papers in accordance with the directions issued.

We take note of, and draw attention to, the provisions of section 85(3)(c) of the Constitution 2013, which state that:

“The court, while observing the rules of natural justice, is not unreasonably restricted by procedural technicalities."

Given that all the parties had the opportunity, by consent, to file the opposing and answering affidavits and heads of argument, the objection pertaining to the form used cannot be sustained having regard to the important constitutional questions which arise from the papers.

For these reasons, we dismiss the objection.

Cause of Action and Draft Orders re: Appearance to Defend, Filing of Opposition Papers & Set Down of Matters


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Form Used in the Court Application

The respondents objection is that the court application filed on behalf of the applicant is not in Form 29, as is required by Rule 230 of the High Court Rules 1971. The respondents point out, that, the form filed does not alert the respondents to their procedural rights, such as the consequences of any failure to oppose the application.

The only missing portion of Form 29 is the one that warns the respondents, that, if they fail to file their opposing papers within the dies induciae, then, the matter would be dealt with as an unopposed application. In all the other respects, the Form complies with the requirements of Form 29. The dies induciae are not contained in the Form 29 itself but are stated in Rule 232.

The failure to state the period of ten days cannot, therefore, be a failure to comply with Form 29.

The other requirements of Form 29, like the need to file a notice of opposition and opposing affidavit; the need to serve opposing papers; and the entitlement to attach annexures to the opposing affidavits, are stated.

Given that this application was filed under a certificate of urgency, and with truncated periods for filing papers, and would be subject to the directions to be issued by the judges who would be seized with the case, we do not believe that it would have been up to the applicant to warn the respondents of the consequences of a failure to file opposing papers within the proposed dies induciae which were, after all, proposed by the applicants.

These would be subject to whatever directions that the court would give.

These directions were given with the consent of all the parties. No prejudice was occasioned by the failure to state the consequences of a failure to file the opposing affidavit within the period proposed. Those who intended to oppose the applications did file their opposing papers in accordance with the directions issued.

We take note of, and draw attention to, the provisions of section 85(3)(c) of the Constitution 2013, which state that:

“The court, while observing the rules of natural justice, is not unreasonably restricted by procedural technicalities."

Given that all the parties had the opportunity, by consent, to file the opposing and answering affidavits and heads of argument, the objection pertaining to the form used cannot be sustained having regard to the important constitutional questions which arise from the papers.

For these reasons, we dismiss the objection.

Final Orders re: Procedural Irregularities iro Labour Proceedings

We take note of, and draw attention to, the provisions of section 85(3)(c) of the Constitution 2013, which state that:

“The court, while observing the rules of natural justice, is not unreasonably restricted by procedural technicalities."

Discipline re: Disciplinary Hearings iro Approach ito Procedural Irregularities & Resolving Matters on Technicalities

We take note of, and draw attention to, the provisions of section 85(3)(c) of the Constitution 2013, which state that:

“The court, while observing the rules of natural justice, is not unreasonably restricted by procedural technicalities."

Cause of Action re: Suits or Proceedings Involving the President or Judges


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

No Leave Sought to Sue Sitting Judqes

The respondents rely on Rule 18 of the High Court Rules, RGN 1047/1971 for the objection, that, the failure to obtain the leave of the court to sue the judges renders the proceedings fatally defective.

That Rule provides as follows:

"No summons or other civil process of the court may be sued out against the President or against any of the judges of the High Court without the leave of the court granted on court application being made for that purpose."

A document which initiates application proceedings is not "civil process" save for the purposes of Order 5 Rule 1.

That is the reason why, in terms of Rule 18 of the High Court Rules, leave to sue out process is sought by way of court application. lf a court application was “process" there would be the absurdity that one would then require the leave of court to institute the court application provided for in Rule 18 since the affected judge would have to be cited in that application. Rule 18 falls under Order 3 which deals with summons matters.

In Order 32, which deals with applications, there is no provision which is similar to Rule 18.

So, clearly, Rule 18 of the High Court Rules is not of general application to all proceedings irrespective of how they are instituted.

Further, the applications in casu were made in terms of section 85 of the Constitution 2013. There is no requirement for such leave to be granted in an application made in terms of that section.

Further and, in any event, the second to eighteenth respondents are cited in their official capacities. They have not filed opposing papers challenging their citation without leave.

ln any case, even if they had done so, and the court had found that such leave was required, the effect of that finding would not have been to nullify the entire proceedings.

Citation and Joinder re: Party Acting in Official Capacity, Statutory or Peremptory Citation and Delegated Authority


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

No Leave Sought to Sue Sitting Judqes

The respondents rely on Rule 18 of the High Court Rules, RGN 1047/1971 for the objection, that, the failure to obtain the leave of the court to sue the judges renders the proceedings fatally defective.

That Rule provides as follows:

"No summons or other civil process of the court may be sued out against the President or against any of the judges of the High Court without the leave of the court granted on court application being made for that purpose."

A document which initiates application proceedings is not "civil process" save for the purposes of Order 5 Rule 1.

That is the reason why, in terms of Rule 18 of the High Court Rules, leave to sue out process is sought by way of court application. lf a court application was “process" there would be the absurdity that one would then require the leave of court to institute the court application provided for in Rule 18 since the affected judge would have to be cited in that application. Rule 18 falls under Order 3 which deals with summons matters.

In Order 32, which deals with applications, there is no provision which is similar to Rule 18.

So, clearly, Rule 18 of the High Court Rules is not of general application to all proceedings irrespective of how they are instituted.

Further, the applications in casu were made in terms of section 85 of the Constitution 2013. There is no requirement for such leave to be granted in an application made in terms of that section.

Further and, in any event, the second to eighteenth respondents are cited in their official capacities. They have not filed opposing papers challenging their citation without leave.

ln any case, even if they had done so, and the court had found that such leave was required, the effect of that finding would not have been to nullify the entire proceedings.

Employment Contract re: Transfer or Secondment of Employees iro Acting Role, Interim Contractual Lacuna & Quantum Meruit


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

No Leave Sought to Sue Sitting Judqes

The respondents rely on Rule 18 of the High Court Rules, RGN 1047/1971 for the objection, that, the failure to obtain the leave of the court to sue the judges renders the proceedings fatally defective.

That Rule provides as follows:

"No summons or other civil process of the court may be sued out against the President or against any of the judges of the High Court without the leave of the court granted on court application being made for that purpose."

A document which initiates application proceedings is not "civil process" save for the purposes of Order 5 Rule 1.

That is the reason why, in terms of Rule 18 of the High Court Rules, leave to sue out process is sought by way of court application. lf a court application was “process" there would be the absurdity that one would then require the leave of court to institute the court application provided for in Rule 18 since the affected judge would have to be cited in that application. Rule 18 falls under Order 3 which deals with summons matters.

In Order 32, which deals with applications, there is no provision which is similar to Rule 18.

So, clearly, Rule 18 of the High Court Rules is not of general application to all proceedings irrespective of how they are instituted.

Further, the applications in casu were made in terms of section 85 of the Constitution 2013. There is no requirement for such leave to be granted in an application made in terms of that section.

Further and, in any event, the second to eighteenth respondents are cited in their official capacities. They have not filed opposing papers challenging their citation without leave.

ln any case, even if they had done so, and the court had found that such leave was required, the effect of that finding would not have been to nullify the entire proceedings.

Pleadings re: Approach to Pleadings, Pre-Trial, Disparities with Testimony, Unchallenged Statements & Issue Estoppel


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

No Leave Sought to Sue Sitting Judqes

The respondents rely on Rule 18 of the High Court Rules, RGN 1047/1971 for the objection, that, the failure to obtain the leave of the court to sue the judges renders the proceedings fatally defective.

That Rule provides as follows:

"No summons or other civil process of the court may be sued out against the President or against any of the judges of the High Court without the leave of the court granted on court application being made for that purpose."

A document which initiates application proceedings is not "civil process" save for the purposes of Order 5 Rule 1.

That is the reason why, in terms of Rule 18 of the High Court Rules, leave to sue out process is sought by way of court application. lf a court application was “process" there would be the absurdity that one would then require the leave of court to institute the court application provided for in Rule 18 since the affected judge would have to be cited in that application. Rule 18 falls under Order 3 which deals with summons matters.

In Order 32, which deals with applications, there is no provision which is similar to Rule 18.

So, clearly, Rule 18 of the High Court Rules is not of general application to all proceedings irrespective of how they are instituted.

Further, the applications in casu were made in terms of section 85 of the Constitution 2013. There is no requirement for such leave to be granted in an application made in terms of that section.

Further and, in any event, the second to eighteenth respondents are cited in their official capacities. They have not filed opposing papers challenging their citation without leave.

ln any case, even if they had done so, and the court had found that such leave was required, the effect of that finding would not have been to nullify the entire proceedings.

Jurisdiction re: Constitutional Proceedings


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Jurisdiction of this Court

The objection to the jurisdiction of this court dealing with the matter was not argued notwithstanding the indication that it was being persisted with.

Counsel for the second to nineteenth respondents accepted that this court does have the jurisdiction to grant a declaratur in terms of section 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06].

He, however, made two points:

(i) The first one, namely, that, any order that this court makes remains not operational until it is confirmed by the Constitutional Court is incorrect. Only the orders referred to in section 175(1) of the Constitution become effective after confirmation by the Constitutional Court.

(ii) The second submission was that this court has no authority to appoint judges or decide on the hierarchy of the courts.

However, this application is not concerned with the appointment of judges or the setting of the hierarchy of the courts. These are matters which are contained in the Constitution.

Both points are, in any event, irrelevant to the issue of jurisdiction which had been raised.

The objections set out in paragraphs 17.1 and 17.2 of the opposing affidavit of the first respondent in HC2166/21 (Judicial Service Commission) were not persisted with in argument. These objections were that this court has no jurisdiction to grant consequential relief and that such consequential relief would be in violation of section 167(3) of the Constitution.

However, as has been pointed out above, notwithstanding that in the draft order being sought the relief is presented as if it is consequential relief what is being sought is in fact and substance a declaratur.

The raising of the point in limine, that, the court has no jurisdiction is misconceived. 

The objection is therefore dismissed.

Constitutional Application re: Fundamental Rights iro Direct Access, Referral, Locus Standi, Jurisdiction & Disguised Appeals


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Locus Standi of the Applicants

The objection taken by counsel for the first respondent in HC2128/21 and the third respondent in HC21661/21 is that the applicants have not shown a legal interest which would be or has been interfered with or a constitutional right which has been or would be infringed.

The applicants, in both applications, allege violation of their fundamental rights as well as violation of the Constitution if the second to eighteenth respondents are to continue to occupy the office of judge after attaining the age of seventy years.

The Constitution of Zimbabwe widened the scope of locus standi in respect of matters pertaining to infringement of fundamental rights: see section 85(1) of the Constitution 2013.

The applicants are alleging violation of their fundamental rights. This gives them the locus standi to approach the court for relief. A restrictive interpretation of locus standi, in respect of alleged violations of the Constitutional rights, was rejected in the case of Mawarire v Mugabe N.O. & Ors CC01-13…, 2013 (1) ZLR 469 (CC)…, where the Court said:

“Certainly, this court does not expect to appear before it only those who are dripping with the blood of the actual infringement of their rights or those who are shivering incoherently with the fear of the impending threat which has actually engulfed them. This court will entertain even those who calmly perceive a looming infringement and issue a declaration or appropriate order to stave the threat….,.”

ln Mawarire v Mugabe N.O. & Ors CC01-13, the applicant alleged that his right to protection of the law, in terms of section 18(1) of the old Constitution of Zimbabwe, had been, was being, or was likely to continue to be violated by a failure to fix a date for the holding of elections.

ln the instant applications, the applicants allege violation of section 56(1) and section 69(3) of the Constitution 2013.

In any event, ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Constitution is not only an entitlement but an obligation of every citizen of Zimbabwe. This gives them the locus standi to approach the court for enforcement of the constitutional rights. Whether the violations will be established is a matter for argument on the merits.

In the premises, the objection to the locus standi of the applicants, to approach the court, is unfounded and must fail.

Locus Standi re: Constitutional Proceedings


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Locus Standi of the Applicants

The objection taken by counsel for the first respondent in HC2128/21 and the third respondent in HC21661/21 is that the applicants have not shown a legal interest which would be or has been interfered with or a constitutional right which has been or would be infringed.

The applicants, in both applications, allege violation of their fundamental rights as well as violation of the Constitution if the second to eighteenth respondents are to continue to occupy the office of judge after attaining the age of seventy years.

The Constitution of Zimbabwe widened the scope of locus standi in respect of matters pertaining to infringement of fundamental rights: see section 85(1) of the Constitution 2013.

The applicants are alleging violation of their fundamental rights. This gives them the locus standi to approach the court for relief. A restrictive interpretation of locus standi, in respect of alleged violations of the Constitutional rights, was rejected in the case of Mawarire v Mugabe N.O. & Ors CC01-13…, 2013 (1) ZLR 469 (CC)…, where the Court said:

“Certainly, this court does not expect to appear before it only those who are dripping with the blood of the actual infringement of their rights or those who are shivering incoherently with the fear of the impending threat which has actually engulfed them. This court will entertain even those who calmly perceive a looming infringement and issue a declaration or appropriate order to stave the threat….,.”

ln Mawarire v Mugabe N.O. & Ors CC01-13, the applicant alleged that his right to protection of the law, in terms of section 18(1) of the old Constitution of Zimbabwe, had been, was being, or was likely to continue to be violated by a failure to fix a date for the holding of elections.

ln the instant applications, the applicants allege violation of section 56(1) and section 69(3) of the Constitution 2013.

In any event, ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Constitution is not only an entitlement but an obligation of every citizen of Zimbabwe. This gives them the locus standi to approach the court for enforcement of the constitutional rights. Whether the violations will be established is a matter for argument on the merits.

In the premises, the objection to the locus standi of the applicants, to approach the court, is unfounded and must fail.

Citation and Joinder re: Approach iro Third Party Notices ito Nominal Party and Financial Interest Party

In the case of Zimbabwe Teachers Association & Ors v Minister of Education 1990 (2) ZLR 48, it was held…, that a party is entitled to participate in a suit if it has a direct and substantial interest in the subject-matter and outcome of the application.

What is required is a legal interest, not a financial interest which is only an indirect interest in the litigation.

Locus Standi re: Factual or Evidential Averments or Pleadings Competently Available to Another Party


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

Misjoinder of the 2nd to 18th respondents in HC2128/21 and their Citation

The first and nineteenth respondents took the point, that, there was mis-joinder of the second to eighteenth respondents.

In the case of Zimbabwe Teachers Association & Ors v Minister of Education 1990 (2) ZLR 48, it was held…, that a party is entitled to participate in a suit if it has a direct and substantial interest in the subject-matter and outcome of the application. What is required is a legal interest, not a financial interest which is only an indirect interest in the litigation.

In this case, the respondents are the persons who held or occupied the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court. The question of whether they should retire at the age of seventy years or they have an election to have their stay in office extended affects them directly. In fact, the second respondent reached seventy years old on 15 May 2021, and the extension of his term of office, beyond the age of seventy, is a question to be determined in the instant matters.

Whether the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents are affected by the order, if granted, is a matter that pertains to the merits of the case. The fact is that they are cited and relief is being sought against them as well.

In any event, the first and nineteenth respondents cannot plead a case on behalf of parties who have not defended the suit.

Constitutional Law re: Separation of Powers, Accountability and Disputes Between the Arms of State

lnterpretation of the law is the primary duty of the Court.

Neither Parliament nor the President has a role in that process. Once the Legislature makes a law, it would have discharged its mandate. It cannot be called upon to appear before a court to answer to questions pertaining to the alleged unconstitutionality of the law or the meaning or effect of that law, unless what is being raised is whether it has complied with the constitutional procedures in making the law....,.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107....,.

Both the separation of powers principle and the rule of law are enshrined in section 3 of the Constitution 2013.

The essence of the rule of law is that any person may challenge the legality of any law, conduct, practice etc in a separate, impartial, and independent court or other forum - one that is free from the control of the perpetrator of the illegality; CURRIE & de WAAL “The Bill of Rights Handbook” 6th ed…,.

Constitutional Application re: Enforcement of Constitutional Obligations

lnterpretation of the law is the primary duty of the Court.

Neither Parliament nor the President has a role in that process. Once the Legislature makes a law, it would have discharged its mandate. It cannot be called upon to appear before a court to answer to questions pertaining to the alleged unconstitutionality of the law or the meaning or effect of that law, unless what is being raised is whether it has complied with the constitutional procedures in making the law.

Constitutionality of Statutory Provisions and Conduct re: Approach, Declaration and Confirmation Proceedings

lnterpretation of the law is the primary duty of the Court.

Neither Parliament nor the President has a role in that process. Once the Legislature makes a law, it would have discharged its mandate. It cannot be called upon to appear before a court to answer to questions pertaining to the alleged unconstitutionality of the law or the meaning or effect of that law, unless what is being raised is whether it has complied with the constitutional procedures in making the law....,.

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114....,.

Both the separation of powers principle and the rule of law are enshrined in section 3 of the Constitution 2013.

The essence of the rule of law is that any person may challenge the legality of any law, conduct, practice etc in a separate, impartial, and independent court or other forum - one that is free from the control of the perpetrator of the illegality; CURRIE & de WAAL “The Bill of Rights Handbook” 6th ed…,.

Citation and Joinder re: Approach, the Joinder of Necessity and Third Party Notices


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

Misjoinder of the 2nd to 18th respondents in HC2128/21 and their Citation

The first and nineteenth respondents took the point, that, there was mis-joinder of the second to eighteenth respondents.

In the case of Zimbabwe Teachers Association & Ors v Minister of Education 1990 (2) ZLR 48, it was held…, that a party is entitled to participate in a suit if it has a direct and substantial interest in the subject-matter and outcome of the application. What is required is a legal interest, not a financial interest which is only an indirect interest in the litigation.

In this case, the respondents are the persons who held or occupied the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court. The question of whether they should retire at the age of seventy years or they have an election to have their stay in office extended affects them directly. In fact, the second respondent reached seventy years old on 15 May 2021, and the extension of his term of office, beyond the age of seventy, is a question to be determined in the instant matters.

Whether the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents are affected by the order, if granted, is a matter that pertains to the merits of the case. The fact is that they are cited and relief is being sought against them as well.

In any event, the first and nineteenth respondents cannot plead a case on behalf of parties who have not defended the suit.

After all, Rule 87(1) of the High Court Rules, RGN 1047/1971, provides that the mis-joinder or non-joinder of a party does not defeat the cause as long as the issues before the Court can be determined in respect of the parties before it. It goes further to state, that, the court may, in any cause or matter, determine the issues or questions in dispute so far as they affect the rights and interests of the persons who are parties to the cause or matter.

The objection is dismissed.

Non-joinder of Parliament and the President

The objection is that Parliament, the Speaker of the National Assembly, the President of the Senate, and the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe ought to have been cited in these proceedings.

The basis of this objection, as appears from paragraphs 18.1-18.4 of the nineteenth respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21, is that what is being sought to be impugned is the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

However, what is involved is the interpretation of that Act and the Constitution and the constitutionality of some of the provisions of the Amendment Act.

These are matters that fall within the domain of the court.

lnterpretation of the law is the primary duty of the Court. Neither Parliament nor the President has a role in that process. Once the Legislature makes a law, it would have discharged its mandate. It cannot be called upon to appear before a court to answer to questions pertaining to the alleged unconstitutionality of the law or the meaning or effect of that law, unless what is being raised is whether it has complied with the constitutional procedures in making the law.

In relation to the President of the Republic, there is the submission, that, he has written the letter of 11 May 2021 in terms of which the second respondent's term of office was extended.

However, the cause of action in both applications is not founded upon the letter of 11 May 2021.

Accordingly, this objection is without merit and is dismissed.

Cause of Action and Draft Orders re: Approach, Timing, Framing and Legal Basis for Invoking Jurisdiction of the Court


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Alleged Absence of a Cause of Action

This objection is taken by the third respondent in HC2166/21…,. Although it is raised as an objection in limine, the submissions show that it is an argument on the merits of the matter.

The point being made is that the applicants in HC2166/21 failed to establish their entitlement to the right of access to the courts, as enshrined in section 69(3) of the Constitution 2013, and how the continued occupation of the office of Chief Justice by the second respondent violates the applicants rights as protected by section 69 and section 56 of the Constitution 2013.

This objection is therefore dismissed.

Approach re: Issues in Limine, Technical or Procedural Objections, Dilatory, Declinatory and Dispositive Pleas


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The Alleged Absence of a Cause of Action

This objection is taken by the third respondent in HC2166/21…,. Although it is raised as an objection in limine, the submissions show that it is an argument on the merits of the matter.

The point being made is that the applicants in HC2166/21 failed to establish their entitlement to the right of access to the courts, as enshrined in section 69(3) of the Constitution 2013, and how the continued occupation of the office of Chief Justice by the second respondent violates the applicants rights as protected by section 69 and section 56 of the Constitution 2013.

This objection is therefore dismissed.

Final Orders re: Brutum Fulmen Judgment and the Doctrines of Effectiveness, Mootness and Peremption


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

Whether the Matter has Become Moot

The first respondent in HC2128/21 and the third respondent in HC2166/21 contend, that, the dispute between the applicants and second respondent has become moot by reason of the first respondent's term having been extended prior to the hearing of the matter.

It is common cause, that, a letter was written on behalf of the President on 11 May 2021, the same day that the first application was instituted. The letter was produced as an annexure to the opposing papers for the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). In terms of the letter, the President agreed to extend the second respondent's continued stay in office as Chief Justice with effect from 16 May 2021.

The doctrine of mootness is one of the prudential considerations on the basis of which, on public policy considerations, a court may decline to exercise its jurisdiction to determine a matter which has come before it. This would arise where there is no remaining triable issue. A case is moot and therefore not justiciable if it no longer raises an extant or live dispute, harm, controversy or threat of prejudice to the applicant: see S v Dlamini; S v Dladla; S v Joubert; S v Schietekat 1999 (4) SA 623.

ln the case of National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Anor v Minister of Justice and Ors 1999 (1) SA 5 the Court stated, that, a matter ceases to be justiciable on the ground of mootness if it “no longer presents an existing or live controversy."

The doctrine is applicable where a matter is brought to court too late, when the issues to be determined have been resolved, or, as is sometimes said, when the horse has already bolted out of the stable: see, for example, De Funis v Odegaard (1974) 415 US 312 a case in which the applicant challenged the decision of the Admission Committee of the University of Washington Law School to deny him admission. He alleged that he had been denied enrolment on grounds of racism. By the time that the matter got to the Supreme Court, the Law School had admitted the applicant as a student and he was now registered for his final quarter in the Law School. The Supreme Court of the US held that it could not consider the substantive constitutional issues raised because the controversy had been resolved.

The jurisprudential rationale for the doctrine, as explained in the case of JT Publishing (Pty) Ltd and Anor v Minister of Safety and Security and Ors 1997 (3) SA 514, Courts should avoid deciding points that are "abstract, academic or hypothetical."

In casu, the dispute remains alive notwithstanding the writing of the letter of 11 May 2021.

The issue of whether section 186 of the Constitution 2013 has the effect of extending the tenure of office of the second to eigthteenth respondents as judges beyond the age of seventy years remains alive. The question of the retirement age for the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, was not resolved by that letter.

For these reasons, the matters raised are not abstract; they are not moot. The objection must therefore fail.

Interim Interdict or Final Order re: Relief Conflicting with Statutes, Extant Court Orders & Prima Facie Lawful Conduct


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

Whether the Matter has Become Moot

The first respondent in HC2128/21 and the third respondent in HC2166/21 contend, that, the dispute between the applicants and second respondent has become moot by reason of the first respondent's term having been extended prior to the hearing of the matter.

It is common cause, that, a letter was written on behalf of the President on 11 May 2021, the same day that the first application was instituted. The letter was produced as an annexure to the opposing papers for the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). In terms of the letter, the President agreed to extend the second respondent's continued stay in office as Chief Justice with effect from 16 May 2021.

The doctrine of mootness is one of the prudential considerations on the basis of which, on public policy considerations, a court may decline to exercise its jurisdiction to determine a matter which has come before it. This would arise where there is no remaining triable issue. A case is moot and therefore not justiciable if it no longer raises an extant or live dispute, harm, controversy or threat of prejudice to the applicant: see S v Dlamini; S v Dladla; S v Joubert; S v Schietekat 1999 (4) SA 623.

ln the case of National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Anor v Minister of Justice and Ors 1999 (1) SA 5 the Court stated, that, a matter ceases to be justiciable on the ground of mootness if it “no longer presents an existing or live controversy."

The doctrine is applicable where a matter is brought to court too late, when the issues to be determined have been resolved, or, as is sometimes said, when the horse has already bolted out of the stable: see, for example, De Funis v Odegaard (1974) 415 US 312 a case in which the applicant challenged the decision of the Admission Committee of the University of Washington Law School to deny him admission. He alleged that he had been denied enrolment on grounds of racism. By the time that the matter got to the Supreme Court, the Law School had admitted the applicant as a student and he was now registered for his final quarter in the Law School. The Supreme Court of the US held that it could not consider the substantive constitutional issues raised because the controversy had been resolved.

The jurisprudential rationale for the doctrine, as explained in the case of JT Publishing (Pty) Ltd and Anor v Minister of Safety and Security and Ors 1997 (3) SA 514, Courts should avoid deciding points that are "abstract, academic or hypothetical."

In casu, the dispute remains alive notwithstanding the writing of the letter of 11 May 2021.

The issue of whether section 186 of the Constitution 2013 has the effect of extending the tenure of office of the second to eigthteenth respondents as judges beyond the age of seventy years remains alive. The question of the retirement age for the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, was not resolved by that letter.

For these reasons, the matters raised are not abstract; they are not moot. The objection must therefore fail.

Administrative Law re: Presumptions of Regularity and Validity of Official Documents or Advice & Doctrine of Estoppel


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

Whether the Matter has Become Moot

The first respondent in HC2128/21 and the third respondent in HC2166/21 contend, that, the dispute between the applicants and second respondent has become moot by reason of the first respondent's term having been extended prior to the hearing of the matter.

It is common cause, that, a letter was written on behalf of the President on 11 May 2021, the same day that the first application was instituted. The letter was produced as an annexure to the opposing papers for the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). In terms of the letter, the President agreed to extend the second respondent's continued stay in office as Chief Justice with effect from 16 May 2021.

The doctrine of mootness is one of the prudential considerations on the basis of which, on public policy considerations, a court may decline to exercise its jurisdiction to determine a matter which has come before it. This would arise where there is no remaining triable issue. A case is moot and therefore not justiciable if it no longer raises an extant or live dispute, harm, controversy or threat of prejudice to the applicant: see S v Dlamini; S v Dladla; S v Joubert; S v Schietekat 1999 (4) SA 623.

ln the case of National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Anor v Minister of Justice and Ors 1999 (1) SA 5 the Court stated, that, a matter ceases to be justiciable on the ground of mootness if it “no longer presents an existing or live controversy."

The doctrine is applicable where a matter is brought to court too late, when the issues to be determined have been resolved, or, as is sometimes said, when the horse has already bolted out of the stable: see, for example, De Funis v Odegaard (1974) 415 US 312 a case in which the applicant challenged the decision of the Admission Committee of the University of Washington Law School to deny him admission. He alleged that he had been denied enrolment on grounds of racism. By the time that the matter got to the Supreme Court, the Law School had admitted the applicant as a student and he was now registered for his final quarter in the Law School. The Supreme Court of the US held that it could not consider the substantive constitutional issues raised because the controversy had been resolved.

The jurisprudential rationale for the doctrine, as explained in the case of JT Publishing (Pty) Ltd and Anor v Minister of Safety and Security and Ors 1997 (3) SA 514, Courts should avoid deciding points that are "abstract, academic or hypothetical."

In casu, the dispute remains alive notwithstanding the writing of the letter of 11 May 2021.

The issue of whether section 186 of the Constitution 2013 has the effect of extending the tenure of office of the second to eigthteenth respondents as judges beyond the age of seventy years remains alive. The question of the retirement age for the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, was not resolved by that letter.

For these reasons, the matters raised are not abstract; they are not moot. The objection must therefore fail.

Cause of Action and Draft Orders re: Joinder Proceedings

This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent....,.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference....,.

The authority of Walter Chikwana, the Secretary of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), to motivate the joinder of the 19th respondent was questioned.

The application for joinder was not made on affidavit but was made orally at the case management conference. lt was not based on any affidavit.

The joinder was granted with the consent of the applicants.

Therefore, the objection to the joinder cannot stand.

Locus Standi re: Derivative Action, Acting for an Organisation Amidst Leadership Wrangles and the Proper Plaintiff Rule

It is not in every case that the court would insist on a resolution to authorize or defend proceedings.

Where a juristic entity has brought itself before the court, particularly where it is represented by a legal practitioner, it is up to the person alleging want of authority to produce evidence to support the allegations.

ln the case of Madzivire & Others v Zvarivadza & Others SC10-06; 2006 (1) ZLR 514, the dispute involved directors who were competing to control a company, hence the issue of the authority of the company to participate in the proceedings had to be proved after being put in issue.

Shareholding re: Minority Shareholders, Derivative Action, Asserting Rights on Behalf of Company & Proper Plaintiff Rule

It is not in every case that the court would insist on a resolution to authorize or defend proceedings.

Where a juristic entity has brought itself before the court, particularly where it is represented by a legal practitioner, it is up to the person alleging want of authority to produce evidence to support the allegations.

ln the case of Madzivire & Others v Zvarivadza & Others SC10-06; 2006 (1) ZLR 514, the dispute involved directors who were competing to control a company, hence the issue of the authority of the company to participate in the proceedings had to be proved after being put in issue.

Objectives, Vesting of Administrative Powers, Disputes, Derivative Actions and the Proper Plaintiff Rule

It is not in every case that the court would insist on a resolution to authorize or defend proceedings.

Where a juristic entity has brought itself before the court, particularly where it is represented by a legal practitioner, it is up to the person alleging want of authority to produce evidence to support the allegations.

ln the case of Madzivire & Others v Zvarivadza & Others SC10-06; 2006 (1) ZLR 514, the dispute involved directors who were competing to control a company, hence the issue of the authority of the company to participate in the proceedings had to be proved after being put in issue.

Locus Standi re: Approach and the Legal Capacity to Institute or Defend Legal Proceedings


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The authority of Walter Chikwana, the Secretary of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), to motivate the joinder of the 19th respondent was questioned.

The application for joinder was not made on affidavit but was made orally at the case management conference. lt was not based on any affidavit.

The joinder was granted with the consent of the applicants.

Therefore, the objection to the joinder cannot stand.

There was also the question as to whether the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had authorized the deponent to the affidavit to defend the matter or participate in it; it being clear from the resolution attached that the authority given is merely "to sign documents on behalf of the JSC in litigation matters."

It is not in every case that the court would insist on a resolution to authorize or defend proceedings. Where a juristic entity has brought itself before the court, particularly where it is represented by a legal practitioner, it is up to the person alleging want of authority to produce evidence to support the allegations.

ln the case of Madzivire & Others v Zvarivadza & Others SC10-06; 2006 (1) ZLR 514, the dispute involved directors who were competing to control a company, hence the issue of the authority of the company to participate in the proceedings had to be proved after being put in issue.

In the present cases, there is no evidence led to suggest, that, the legal practitioner who appeared had no authority to represent the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to apply for its joinder or to file opposing papers on its behalf.

Accordingly, the objection is dismissed.

The other points taken are that the Attorney-General has no authority to depose to an affidavit on behalf of the first respondent in HC2128/21 (the Minister Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)...,.

The Attorney-General is the principal legal advisor to the Government and has the authority to represent the Government in civil and constitutional proceedings. If he has knowledge of the facts to which he deposes, he would not be disqualified from deposing to an affidavit on behalf of the Government.

In this case, he explains why the first respondent was unable to depose to the affidavit himself by reason of being unavailable. He further explains that his defence is largely based on legal issues which would be within his domain.

We therefore do not believe that he is disqualified from deposing to the affidavit.

Founding, Opposing, Supporting and Answering Affidavits re: Deponent, Representative Authority & Affidavit of Collegiality


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The authority of Walter Chikwana, the Secretary of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), to motivate the joinder of the 19th respondent was questioned.

The application for joinder was not made on affidavit but was made orally at the case management conference. lt was not based on any affidavit.

The joinder was granted with the consent of the applicants.

Therefore, the objection to the joinder cannot stand.

There was also the question as to whether the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had authorized the deponent to the affidavit to defend the matter or participate in it; it being clear from the resolution attached that the authority given is merely "to sign documents on behalf of the JSC in litigation matters."

It is not in every case that the court would insist on a resolution to authorize or defend proceedings. Where a juristic entity has brought itself before the court, particularly where it is represented by a legal practitioner, it is up to the person alleging want of authority to produce evidence to support the allegations.

ln the case of Madzivire & Others v Zvarivadza & Others SC10-06; 2006 (1) ZLR 514, the dispute involved directors who were competing to control a company, hence the issue of the authority of the company to participate in the proceedings had to be proved after being put in issue.

In the present cases, there is no evidence led to suggest, that, the legal practitioner who appeared had no authority to represent the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to apply for its joinder or to file opposing papers on its behalf.

Accordingly, the objection is dismissed.

The other points taken are that the Attorney-General has no authority to depose to an affidavit on behalf of the first respondent in HC2128/21 (the Minister Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)...,.

The Attorney-General is the principal legal advisor to the Government and has the authority to represent the Government in civil and constitutional proceedings. If he has knowledge of the facts to which he deposes, he would not be disqualified from deposing to an affidavit on behalf of the Government.

In this case, he explains why the first respondent was unable to depose to the affidavit himself by reason of being unavailable. He further explains that his defence is largely based on legal issues which would be within his domain.

We therefore do not believe that he is disqualified from deposing to the affidavit.

Agency Law re: Acting For Another iro Power of Attorney, Resolutions, Proxy, Negotiorum Gestio, Conduct & Derivative Action


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The authority of Walter Chikwana, the Secretary of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), to motivate the joinder of the 19th respondent was questioned.

The application for joinder was not made on affidavit but was made orally at the case management conference. lt was not based on any affidavit.

The joinder was granted with the consent of the applicants.

Therefore, the objection to the joinder cannot stand.

There was also the question as to whether the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had authorized the deponent to the affidavit to defend the matter or participate in it; it being clear from the resolution attached that the authority given is merely "to sign documents on behalf of the JSC in litigation matters."

It is not in every case that the court would insist on a resolution to authorize or defend proceedings. Where a juristic entity has brought itself before the court, particularly where it is represented by a legal practitioner, it is up to the person alleging want of authority to produce evidence to support the allegations.

ln the case of Madzivire & Others v Zvarivadza & Others SC10-06; 2006 (1) ZLR 514, the dispute involved directors who were competing to control a company, hence the issue of the authority of the company to participate in the proceedings had to be proved after being put in issue.

In the present cases, there is no evidence led to suggest, that, the legal practitioner who appeared had no authority to represent the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to apply for its joinder or to file opposing papers on its behalf.

Accordingly, the objection is dismissed.

The other points taken are that the Attorney-General has no authority to depose to an affidavit on behalf of the first respondent in HC2128/21 (the Minister Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)...,.

The Attorney-General is the principal legal advisor to the Government and has the authority to represent the Government in civil and constitutional proceedings. If he has knowledge of the facts to which he deposes, he would not be disqualified from deposing to an affidavit on behalf of the Government.

In this case, he explains why the first respondent was unable to depose to the affidavit himself by reason of being unavailable. He further explains that his defence is largely based on legal issues which would be within his domain.

We therefore do not believe that he is disqualified from deposing to the affidavit.

Practicing Certificates and Right of Audience before Courts re: Approach, State Functionaries and Judicial Interference


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The other points taken are that the Attorney-General has no authority to depose to an affidavit on behalf of the first respondent in HC2128/21 (the Minister Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)...,.

The Attorney-General is the principal legal advisor to the Government and has the authority to represent the Government in civil and constitutional proceedings. If he has knowledge of the facts to which he deposes, he would not be disqualified from deposing to an affidavit on behalf of the Government.

In this case, he explains why the first respondent was unable to depose to the affidavit himself by reason of being unavailable. He further explains that his defence is largely based on legal issues which would be within his domain.

We therefore do not believe that he is disqualified from deposing to the affidavit.

Founding, Opposing, Supporting and Answering Affidavits re: Commissioning, Certification, Authentication and Execution


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv Issues and Obiections

The parties raised preliminary issues and objections:...,.

The other points taken are that the Attorney-General's opposing affidavits in both cases were not properly commissioned and are therefore invalid.

The second ground of objection is that the affidavits deposed to by the Attorney General were sworn to before the very same legal practitioner…, who is appearing in these proceedings.

Ordinarily, she would be disqualified from commissioning the affidavits by reason of her interest in the matter given her involvement. No acceptable reason was given as to why no other Commissioner of Oaths could commission the documents. Be that as it may, given the urgency involved in these matters, the court is prepared to turn a blind eye to these deficiencies in order to deal with the substance of the matter.

Accordingly, the objections in respect of the affidavits are dismissed.

Socio-Economic Law, Good Governance and Social Trust

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

Constitutional Rights re: Socio-Economic Rights, Protection of Societal Values and Norms, Good Governance and Social Trust

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

Pleadings re: Nullity of Proceedings or Acts, Peremptory Provisions & the Doctrines of Strict and Substantial Compliance

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

Rules of Construction or Interpretation re: Retrospective Construction and Effect of Ex Post Facto & Repealed Laws


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

The Dispute on the Merits

This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

The new section 186 of the Constitution provides -

186 Tenure of Office of Judges

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) They must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) After the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court, and any other judges, hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or any other court, for a fixed term, but, if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement, or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

“(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'Term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill, in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings, and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) Within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) If it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) A certificate from the Speaker, that, at its final vote in the National Assembly, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) A certificate from the President of the Senate, that, at its final vote in the Senate, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186 of the Constitution, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

The applicants case is summarized in paragraphs 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21.

It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 of the Constitution did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years.

This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution.

It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

According to IAIN CURRIE & JOHAN de WAAL 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed…., "Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

Thus, interpreting a Constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a Constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The textual provisions of the Constitution under consideration are the starting point, but, they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by counsel for the first respondent, that, the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC03-20 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of Constitutional provisions.

The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the Constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Africa 2007 (6) SA 477.

The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

“(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum, or body —

(a) Must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) Must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and, in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) Must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;

(d) Must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular, the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) May consider relevant foreign law;”

The starting point is to appreciate, that, in Zimbabwe, the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded.

Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of Government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

“Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107.

Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood.

The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure, that, a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, that would undermine the independence of the judiciary.

As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388:

"ln approaching this question, it must be borne in mind, that, the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it….,. The power of extension, in section 176(1), must, therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief, or even suspicion, that the judiciary, or members thereof, are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of Government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office.

This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments.

In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

Further, the entrenchment ensures, that, if there is any change in the Constitution, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office, such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328 of the Constitution - which include a referendum.

We point out, that, section 328 of the Constitution does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general.

If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office, they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328 of the Constitution. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office, then, they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

Section 328 of the Constitution has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution

It is an established principle that sections of the Constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together, and in the context of the whole text, in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution: see Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C. & 2 ORS CC20-17; (2) ZLR 1 (CC) per MALABA DCJ…,.

In this case, the two sections are not in conflict, but, must be read together and with the Constitution as a whole.

Section 328 of the Constitution, which deals with amendment of the Constitution, entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that, such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7) of the Constitution, which, as recited above, provides that:

“(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13.

Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

In this instance, the existing section 186 of the Constitution was repealed and substituted with a new section 186.

This is an amendment.

In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) It must be an amendment to a term-limit; and

(b) It must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence, or impact - irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements, then, such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

The reference to an 'equivalent office' is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 328(7) of the Constitution, thereby extending a person's stay in office.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

There was debate as to whether section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, may hold or occupy office.

The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision.

The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 of the Constitution is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that:

"Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years."

Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

That argument is not sustainable.

Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office."

We therefore come to the conclusion, that, section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.

It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years.

The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, and production of a medical report, does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit.

In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) The period of 15 years which is provided in section 186 of the Constitution; and

(ii) The age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these two (2) occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use, generally, the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court, under the new amendment, retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that Bench.

That section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4) of the Constitution. This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7) of the Constitution. This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paragraphs 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21.

The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186 of the Constitution.

That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded.

The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186 of the Constitution:

"lt follows, that, in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice…,. Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.”…,.

Section 186(4) and section 328(7) of the Constitution can be read together.

In our conclusion, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time of the amendment of the Constitution.

Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion, that, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court who held office before the amendment.

There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4) of the Constitution.

It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them; section 186(4) of the Constitution must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

If it did so, this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) of the Constitution and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, from the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) of the Constitution thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328 of the Constitution.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years.

The respondents, in their opposing affidavits, have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021, by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from 16 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 2021; when it was written, that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 2021 was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier.

An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on 15 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021.

There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021.

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact, that, the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

We point out, however, that, acting judges, be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court, are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013.

These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents in case no. HC2128/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges.

There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges.

Enactment of Legislation re: Approach, Bills, Presentation, Passing, Amendment, Assent and Repeal


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

The Dispute on the Merits

This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

The new section 186 of the Constitution provides -

186 Tenure of Office of Judges

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) They must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) After the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court, and any other judges, hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or any other court, for a fixed term, but, if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement, or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

“(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'Term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill, in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings, and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) Within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) If it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) A certificate from the Speaker, that, at its final vote in the National Assembly, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) A certificate from the President of the Senate, that, at its final vote in the Senate, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186 of the Constitution, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

The applicants case is summarized in paragraphs 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21.

It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 of the Constitution did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years.

This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution.

It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

According to IAIN CURRIE & JOHAN de WAAL 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed…., "Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

Thus, interpreting a Constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a Constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The textual provisions of the Constitution under consideration are the starting point, but, they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by counsel for the first respondent, that, the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC03-20 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of Constitutional provisions.

The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the Constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Africa 2007 (6) SA 477.

The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

“(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum, or body —

(a) Must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) Must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and, in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) Must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;

(d) Must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular, the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) May consider relevant foreign law;”

The starting point is to appreciate, that, in Zimbabwe, the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded.

Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of Government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

“Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107.

Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood.

The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure, that, a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, that would undermine the independence of the judiciary.

As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388:

"ln approaching this question, it must be borne in mind, that, the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it….,. The power of extension, in section 176(1), must, therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief, or even suspicion, that the judiciary, or members thereof, are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of Government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office.

This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments.

In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

Further, the entrenchment ensures, that, if there is any change in the Constitution, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office, such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328 of the Constitution - which include a referendum.

We point out, that, section 328 of the Constitution does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general.

If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office, they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328 of the Constitution. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office, then, they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

Section 328 of the Constitution has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution

It is an established principle that sections of the Constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together, and in the context of the whole text, in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution: see Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C. & 2 ORS CC20-17; (2) ZLR 1 (CC) per MALABA DCJ…,.

In this case, the two sections are not in conflict, but, must be read together and with the Constitution as a whole.

Section 328 of the Constitution, which deals with amendment of the Constitution, entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that, such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7) of the Constitution, which, as recited above, provides that:

“(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13.

Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

In this instance, the existing section 186 of the Constitution was repealed and substituted with a new section 186.

This is an amendment.

In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) It must be an amendment to a term-limit; and

(b) It must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence, or impact - irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements, then, such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

The reference to an 'equivalent office' is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 328(7) of the Constitution, thereby extending a person's stay in office.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

There was debate as to whether section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, may hold or occupy office.

The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision.

The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 of the Constitution is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that:

"Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years."

Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

That argument is not sustainable.

Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office."

We therefore come to the conclusion, that, section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.

It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years.

The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, and production of a medical report, does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit.

In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) The period of 15 years which is provided in section 186 of the Constitution; and

(ii) The age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these two (2) occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use, generally, the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court, under the new amendment, retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that Bench.

That section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4) of the Constitution. This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7) of the Constitution. This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paragraphs 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21.

The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186 of the Constitution.

That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded.

The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186 of the Constitution:

"lt follows, that, in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice…,. Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.”…,.

Section 186(4) and section 328(7) of the Constitution can be read together.

In our conclusion, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time of the amendment of the Constitution.

Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion, that, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court who held office before the amendment.

There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4) of the Constitution.

It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them; section 186(4) of the Constitution must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

If it did so, this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) of the Constitution and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, from the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) of the Constitution thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328 of the Constitution.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years.

The respondents, in their opposing affidavits, have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021, by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from 16 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 2021; when it was written, that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 2021 was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier.

An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on 15 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021.

There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021.

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact, that, the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

We point out, however, that, acting judges, be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court, are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013.

These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents in case no. HC2128/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges.

There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges.

Rules of Construction or Interpretation re: Approach iro Dies Induciae, Time Limits and the Reckoning of Time


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

The Dispute on the Merits

This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

The new section 186 of the Constitution provides -

186 Tenure of Office of Judges

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) They must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) After the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court, and any other judges, hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or any other court, for a fixed term, but, if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement, or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

“(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'Term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill, in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings, and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) Within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) If it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) A certificate from the Speaker, that, at its final vote in the National Assembly, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) A certificate from the President of the Senate, that, at its final vote in the Senate, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186 of the Constitution, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

The applicants case is summarized in paragraphs 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21.

It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 of the Constitution did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years.

This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution.

It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

According to IAIN CURRIE & JOHAN de WAAL 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed…., "Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

Thus, interpreting a Constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a Constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The textual provisions of the Constitution under consideration are the starting point, but, they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by counsel for the first respondent, that, the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC03-20 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of Constitutional provisions.

The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the Constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Africa 2007 (6) SA 477.

The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

“(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum, or body —

(a) Must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) Must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and, in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) Must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;

(d) Must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular, the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) May consider relevant foreign law;”

The starting point is to appreciate, that, in Zimbabwe, the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded.

Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of Government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

“Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107.

Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood.

The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure, that, a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, that would undermine the independence of the judiciary.

As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388:

"ln approaching this question, it must be borne in mind, that, the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it….,. The power of extension, in section 176(1), must, therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief, or even suspicion, that the judiciary, or members thereof, are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of Government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office.

This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments.

In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

Further, the entrenchment ensures, that, if there is any change in the Constitution, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office, such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328 of the Constitution - which include a referendum.

We point out, that, section 328 of the Constitution does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general.

If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office, they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328 of the Constitution. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office, then, they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

Section 328 of the Constitution has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution

It is an established principle that sections of the Constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together, and in the context of the whole text, in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution: see Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C. & 2 ORS CC20-17; (2) ZLR 1 (CC) per MALABA DCJ…,.

In this case, the two sections are not in conflict, but, must be read together and with the Constitution as a whole.

Section 328 of the Constitution, which deals with amendment of the Constitution, entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that, such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7) of the Constitution, which, as recited above, provides that:

“(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13.

Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

In this instance, the existing section 186 of the Constitution was repealed and substituted with a new section 186.

This is an amendment.

In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) It must be an amendment to a term-limit; and

(b) It must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence, or impact - irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements, then, such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

The reference to an 'equivalent office' is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 328(7) of the Constitution, thereby extending a person's stay in office.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

There was debate as to whether section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, may hold or occupy office.

The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision.

The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 of the Constitution is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that:

"Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years."

Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

That argument is not sustainable.

Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office."

We therefore come to the conclusion, that, section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.

It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years.

The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, and production of a medical report, does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit.

In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) The period of 15 years which is provided in section 186 of the Constitution; and

(ii) The age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these two (2) occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use, generally, the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court, under the new amendment, retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that Bench.

That section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4) of the Constitution. This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7) of the Constitution. This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paragraphs 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21.

The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186 of the Constitution.

That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded.

The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186 of the Constitution:

"lt follows, that, in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice…,. Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.”…,.

Section 186(4) and section 328(7) of the Constitution can be read together.

In our conclusion, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time of the amendment of the Constitution.

Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion, that, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court who held office before the amendment.

There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4) of the Constitution.

It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them; section 186(4) of the Constitution must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

If it did so, this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) of the Constitution and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, from the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) of the Constitution thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328 of the Constitution.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years.

The respondents, in their opposing affidavits, have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021, by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from 16 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 2021; when it was written, that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 2021 was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier.

An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on 15 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021.

There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021.

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact, that, the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

We point out, however, that, acting judges, be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court, are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013.

These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents in case no. HC2128/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges.

There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges.

Rules of Construction or Interpretation re: Constitutional Provisions


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

The Dispute on the Merits

This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

The new section 186 of the Constitution provides -

186 Tenure of Office of Judges

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) They must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) After the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court, and any other judges, hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or any other court, for a fixed term, but, if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement, or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

“(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'Term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill, in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings, and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) Within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) If it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) A certificate from the Speaker, that, at its final vote in the National Assembly, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) A certificate from the President of the Senate, that, at its final vote in the Senate, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186 of the Constitution, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

The applicants case is summarized in paragraphs 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21.

It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 of the Constitution did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years.

This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution.

It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

According to IAIN CURRIE & JOHAN de WAAL 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed…., "Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

Thus, interpreting a Constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a Constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The textual provisions of the Constitution under consideration are the starting point, but, they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by counsel for the first respondent, that, the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC03-20 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of Constitutional provisions.

The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the Constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Africa 2007 (6) SA 477.

The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

“(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum, or body —

(a) Must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) Must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and, in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) Must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;

(d) Must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular, the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) May consider relevant foreign law;”

The starting point is to appreciate, that, in Zimbabwe, the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded.

Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of Government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

“Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107.

Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood.

The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure, that, a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, that would undermine the independence of the judiciary.

As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388:

"ln approaching this question, it must be borne in mind, that, the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it….,. The power of extension, in section 176(1), must, therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief, or even suspicion, that the judiciary, or members thereof, are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of Government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office.

This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments.

In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

Further, the entrenchment ensures, that, if there is any change in the Constitution, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office, such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328 of the Constitution - which include a referendum.

We point out, that, section 328 of the Constitution does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general.

If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office, they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328 of the Constitution. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office, then, they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

Section 328 of the Constitution has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution

It is an established principle that sections of the Constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together, and in the context of the whole text, in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution: see Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C. & 2 ORS CC20-17; (2) ZLR 1 (CC) per MALABA DCJ…,.

In this case, the two sections are not in conflict, but, must be read together and with the Constitution as a whole.

Section 328 of the Constitution, which deals with amendment of the Constitution, entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that, such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7) of the Constitution, which, as recited above, provides that:

“(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13.

Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

In this instance, the existing section 186 of the Constitution was repealed and substituted with a new section 186.

This is an amendment.

In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) It must be an amendment to a term-limit; and

(b) It must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence, or impact - irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements, then, such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

The reference to an 'equivalent office' is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 328(7) of the Constitution, thereby extending a person's stay in office.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

There was debate as to whether section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, may hold or occupy office.

The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision.

The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 of the Constitution is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that:

"Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years."

Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

That argument is not sustainable.

Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office."

We therefore come to the conclusion, that, section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.

It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years.

The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, and production of a medical report, does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit.

In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) The period of 15 years which is provided in section 186 of the Constitution; and

(ii) The age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these two (2) occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use, generally, the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court, under the new amendment, retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that Bench.

That section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4) of the Constitution. This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7) of the Constitution. This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paragraphs 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21.

The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186 of the Constitution.

That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded.

The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186 of the Constitution:

"lt follows, that, in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice…,. Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.”…,.

Section 186(4) and section 328(7) of the Constitution can be read together.

In our conclusion, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time of the amendment of the Constitution.

Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion, that, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court who held office before the amendment.

There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4) of the Constitution.

It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them; section 186(4) of the Constitution must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

If it did so, this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) of the Constitution and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, from the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) of the Constitution thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328 of the Constitution.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years.

The respondents, in their opposing affidavits, have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021, by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from 16 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 2021; when it was written, that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 2021 was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier.

An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on 15 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021.

There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021.

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact, that, the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

We point out, however, that, acting judges, be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court, are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013.

These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents in case no. HC2128/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges.

There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges.

Rules of Construction or Interpretation re: Approach iro Conflicting Statutes & Principle of Lex Posterior Priori Derogant


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

The Dispute on the Merits

This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

The new section 186 of the Constitution provides -

186 Tenure of Office of Judges

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) They must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) After the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court, and any other judges, hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or any other court, for a fixed term, but, if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement, or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

“(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'Term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill, in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings, and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) Within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) If it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) A certificate from the Speaker, that, at its final vote in the National Assembly, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) A certificate from the President of the Senate, that, at its final vote in the Senate, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186 of the Constitution, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

The applicants case is summarized in paragraphs 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21.

It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 of the Constitution did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years.

This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution.

It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

According to IAIN CURRIE & JOHAN de WAAL 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed…., "Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

Thus, interpreting a Constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a Constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The textual provisions of the Constitution under consideration are the starting point, but, they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by counsel for the first respondent, that, the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC03-20 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of Constitutional provisions.

The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the Constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Africa 2007 (6) SA 477.

The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

“(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum, or body —

(a) Must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) Must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and, in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) Must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;

(d) Must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular, the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) May consider relevant foreign law;”

The starting point is to appreciate, that, in Zimbabwe, the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded.

Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of Government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

“Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107.

Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood.

The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure, that, a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, that would undermine the independence of the judiciary.

As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388:

"ln approaching this question, it must be borne in mind, that, the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it….,. The power of extension, in section 176(1), must, therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief, or even suspicion, that the judiciary, or members thereof, are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of Government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office.

This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments.

In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

Further, the entrenchment ensures, that, if there is any change in the Constitution, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office, such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328 of the Constitution - which include a referendum.

We point out, that, section 328 of the Constitution does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general.

If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office, they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328 of the Constitution. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office, then, they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

Section 328 of the Constitution has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution

It is an established principle that sections of the Constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together, and in the context of the whole text, in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution: see Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C. & 2 ORS CC20-17; (2) ZLR 1 (CC) per MALABA DCJ…,.

In this case, the two sections are not in conflict, but, must be read together and with the Constitution as a whole.

Section 328 of the Constitution, which deals with amendment of the Constitution, entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that, such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7) of the Constitution, which, as recited above, provides that:

“(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13.

Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

In this instance, the existing section 186 of the Constitution was repealed and substituted with a new section 186.

This is an amendment.

In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) It must be an amendment to a term-limit; and

(b) It must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence, or impact - irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements, then, such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

The reference to an 'equivalent office' is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 328(7) of the Constitution, thereby extending a person's stay in office.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

There was debate as to whether section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, may hold or occupy office.

The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision.

The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 of the Constitution is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that:

"Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years."

Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

That argument is not sustainable.

Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office."

We therefore come to the conclusion, that, section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.

It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years.

The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, and production of a medical report, does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit.

In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) The period of 15 years which is provided in section 186 of the Constitution; and

(ii) The age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these two (2) occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use, generally, the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court, under the new amendment, retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that Bench.

That section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4) of the Constitution. This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7) of the Constitution. This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paragraphs 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21.

The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186 of the Constitution.

That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded.

The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186 of the Constitution:

"lt follows, that, in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice…,. Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.”…,.

Section 186(4) and section 328(7) of the Constitution can be read together.

In our conclusion, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time of the amendment of the Constitution.

Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion, that, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court who held office before the amendment.

There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4) of the Constitution.

It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them; section 186(4) of the Constitution must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

If it did so, this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) of the Constitution and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, from the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) of the Constitution thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328 of the Constitution.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years.

The respondents, in their opposing affidavits, have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021, by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from 16 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 2021; when it was written, that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 2021 was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier.

An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on 15 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021.

There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021.

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact, that, the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

We point out, however, that, acting judges, be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court, are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013.

These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents in case no. HC2128/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges.

There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges.

Rules of Construction or Interpretation re: Non Obstante or Notwithstanding Clause & Generalia Specialibus Non Derogant


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

The Dispute on the Merits

This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

The new section 186 of the Constitution provides -

186 Tenure of Office of Judges

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) They must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) After the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court, and any other judges, hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or any other court, for a fixed term, but, if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement, or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

“(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'Term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill, in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings, and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) Within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) If it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) A certificate from the Speaker, that, at its final vote in the National Assembly, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) A certificate from the President of the Senate, that, at its final vote in the Senate, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186 of the Constitution, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

The applicants case is summarized in paragraphs 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21.

It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 of the Constitution did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years.

This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution.

It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

According to IAIN CURRIE & JOHAN de WAAL 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed…., "Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

Thus, interpreting a Constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a Constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The textual provisions of the Constitution under consideration are the starting point, but, they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by counsel for the first respondent, that, the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC03-20 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of Constitutional provisions.

The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the Constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Africa 2007 (6) SA 477.

The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

“(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum, or body —

(a) Must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) Must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and, in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) Must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;

(d) Must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular, the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) May consider relevant foreign law;”

The starting point is to appreciate, that, in Zimbabwe, the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded.

Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of Government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

“Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107.

Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood.

The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure, that, a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, that would undermine the independence of the judiciary.

As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388:

"ln approaching this question, it must be borne in mind, that, the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it….,. The power of extension, in section 176(1), must, therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief, or even suspicion, that the judiciary, or members thereof, are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of Government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office.

This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments.

In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

Further, the entrenchment ensures, that, if there is any change in the Constitution, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office, such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328 of the Constitution - which include a referendum.

We point out, that, section 328 of the Constitution does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general.

If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office, they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328 of the Constitution. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office, then, they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

Section 328 of the Constitution has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution

It is an established principle that sections of the Constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together, and in the context of the whole text, in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution: see Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C. & 2 ORS CC20-17; (2) ZLR 1 (CC) per MALABA DCJ…,.

In this case, the two sections are not in conflict, but, must be read together and with the Constitution as a whole.

Section 328 of the Constitution, which deals with amendment of the Constitution, entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that, such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7) of the Constitution, which, as recited above, provides that:

“(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13.

Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

In this instance, the existing section 186 of the Constitution was repealed and substituted with a new section 186.

This is an amendment.

In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) It must be an amendment to a term-limit; and

(b) It must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence, or impact - irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements, then, such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

The reference to an 'equivalent office' is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 328(7) of the Constitution, thereby extending a person's stay in office.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

There was debate as to whether section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, may hold or occupy office.

The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision.

The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 of the Constitution is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that:

"Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years."

Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

That argument is not sustainable.

Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office."

We therefore come to the conclusion, that, section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.

It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years.

The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, and production of a medical report, does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit.

In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) The period of 15 years which is provided in section 186 of the Constitution; and

(ii) The age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these two (2) occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use, generally, the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court, under the new amendment, retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that Bench.

That section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4) of the Constitution. This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7) of the Constitution. This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paragraphs 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21.

The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186 of the Constitution.

That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded.

The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186 of the Constitution:

"lt follows, that, in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice…,. Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.”…,.

Section 186(4) and section 328(7) of the Constitution can be read together.

In our conclusion, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time of the amendment of the Constitution.

Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion, that, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court who held office before the amendment.

There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4) of the Constitution.

It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them; section 186(4) of the Constitution must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

If it did so, this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) of the Constitution and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, from the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) of the Constitution thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328 of the Constitution.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years.

The respondents, in their opposing affidavits, have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021, by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from 16 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 2021; when it was written, that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 2021 was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier.

An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on 15 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021.

There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021.

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact, that, the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

We point out, however, that, acting judges, be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court, are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013.

These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents in case no. HC2128/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges.

There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges.

Employment Contract re: Transfer or Secondment of Employees iro Acting Role, Interim Contractual Lacuna & Quantum Meruit


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

The Dispute on the Merits

This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

The new section 186 of the Constitution provides -

186 Tenure of Office of Judges

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) They must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) After the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court, and any other judges, hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or any other court, for a fixed term, but, if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement, or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

“(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'Term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill, in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings, and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) Within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) If it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) A certificate from the Speaker, that, at its final vote in the National Assembly, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) A certificate from the President of the Senate, that, at its final vote in the Senate, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186 of the Constitution, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

The applicants case is summarized in paragraphs 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21.

It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 of the Constitution did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years.

This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution.

It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

According to IAIN CURRIE & JOHAN de WAAL 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed…., "Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

Thus, interpreting a Constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a Constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The textual provisions of the Constitution under consideration are the starting point, but, they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by counsel for the first respondent, that, the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC03-20 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of Constitutional provisions.

The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the Constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Africa 2007 (6) SA 477.

The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

“(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum, or body —

(a) Must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) Must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and, in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) Must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;

(d) Must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular, the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) May consider relevant foreign law;”

The starting point is to appreciate, that, in Zimbabwe, the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded.

Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of Government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

“Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107.

Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood.

The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure, that, a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, that would undermine the independence of the judiciary.

As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388:

"ln approaching this question, it must be borne in mind, that, the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it….,. The power of extension, in section 176(1), must, therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief, or even suspicion, that the judiciary, or members thereof, are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of Government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office.

This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments.

In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

Further, the entrenchment ensures, that, if there is any change in the Constitution, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office, such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328 of the Constitution - which include a referendum.

We point out, that, section 328 of the Constitution does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general.

If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office, they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328 of the Constitution. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office, then, they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

Section 328 of the Constitution has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution

It is an established principle that sections of the Constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together, and in the context of the whole text, in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution: see Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C. & 2 ORS CC20-17; (2) ZLR 1 (CC) per MALABA DCJ…,.

In this case, the two sections are not in conflict, but, must be read together and with the Constitution as a whole.

Section 328 of the Constitution, which deals with amendment of the Constitution, entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that, such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7) of the Constitution, which, as recited above, provides that:

“(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13.

Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

In this instance, the existing section 186 of the Constitution was repealed and substituted with a new section 186.

This is an amendment.

In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) It must be an amendment to a term-limit; and

(b) It must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence, or impact - irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements, then, such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

The reference to an 'equivalent office' is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 328(7) of the Constitution, thereby extending a person's stay in office.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

There was debate as to whether section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, may hold or occupy office.

The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision.

The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 of the Constitution is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that:

"Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years."

Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

That argument is not sustainable.

Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office."

We therefore come to the conclusion, that, section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.

It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years.

The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, and production of a medical report, does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit.

In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) The period of 15 years which is provided in section 186 of the Constitution; and

(ii) The age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these two (2) occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use, generally, the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court, under the new amendment, retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that Bench.

That section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4) of the Constitution. This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7) of the Constitution. This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paragraphs 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21.

The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186 of the Constitution.

That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded.

The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186 of the Constitution:

"lt follows, that, in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice…,. Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.”…,.

Section 186(4) and section 328(7) of the Constitution can be read together.

In our conclusion, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time of the amendment of the Constitution.

Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion, that, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court who held office before the amendment.

There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4) of the Constitution.

It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them; section 186(4) of the Constitution must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

If it did so, this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) of the Constitution and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, from the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) of the Constitution thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328 of the Constitution.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years.

The respondents, in their opposing affidavits, have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021, by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from 16 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 2021; when it was written, that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 2021 was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier.

An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on 15 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021.

There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021.

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact, that, the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

We point out, however, that, acting judges, be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court, are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013.

These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents in case no. HC2128/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges.

There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges.

Constitutional Rights re: Equal Protection of the Law, Non-Discrimination, Positive Discrimination and Classification


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

The Dispute on the Merits

This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

The new section 186 of the Constitution provides -

186 Tenure of Office of Judges

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) They must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) After the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court, and any other judges, hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or any other court, for a fixed term, but, if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement, or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

“(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'Term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill, in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings, and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) Within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) If it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) A certificate from the Speaker, that, at its final vote in the National Assembly, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) A certificate from the President of the Senate, that, at its final vote in the Senate, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186 of the Constitution, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

The applicants case is summarized in paragraphs 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21.

It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 of the Constitution did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years.

This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution.

It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

According to IAIN CURRIE & JOHAN de WAAL 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed…., "Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

Thus, interpreting a Constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a Constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The textual provisions of the Constitution under consideration are the starting point, but, they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by counsel for the first respondent, that, the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC03-20 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of Constitutional provisions.

The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the Constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Africa 2007 (6) SA 477.

The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

“(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum, or body —

(a) Must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) Must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and, in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) Must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;

(d) Must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular, the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) May consider relevant foreign law;”

The starting point is to appreciate, that, in Zimbabwe, the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded.

Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of Government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

“Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107.

Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood.

The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure, that, a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, that would undermine the independence of the judiciary.

As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388:

"ln approaching this question, it must be borne in mind, that, the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it….,. The power of extension, in section 176(1), must, therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief, or even suspicion, that the judiciary, or members thereof, are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of Government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office.

This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments.

In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

Further, the entrenchment ensures, that, if there is any change in the Constitution, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office, such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328 of the Constitution - which include a referendum.

We point out, that, section 328 of the Constitution does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general.

If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office, they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328 of the Constitution. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office, then, they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

Section 328 of the Constitution has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution

It is an established principle that sections of the Constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together, and in the context of the whole text, in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution: see Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C. & 2 ORS CC20-17; (2) ZLR 1 (CC) per MALABA DCJ…,.

In this case, the two sections are not in conflict, but, must be read together and with the Constitution as a whole.

Section 328 of the Constitution, which deals with amendment of the Constitution, entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that, such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7) of the Constitution, which, as recited above, provides that:

“(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13.

Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

In this instance, the existing section 186 of the Constitution was repealed and substituted with a new section 186.

This is an amendment.

In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) It must be an amendment to a term-limit; and

(b) It must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence, or impact - irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements, then, such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

The reference to an 'equivalent office' is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 328(7) of the Constitution, thereby extending a person's stay in office.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

There was debate as to whether section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, may hold or occupy office.

The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision.

The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 of the Constitution is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that:

"Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years."

Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

That argument is not sustainable.

Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office."

We therefore come to the conclusion, that, section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.

It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years.

The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, and production of a medical report, does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit.

In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) The period of 15 years which is provided in section 186 of the Constitution; and

(ii) The age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these two (2) occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use, generally, the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court, under the new amendment, retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that Bench.

That section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4) of the Constitution. This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7) of the Constitution. This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paragraphs 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21.

The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186 of the Constitution.

That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded.

The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186 of the Constitution:

"lt follows, that, in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice…,. Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.”…,.

Section 186(4) and section 328(7) of the Constitution can be read together.

In our conclusion, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time of the amendment of the Constitution.

Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion, that, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court who held office before the amendment.

There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4) of the Constitution.

It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them; section 186(4) of the Constitution must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

If it did so, this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) of the Constitution and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, from the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) of the Constitution thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328 of the Constitution.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years.

The respondents, in their opposing affidavits, have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021, by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from 16 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 2021; when it was written, that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 2021 was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier.

An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on 15 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021.

There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021.

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact, that, the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

We point out, however, that, acting judges, be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court, are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013.

These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents in case no. HC2128/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges.

There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges.

The Violations of the Applicants Rights

The applicants, in both applications, allege that the continued occupation of public office as judge and/or Chief Justice of Zimbabwe by the second respondent would violate their fundamental rights enshrined in section 56(1) and section 69(3) of the Constitution.

The parties accepted that the reference to section 69(4) in the draft order in HC2166/21 was an error, the correct and intended citation being section 69(3) of the Constitution.

Section 56(1) of the Constitution provides as follows:

"All persons are equal before the law and have the right to equal protection and benefit of the law."...,.

This court is concerned with substantive equality and equal protection and benefit of the law rather than formal equality.

In the case of Mawarire v Mugabe N.O. & Ors CC01-13, the applicant alleged violation of, inter alia, section 18(1) of the old Constitution which provided as follows:

"Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, every person is entitled to the protection of the law."

The Constitutional Court came to the conclusion, that, the failure to perform a constitutional duty violated the applicant's fundamental right as protected by section 18 of the Constitution.

Section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 is wider in its scope than section 18 of the old Constitution. It qualifies the protection of the law with the word 'equal'; it also adds the entitlement to 'equal benefit' of the law which was not there in the old Constitution.

We conclude, that, the continued occupation by the second respondent of the offices of judge and Chief Justice, after he has turned seventy years old, violates the applicants right as enshrined in section 56(1) of the Constitution.

The applicants are entitled to protection and benefit of the law in the sense of having public office occupied in accordance with and not in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.

The applicants are therefore entitled to the declaratory relief which they seek.

Enactment of Legislation re: Legislative Powers , Limitations to Legislative Powers, Judicial Activism and the Rule of Law

lnterpretation of the law is the primary duty of the Court.

Neither Parliament nor the President has a role in that process. Once the Legislature makes a law, it would have discharged its mandate. It cannot be called upon to appear before a court to answer to questions pertaining to the alleged unconstitutionality of the law or the meaning or effect of that law, unless what is being raised is whether it has complied with the constitutional procedures in making the law....,.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107....,.

Both the separation of powers principle and the rule of law are enshrined in section 3 of the Constitution 2013.

The essence of the rule of law is that any person may challenge the legality of any law, conduct, practice etc in a separate, impartial, and independent court or other forum - one that is free from the control of the perpetrator of the illegality; CURRIE & de WAAL “The Bill of Rights Handbook” 6th ed…,.

Constitutional Rights re: Access to Courts, Legal Literacy, Judicial Independence, Impartiality, Dignity and Competence


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

The Dispute on the Merits

This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

The new section 186 of the Constitution provides -

186 Tenure of Office of Judges

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) They must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) After the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court, and any other judges, hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or any other court, for a fixed term, but, if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement, or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

“(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'Term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill, in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings, and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) Within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) If it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) A certificate from the Speaker, that, at its final vote in the National Assembly, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) A certificate from the President of the Senate, that, at its final vote in the Senate, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186 of the Constitution, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

The applicants case is summarized in paragraphs 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21.

It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 of the Constitution did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years.

This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution.

It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

According to IAIN CURRIE & JOHAN de WAAL 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed…., "Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

Thus, interpreting a Constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a Constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The textual provisions of the Constitution under consideration are the starting point, but, they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by counsel for the first respondent, that, the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC03-20 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of Constitutional provisions.

The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the Constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Africa 2007 (6) SA 477.

The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

“(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum, or body —

(a) Must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) Must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and, in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) Must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;

(d) Must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular, the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) May consider relevant foreign law;”

The starting point is to appreciate, that, in Zimbabwe, the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded.

Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of Government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

“Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107.

Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood.

The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure, that, a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, that would undermine the independence of the judiciary.

As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388:

"ln approaching this question, it must be borne in mind, that, the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it….,. The power of extension, in section 176(1), must, therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief, or even suspicion, that the judiciary, or members thereof, are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of Government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office.

This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments.

In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

Further, the entrenchment ensures, that, if there is any change in the Constitution, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office, such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328 of the Constitution - which include a referendum.

We point out, that, section 328 of the Constitution does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general.

If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office, they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328 of the Constitution. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office, then, they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

Section 328 of the Constitution has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution

It is an established principle that sections of the Constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together, and in the context of the whole text, in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution: see Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C. & 2 ORS CC20-17; (2) ZLR 1 (CC) per MALABA DCJ…,.

In this case, the two sections are not in conflict, but, must be read together and with the Constitution as a whole.

Section 328 of the Constitution, which deals with amendment of the Constitution, entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that, such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7) of the Constitution, which, as recited above, provides that:

“(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13.

Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

In this instance, the existing section 186 of the Constitution was repealed and substituted with a new section 186.

This is an amendment.

In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) It must be an amendment to a term-limit; and

(b) It must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence, or impact - irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements, then, such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

The reference to an 'equivalent office' is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 328(7) of the Constitution, thereby extending a person's stay in office.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

There was debate as to whether section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, may hold or occupy office.

The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision.

The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 of the Constitution is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that:

"Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years."

Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

That argument is not sustainable.

Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office."

We therefore come to the conclusion, that, section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.

It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years.

The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, and production of a medical report, does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit.

In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) The period of 15 years which is provided in section 186 of the Constitution; and

(ii) The age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these two (2) occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use, generally, the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court, under the new amendment, retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that Bench.

That section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4) of the Constitution. This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7) of the Constitution. This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paragraphs 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21.

The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186 of the Constitution.

That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded.

The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186 of the Constitution:

"lt follows, that, in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice…,. Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.”…,.

Section 186(4) and section 328(7) of the Constitution can be read together.

In our conclusion, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time of the amendment of the Constitution.

Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion, that, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court who held office before the amendment.

There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4) of the Constitution.

It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them; section 186(4) of the Constitution must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

If it did so, this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) of the Constitution and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, from the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) of the Constitution thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328 of the Constitution.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years.

The respondents, in their opposing affidavits, have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021, by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from 16 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 2021; when it was written, that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 2021 was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier.

An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on 15 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021.

There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021.

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact, that, the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

We point out, however, that, acting judges, be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court, are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013.

These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents in case no. HC2128/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges.

There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges.

The Violations of the Applicants Rights

The applicants, in both applications, allege that the continued occupation of public office as judge and/or Chief Justice of Zimbabwe by the second respondent would violate their fundamental rights enshrined in section 56(1) and section 69(3) of the Constitution.

The parties accepted that the reference to section 69(4) in the draft order in HC2166/21 was an error, the correct and intended citation being section 69(3) of the Constitution....,.

Section 69(3) of the Constitution provides as follows:

"Every person has the right of access to the courts, or to some other tribunal or forum established by law for the resolution of any dispute."...,.

The second violation of fundamental rights alleged by the applicants in Case No. HC2166/21 is of section 69(3) of the Constitution.

It has been held, that, the right of access to courts is essential for constitutional democracy and the rule of law: Road Accident Fund v Mdeyide 2011 (2) SA 26 (CC)…,.; De Beer N.O.v North-Central Local Council and South-Central Local Council 2002 (1) SA 429 (CC)…,.

ln the case of Bernstein v Bester N.O.1996 (2) SA 751 (CC)…, the purpose of the right of access to courts was explained by the Constitutional Court of South Africa as:

"To emphasise and protect, generally, but also, specifically, for the protection of the individual, the separation of powers, particularly the separation of the judiciary from the other arms of the State…,. (It) achieves this by ensuring that the courts and other fora which settle justiciable disputes are independent and impartial. It is a provision fundamental to the upholding of the rule of law, the constitutional state, the 'regstaatidee' for it prevents legislatures, at whatever level, from turning themselves by acts of legerdemain into 'courts'…,. By constitutionalizing the requirements of independence and impartiality the section places the nature of the courts or other adjudicating fora beyond debate….,."

We respectfully endorse the above exposition of the law.

Both the separation of powers principle and the rule of law are enshrined in section 3 of the Constitution 2013.

The essence of the rule of law is that any person may challenge the legality of any law, conduct, practice etc in a separate, impartial, and independent court or other forum - one that is free from the control of the perpetrator of the illegality; CURRIE & de WAAL “The Bill of Rights Handbook” 6th ed…,.

If a sitting judge can have his or her term of office extended by amendment of the Constitution just one week before he or she is due to retire, or judicial officers have their age limit extended contrary to the express provisions of the Constitution, which prevent incumbents from having terms of office extended for them while they are in office, questions will reasonably abound as to the extent to which the Court can be independent.

The intended extension of the length of time that the persons in office, as judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, do have the effect of compromising on the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law.

Significantly, the election to continue in office introduced by section 186(1), (2) and (3) of the Constitution is not an automatic guarantee that the judge concerned will continue in office. It is subject to acceptance by the President. It is not guaranteed. This has the effect of subjecting the term of office (or extension thereof) to the control of the Executive.

If any extension is to be afforded to the 2nd to 14th and the 18th respondents, then, there would be violation of the applicants right as protected by section 69(3) of the Constitution. This is so given the conclusion that we have reached, that, such extension contemplated by section 186 of the Constitution does not apply to persons who were in office as judges before the amendment.

Constitutional Appointments, Body Established by Constitution, Administrative Powers, Corporate Status, Tenure and Misconduct


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

The Dispute on the Merits

This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

The new section 186 of the Constitution provides -

186 Tenure of Office of Judges

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) They must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) After the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court, and any other judges, hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or any other court, for a fixed term, but, if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement, or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

“(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'Term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill, in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings, and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) Within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) If it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) A certificate from the Speaker, that, at its final vote in the National Assembly, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) A certificate from the President of the Senate, that, at its final vote in the Senate, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186 of the Constitution, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

The applicants case is summarized in paragraphs 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21.

It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 of the Constitution did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years.

This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution.

It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

According to IAIN CURRIE & JOHAN de WAAL 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed…., "Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

Thus, interpreting a Constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a Constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The textual provisions of the Constitution under consideration are the starting point, but, they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by counsel for the first respondent, that, the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC03-20 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of Constitutional provisions.

The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the Constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Africa 2007 (6) SA 477.

The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

“(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum, or body —

(a) Must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) Must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and, in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) Must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;

(d) Must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular, the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) May consider relevant foreign law;”

The starting point is to appreciate, that, in Zimbabwe, the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded.

Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of Government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

“Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107.

Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood.

The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure, that, a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, that would undermine the independence of the judiciary.

As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388:

"ln approaching this question, it must be borne in mind, that, the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it….,. The power of extension, in section 176(1), must, therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief, or even suspicion, that the judiciary, or members thereof, are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of Government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office.

This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments.

In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

Further, the entrenchment ensures, that, if there is any change in the Constitution, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office, such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328 of the Constitution - which include a referendum.

We point out, that, section 328 of the Constitution does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general.

If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office, they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328 of the Constitution. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office, then, they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

Section 328 of the Constitution has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution

It is an established principle that sections of the Constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together, and in the context of the whole text, in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution: see Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C. & 2 ORS CC20-17; (2) ZLR 1 (CC) per MALABA DCJ…,.

In this case, the two sections are not in conflict, but, must be read together and with the Constitution as a whole.

Section 328 of the Constitution, which deals with amendment of the Constitution, entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that, such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7) of the Constitution, which, as recited above, provides that:

“(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13.

Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

In this instance, the existing section 186 of the Constitution was repealed and substituted with a new section 186.

This is an amendment.

In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) It must be an amendment to a term-limit; and

(b) It must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence, or impact - irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements, then, such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

The reference to an 'equivalent office' is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 328(7) of the Constitution, thereby extending a person's stay in office.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

There was debate as to whether section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, may hold or occupy office.

The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision.

The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 of the Constitution is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that:

"Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years."

Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

That argument is not sustainable.

Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office."

We therefore come to the conclusion, that, section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.

It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years.

The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, and production of a medical report, does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit.

In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) The period of 15 years which is provided in section 186 of the Constitution; and

(ii) The age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these two (2) occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use, generally, the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court, under the new amendment, retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that Bench.

That section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4) of the Constitution. This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7) of the Constitution. This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paragraphs 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21.

The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186 of the Constitution.

That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded.

The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186 of the Constitution:

"lt follows, that, in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice…,. Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.”…,.

Section 186(4) and section 328(7) of the Constitution can be read together.

In our conclusion, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time of the amendment of the Constitution.

Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion, that, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court who held office before the amendment.

There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4) of the Constitution.

It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them; section 186(4) of the Constitution must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

If it did so, this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) of the Constitution and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, from the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) of the Constitution thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328 of the Constitution.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years.

The respondents, in their opposing affidavits, have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021, by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from 16 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 2021; when it was written, that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 2021 was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier.

An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on 15 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021.

There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021.

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact, that, the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

We point out, however, that, acting judges, be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court, are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013.

These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents in case no. HC2128/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges.

There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges....,.


Our conclusion is that the extension of the retirement age amounts to extension of tenure. Tenure is defined by both the fixed time and the stipulated retirement ages.

In terms of section 328(7) of the Constitution 2013, such an extension of tenure is an amendment to the Constitution. It cannot benefit the persons who held or occupied the office at any time before the amendment.

Any extension of the length of time that persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court prior to the amendment of section 186 of the Constitution, through the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, would be a violation of the applicants rights as protected by section 56(1) and section 69(3) of the Constitution 2013....,.


ln the result, we make the following order:


1. The second respondent in HC2128/21 who is also the second respondent in HC2166/21 ceased to hold the office of the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and judge by operation of law on 15 May 2021 at 0400 hours.

2. The extension of the length of time in the office of the judge beyond the age of 70 years, provided for in section 186 of the Constitution, does not apply to the 2nd to 14th and the 18th Respondents.

Employment Contract re: Termination iro Retirement and the Extension of Retirement Age


This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same.

Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application.

Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents.

Opposing papers, answering affidavits, and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

In case no. HC2128/21 the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court, on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such.

The judges were cited in official capacities.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings, at its instance, at the case management conference.

In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda, a liberation war veteran.


On 7 May 2021, the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13.

That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

Upon gathering that section 186 of the Constitution, introduced by the Amendment, would apply to the second to eighteenth respondents (Luke Malaba, Elizabeth Gwaunza, Paddington Garwe, Rita Makarau, Anne-Mary Gowora, Ben Hlatshwayo, Bharat Patel, Antonia Guvava, Susan Mavangira, Chinembiri Energy Bhunu, Tendai Uchena, Nicholas Mathonsi, Charles Hungwe, Felistus Chatukuta, Alfas Chitakunye, Samuel Kudya and Lavender Makoni) the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2128/21 seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must, by operation of law, retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA, must or did, at midnight on 15 May 2021, cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct, or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE, is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

During argument, counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly.

We point out, that, notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

The second to eighteenth respondents did not file opposing papers.

They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd HH201-93 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd HH26-95.

We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent (Judicial Service Commission) in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent (Chief Justice Luke Malaba) cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act, or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent, purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe.

The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview.

Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution.

The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

We take it that this relief, seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, is not being persisted with....,.

The Dispute on the Merits

This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

The new section 186 of the Constitution provides -

186 Tenure of Office of Judges

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) They must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) After the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire, unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court, and any other judges, hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or any other court, for a fixed term, but, if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement, or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

“(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'Term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill, in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings, and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) Within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) If it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) A certificate from the Speaker, that, at its final vote in the National Assembly, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) A certificate from the President of the Senate, that, at its final vote in the Senate, the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186 of the Constitution, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

The applicants case is summarized in paragraphs 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21.

It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 of the Constitution did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years.

This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution.

It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

According to IAIN CURRIE & JOHAN de WAAL 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed…., "Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

Thus, interpreting a Constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a Constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The textual provisions of the Constitution under consideration are the starting point, but, they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by counsel for the first respondent, that, the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC03-20 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of Constitutional provisions.

The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the Constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Africa 2007 (6) SA 477.

The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

“(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum, or body —

(a) Must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) Must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and, in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) Must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;

(d) Must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular, the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) May consider relevant foreign law;”

The starting point is to appreciate, that, in Zimbabwe, the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded.

Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of Government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding Values and Principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) The rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) Good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived;

(g) Transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

“Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed.

This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, Parliament is supreme, and, any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity.

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the Constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which Parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others SC68-17; 2017 (2) ZLR 114.

The principle of separation of powers, which is explicitly provided for in section 3 of the Constitution, and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution, has in it, that, among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control CC13- 17; 17 (1) ZLR 107.

Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness.

This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood.

The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure, that, a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, that would undermine the independence of the judiciary.

As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388:

"ln approaching this question, it must be borne in mind, that, the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it….,. The power of extension, in section 176(1), must, therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief, or even suspicion, that the judiciary, or members thereof, are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of Government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office.

This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments.

In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

Further, the entrenchment ensures, that, if there is any change in the Constitution, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office, such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328 of the Constitution - which include a referendum.

We point out, that, section 328 of the Constitution does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general.

If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office, they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328 of the Constitution. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office, then, they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

Section 328 of the Constitution has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution

It is an established principle that sections of the Constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together, and in the context of the whole text, in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution: see Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C. & 2 ORS CC20-17; (2) ZLR 1 (CC) per MALABA DCJ…,.

In this case, the two sections are not in conflict, but, must be read together and with the Constitution as a whole.

Section 328 of the Constitution, which deals with amendment of the Constitution, entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that, such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7) of the Constitution, which, as recited above, provides that:

“(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13.

Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

In this instance, the existing section 186 of the Constitution was repealed and substituted with a new section 186.

This is an amendment.

In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) It must be an amendment to a term-limit; and

(b) It must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence, or impact - irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements, then, such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

The reference to an 'equivalent office' is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 328(7) of the Constitution, thereby extending a person's stay in office.

There can be no question that judges occupy public office.

There was debate as to whether section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent, and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, may hold or occupy office.

The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision.

The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 of the Constitution is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that:

"Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years."

Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

That argument is not sustainable.

Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office."

We therefore come to the conclusion, that, section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court.

It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years.

The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, and production of a medical report, does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit.

In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) The period of 15 years which is provided in section 186 of the Constitution; and

(ii) The age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these two (2) occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use, generally, the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court, under the new amendment, retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that Bench.

That section 186 of the Constitution is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4) of the Constitution. This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7) of the Constitution. This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paragraphs 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21.

The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186 of the Constitution.

That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded.

The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others: Freedom Under Law v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186 of the Constitution:

"lt follows, that, in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice…,. Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.”…,.

Section 186(4) and section 328(7) of the Constitution can be read together.

In our conclusion, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time of the amendment of the Constitution.

Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion, that, section 186(4) of the Constitution does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court who held office before the amendment.

There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4) of the Constitution.

It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them; section 186(4) of the Constitution must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

If it did so, this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) of the Constitution and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, from the ambit of section 328(7) of the Constitution, would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) of the Constitution thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328 of the Constitution.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021.

The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years.

The respondents, in their opposing affidavits, have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021, by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from 16 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 2021; when it was written, that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 2021 was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier.

An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on 15 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021.

There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021.

The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is, in law, a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad….,. And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine 1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (per KORSAH JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it."

In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact, that, the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, prior to the amendment, cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021.

We point out, however, that, acting judges, be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court, are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013.

These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th respondents in case no. HC2128/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges.

There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges....,.


Our conclusion is that the extension of the retirement age amounts to extension of tenure. Tenure is defined by both the fixed time and the stipulated retirement ages.

In terms of section 328(7) of the Constitution 2013, such an extension of tenure is an amendment to the Constitution. It cannot benefit the persons who held or occupied the office at any time before the amendment.

Any extension of the length of time that persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court prior to the amendment of section 186 of the Constitution, through the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act 2021, would be a violation of the applicants rights as protected by section 56(1) and section 69(3) of the Constitution 2013....,.


ln the result, we make the following order:


1. The second respondent in HC2128/21 who is also the second respondent in HC2166/21 ceased to hold the office of the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and judge by operation of law on 15 May 2021 at 0400 hours.

2. The extension of the length of time in the office of the judge beyond the age of 70 years, provided for in section 186 of the Constitution, does not apply to the 2nd to 14th and the 18th Respondents.

Costs re: Matter Determined on a Point of Law Raised by the Court, Misdirection by the Court & Public Interest Litigation


We consider that the issues raised in these two matters are of national importance. They relate to the interpretation of provisions of the Constitution and how those provisions affect the persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court before the amendment which triggered the filing of the applications.

For these reasons, in accordance with the approach of the courts in matters of this nature, we do not believe that any of the parties should be ordered to pay costs....,.



3. There shall be no order as to costs.

Costs re: Constitutional Proceedings


We consider that the issues raised in these two matters are of national importance. They relate to the interpretation of provisions of the Constitution and how those provisions affect the persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court before the amendment which triggered the filing of the applications.

For these reasons, in accordance with the approach of the courts in matters of this nature, we do not believe that any of the parties should be ordered to pay costs....,.



3. There shall be no order as to costs.

Costs re: No Order as to Costs or No Costs Order iro Approach


We consider that the issues raised in these two matters are of national importance. They relate to the interpretation of provisions of the Constitution and how those provisions affect the persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court before the amendment which triggered the filing of the applications.

For these reasons, in accordance with the approach of the courts in matters of this nature, we do not believe that any of the parties should be ordered to pay costs....,.



3. There shall be no order as to costs.

Urgent Court Application



1.This judgment is in respect of two matters, HC2128/21 and HC2166/21. The two matters were heard together because the substance of their complaints is the same. Both matters were brought by way of application. HC2128/21 was instituted as an urgent court application while HC2166/21 was brought as an urgent chamber application. Both applications are opposed by some of the respondents. Opposing papers, answering affidavits and heads of argument were filed following a case management meeting with the parties representatives at which the dates for filing the papers were set by consent.

2. In case no. HC2l28/2l the applicant, a legal practitioner and director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, cited the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, and all the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court as well as some of the judges of the High Court on the basis that they are acting judges of the Supreme Court or have been called upon to act as such. The judges were cited in official capacities. The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) was joined in the proceedings at its instance at the case management conference.

3. In HC2166/21 the respondents cited are the JSC, the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe Honourable Luke Malaba N.O. and the Attorney General N.O. The applicants in that case are Young Lawyers Association of Zimbabwe and Frederick Charles Moses Mutanda. a liberation war veteran.


4. On 7 May 2021 the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act, 2021, became law after being assented to by the President. The contentious aspects of the Amendment Act which are the subject of the instant applications are found in its section 13. That section repealed section 186 of the Constitution 2013 and substituted it with a new section 186.

5. Upon gathering that section 186 introduced by the Amendment would apply to the 2nd to 18th respondents the applicants instituted the two applications. The applicant in Case No. HC2l28/2l seeks the following relief:


1. In accordance with provisions of sections 186(1)(a) and 186(2) (of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013) in their original form and notwithstanding provisions of Constitutional Amendment Number 2, second to eighteenth respondents hold office they reach the age of seventy years, whereupon they must by operation of law retire.

2.The attempt to subvert the position encapsulated in the "original" section 186(1)(a) and 186(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 is contrary to law and therefore in breach of applicant's right to the protection of the law as set out in section 56(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013.


3. LUKE MALABA must or did at midnight on 15 May 2021 cease to hold the office of CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE.

4. Any action, conduct or deed of LUKE MALABA post the 15th of May 2021 purportedly as CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is null and void and of no effect.

5. ln accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, ELIZABETH GWAUNZA became/becomes the ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

6. In accordance with the provisions of section 181 of the Constitution 2013, with effect from midnight on the 15th of May 2021, PADDINGTON GARWE became/becomes the ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE until such a time as a substantive DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE OF ZIMBABWE is appointed.

7.There shall be no order as to costs."

6. During argument counsel for the applicant abandoned the relief sought in para 6 of the draft order and moved that the draft be amended accordingly. We point out that notwithstanding the statement suggesting that what is being sought in Paragraphs 3-7 of the draft order is consequential relief, the relief is clearly in the form of a declaration.

7. The 2nd to 18th Respondents did not file opposing papers. They will therefore be taken not to have opposed the application: see Prosser & 35 Others v Ziscosteel Company Ltd 93-HH-201 and Panganai and 20 Others v Kadir & Sons (Pvt) Ltd 95-HH-026. We do not accept the submission by their counsel that they oppose the application without filing opposing papers. This is because the directions issued on 12 May 2021 required the respondents to file opposing papers if they were opposing the application. Their grounds of opposition would have to be contained in the opposing affidavits.

8. ln Case No. HC2166/21 the applicant sought declaratory relief as follows:


1. The first respondent in failing to activate the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act 2013 and/or the provisions of section 180 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended by Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act, 2021 (No.2 of 2021) diligently and without delay violated section 324 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as amended.

2. The second respondent cannot, by virtue of section 328(7) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended, benefit from the term limit extension as introduced by an amendment of section 186 by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act, 2021.

3. As a consequence of 2 above, the second respondent shall vacate office as the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe on (sic) midnight of 15 May 2021.

4. Any action, conduct, act or deed of second respondent post the 15th of May 2021 purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe is null and void and of no force or effect.

5. Any attempt to continue in office by second Respondent as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and/or any continuation in office by second respondent purportedly as Chief Justice of Zimbabwe violates applicants right of access to a court of law established by law and applicants right to protection of the law in accordance with section 69(4) and section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

6. The second respondent, in any event, can no longer be a judge of the Constitutional Court for more than 15 years in violation of section 186(1) of the Constitution 2013 as amended.

7. ln the alternative, section 14 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act, 2021 (No.2 of 2021) is invalid for violating section 56(3) of the Constitution 2013 and is accordingly struck down.

8. There shall be no order as to costs."

9. The relief set out in the first paragraph was not persisted with as it was predicated upon a misreading of the constitutional provisions pertaining to the appointment of a Chief Justice in Zimbabwe. The applicants were under the mistaken belief that the first respondent, the JSC, had the mandate to call for candidates to participate in an interview. Section 180 of the Constitution provides that the Chief Justice is appointed by the President after consultation with the JSC. The relief sought in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the same one being sought by the applicant in HC2128/21 save for the reference to section 69(4) of the Constitution. The relief sought in paragraph 6 of the draft order was abandoned during argument. Also, the applicant did not make any submissions in support of the alternative relief being sought in paragraph 7 of the draft order.

10. We take it that this relief seeking the declaration of invalidity in respect of section 13 (which was incorrectly referred to as section 14) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act, 2021, is not being persisted with.

Preliminarv issues and obiections

11. The parties raised preliminary issues and objections. The first issue pertained to the recusation of the judges sitting in this matter. We dismissed the application and advised that the full reasons would be contained in the final judgment. Brief reasons were given in the ex tempore judgment that we delivered on 15 May 2021.

12. Before dealing with the substance of the matter it is important to advert to two issues. These issues arise from the submissions made on behalf of the respondents by the legal practitioners representing them as well as from the affidavit of the Attorney-General.

13. The first one is the suggestion that judges are employees of the JSC, the 19th respondent in HC2128/21 and 1st respondent in HC2166/21. That is a misapprehension of the constitutional position. Judges are not employees but are constitutional appointees. They are appointed by the President in terms of the Constitution. The second point is the reference to the High Court as an inferior court. That, too, is a misapprehension. The High Court, under both the old constitutions and the current Constitution, is a superior court. These are fundamentals that the court expects every legal practitioner to be aware of, hence the need to highlight them herein.

Application for Recusal

14. The application on behalf of the 2nd to 19th respondents pertained only to ZHOU J. As already noted, the 2nd to 18th respondents have not opposed the applications. The grounds advanced are that the judge is conflicted in that he was a Commissioner of the JSC for a period of 6 years and, secondly, that he participated in the interviews for the selection of Constitutional Court judges which were held in September 2020.

15. There was also the submission that the entire High Court bench, or, alternatively, the judges who constitute the panel in casu would be biased.

16. An application for the recusal of a member of a court or tribunal based on interest has its foundations in the principle of natural justice known as nemo judex in sua causa. The test for bias is an objective one. Applicant must show a reasonable possibility of bias. ln the case of Bernert v Absa Bank Ltd 2011 (3) SALR 92 the Constitutional Court of South Africa held that in the context of an allegation of judicial bias the "double requirement of reasonableness" must be satisfied, that both the person who apprehends bias and the apprehension itself must be reasonable. When one considers that there is a presumption of impartiality, the need for genuine evidence or facts upon which the allegations of bias are founded is enjoined.

17. On the other hand, it is understood that an application for recusal of a judge necessarily places the party making it, particularly the legal practitioner, in an unenviable position. For this reason, courts must not be over-sensitive to such an application being made for their recusal as the rules of natural justice are an important feature of the right to a fair hearing.

18. ZHOU J having left the JSC in February 2020, a period of about 15 months has passed. The matters in this case do not arise from what happened up to mid-February 2020. Mr Chinake referred to a resolution by which the deponent to the 19th respondent's affidavit was authorized to act. He submitted that the resolution was made during the period prior to February 2020, and that some of the applicants had challenged the authority of the Secretary of the JSC.

19. The resolution speaks for itself and no evidence outside it or pertaining to how it came into existence was debated in this case. The challenge pertained to whether the Secretary had been authorized by the JSC to apply for its joinder and to defend the applications. No interest arising out of previous membership of the JSC has been shown which would suggest a reasonable possibility of bias.

20. The issue of the interviews for appointment to the Constitutional Court does not arise in this case. The provisions which are the subject matter of these applications introduce a new regime for appointment of sitting judges to the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court. No interest can be imputed arising out of the interviews which would have a bearing on the present applications.

21. The move for the recusation of the entire panel of judges was predicted upon two grounds as advanced by Mr. Magwaliba for the first respondent and the Attorney General. The first ground was that the amendments which were introduced by section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 2) Act, 2021 disadvantage High Court judges because their retirement age limit was not extended to 75 years. The submission was that the High Court should not therefore hear the instant applications. This startling submission which was directed at all the High Court judges, including those who are not on this, panel, assumes that extension of working age to 75 years is a benefit.

That is a misapprehension not based on an interview of any of the High Court judges.

22. The additional ground was that the judges sitting in this matter were constituted by the Judge President who is a commissioner of the Judicial Service Commission, and would be conflicted. The allocation of cases to judges is an administrative function which judges have no control over. The involvement of the office of the Judge President is purely in the discharge of his administrative function. The insinuation by Mr. Magwaliba that the judges may have been picked for some other improper purpose in this matter is not based on evidence and is a reckless submission by a legal practitioner who is an officer of this court.

23. The suggestion that the panel of judges was biased because they truncated the deadline for filing papers is unsound. The dates were discussed and agreed upon having regard to the basis of the urgency, which was that the second respondent wa involvement s turning 70 years old on 15 May 2021. The court has inherent power to control its processes and procedures.

24. Secondly, the dates were established with the and consent of those who instructed Mr.Magwaliba. The directions issued in respect of the filing of papers could therefore not be evidence of bias or an interest in the matter as suggested.

For these reasons, we dismissed the application for recusal of the judges.


25. The respondents revisited their objection that the matters were not urgent and consented to the matters being dealt with on an urgent basis. Accordingly, we relate to the matters on an urgent basis. Mr Chinake advised that his clients were abandoning the points in limine based on the grounds that the case had become moot and that the form used in the court application rendered the application invalid. He, however, persisted with the objections pertaining to misjoinder of the 2nd to 18th respondents and jurisdiction of this court. The first respondent persisted with all the objections in limine except the one pertaining to the urgency of the matter. These objections therefore have to be considered.

The Jurisdiction of this Court

26. The objection to the jurisdiction of this court dealing with the matter was not argued notwithstanding the indication that it was being persisted with. Mr. Chinake accepted that this court does have the jurisdiction to grant a declaratur, in terms of section 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06]. He, however, made two points. The first one, namely, that any order that this court makes remains not operational until it is confirmed by the Constitutional Court is incorrect. Only the orders referred to in section 175(1) of the Constitution become effective after confirmation by the Constitutional Court.

27. The second submission was that this court has no authority to appoint judges or decide on the hierarchy of the courts. However, this application is not concerned with the appointment of judges or the setting of the hierarchy of the courts. These are matters which are contained in the Constitution. Both points are in any event irrelevant to the issue of jurisdiction which had been raised.

28. The objections set out in paragraphs 17.1 and 17.2 of the opposing affidavit of the first respondent in HC2166/21 were not persisted with in argument. These objections were that this court has no jurisdiction to grant consequential relief and that such consequential relief would be in violation of section 167(3) of the Constitution. However, as has been pointed out above, notwithstanding that in the draft order being sought the relief is presented as if it is consequential relief what is being sought is in fact and substance a declaratur.

The raising of the point in limine that the court has no jurisdiction is misconceived. The objection is therefore dismissed.

The Form used in the Court Application

29. The respondents objection is that the court application filed on behalf of the applicant is not in Form 29, as is required by Rule 230 of the High Court Rules 1971. The respondents point out that the form filed does not alert the respondents to their procedural rights, such as the consequences of any failure to oppose the application. The only missing portion of Form 29 is the one that warns the respondents that if they fail to file their opposing papers within the dies induciae then the matter would be dealt with as an unopposed application. In all the other respects the Form complies with the requirements of Form 29. The dies induciae are not contained in the Form 29 itself but are stated in Rule 232.

The failure to state the period of ten days cannot therefore be a failure to comply with Form 29.

30. The other requirements of Form 29 like the need to file a notice of opposition and opposing affidavit, the need to serve opposing papers, and the entitlement to attach annexures to the opposing affidavits, are stated. Given that this application was filed under a certificate of urgency and with truncated periods for filing papers, and would be subject to the directions to be issued by the judges who would be seized with the case, we do not believe that it would have been up to the applicant to warn the respondents of the consequences of a failure to file opposing papers within the proposed dies induciae which were, after all, proposed by the applicants.

31. These would be subject to whatever directions that the court would give. These directions were given with the consent of all the parties. No prejudice was occasioned by the failure to state the consequences of a failure to file the opposing affidavit within the period proposed. Those who intended to oppose the applications did file their opposing papers in accordance with the directions issued.

32. We take note of, and draw attention to, the provisions of section 85(3)(c) of the Constitution 2013, which state that: “the court, while observing the rules of natural justice, is not unreasonably restricted by procedural technicalities." Given that all the parties had the opportunity, by consent, to file the opposing and answering affidavits and heads of argument, the objection pertaining to the form used cannot be sustained having regard to the important constitutional questions which arise from the papers.

For these reasons we dismiss the objection.

No Leave Sought to Sue Sitting Judqes

33. The respondents rely on Rule 18 of the High Court Rules, RGN 1047/1971 for the objection that the failure to obtain the leave of the court to sue the judges renders the proceedings fatally defective. That rule provides as follows:

"No summons or other civil process of the court may be sued out against the President or against any of the judges of the High Court without the leave of the court granted on court application being made for that purpose."

34. A document which initiates application proceedings is not "civil process" save for the purposes of Order 5 Rule 1.That is the reason why in terms of Rule 18 leave to sue out process is sought by way of court application. lf a court application was “process" there would be the absurdity that one would then require the leave of court to institute the court application provided for in Rule 18 since the affected judge would have to be cited in that application. Rule 18 falls under Order 3 which deals with summons matters. In Order 32 which deals with applications there is no provision which is similar to Rule 18.

So clearly Rule 18 is not of general application to all proceedings irrespective of how they are instituted.

35. Further, the applications in casu were made in terms of section 85 of the Constitution 2013. There is no requirement for such leave to be granted in an application made in terms of that section. Further and, in any event, 2nd to 18th respondents are cited in their official capacities. They have not filed opposing papers challenging their citation without leave.

ln any case, even if they had done so and the court had found that such leave was required, the effect of that finding would not have been to nullify the entire proceedings.

The Locus Standi of the Applicants

36. The objection taken by Mr Magwaliba for the 1st respondent it HC2128/21 and 3rd respondent in HC2166121 is that the applicants have not shown a legal interest which would be or has been interfered with or a constitutional right which has been or would be infringed. The applicants in both applications allege violation of their fundamental rights as well as violation of the Constitution if the 2nd to 18th respondents are to continue to occupy the office of judge after attaining the age of seventy years.

37. The Constitution of Zimbabwe widened the scope of locus standi in respect of matters pertaining to infringement of fundamental rights, see section 85(1) of the Constitution 2013. The applicants are alleging violation of their fundamental rights. This gives them the locus standi to approach the court for relief. A restrictive interpretation of locus standi in respect of alleged violations of the Constitutional rights was rejected in the case of Mawarire v Mugabe N.O. & Ors 13-CC-001 at para 22 and 2013 (1) ZLR 469 (CC) and 477D-E where the Court said:

Certainly, this court does not expect to appear before it only those who are dripping with the blood of the actual infringement of their rights or those who are shivering incoherently with the fear of the impending threat which has actually engulfed them. This court will entertain even those who calmly perceive a looming infringement and issue a declaration or appropriate order to stave the threat..”

38. ln the Mawarire case the applicant alleged that his right to protection of the law in terms of section 18(1) of the old Constitution of Zimbabwe had been, was being or was likely to continue to be violated by a failure to fix a date for the holding of elections. ln the instant applications the applicants allege violation of section 56(1) and section 69(3) of the Constitution 2013. In any event, ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Constitution is not only an entitlement but an obligation of every citizen of Zimbabwe. This gives them the locus standi to approach the court for enforcement of the constitutional rights. Whether the violations will be established is a matter for argument on the merits.

In the premises, the objection to the locus standi of the applicants to approach the court is unfounded and must fail.

Misjoinder of the 2nd to 18th respondents in HC2128/21 and their Citation

39. The 1st and 19th Respondents took the point that there was misjoinder of the 2nd to 18th respondents. In the case of and Zimbabwe Teachers Association & Ors v Minister of Education 1990 (2) ZLR 48, it was held at 52F-53E that a party is entitled to participate in a suit if it has a direct and substantial interest in the subject-matter and outcome of the application. What is required is a legal interest, not a financial interest which is only an indirect interest in the litigation.

40. In this case the respondents are the persons who held or occupied the offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court. The question of whether they should retire at the age of seventy years or they have an election to have their stay in office extended affects them directly. In fact, the second respondent reached seventy years old on 15 May 2021, and the extension of his term of office beyond the age of seventy is a question to be determined in the instant matters.

41. Whether the 15th, 16th and 17th are affected by the order if granted is a matter that pertains to the merits of the case. The fact is that they are cited and relief is being sought against them as well.

In any event, the 1st and 19th respondents cannot plead a case on behalf of parties who have not defended the suit.

42 After all, Rule 87(1) of the High Court Rules RGN 1047/1971, provides that the misjoinder or non-joinder of a party does not defeat the cause as long as the issues before the Court can be determined in respect of the parties before it. It goes further to state that the court may in any cause or matter, determine the issues or questions in dispute so far as they affect the rights and interests of the persons who are parties to the cause or matter.

The objection is dismissed.

Non-joinder of Parliament and the President

43. The objection is that Parliament, the Speaker of the National Assembly, the President of Senate and the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe ought to have been cited in these proceedings. The basis of this objection, as appears from paras 18.1-18.4 of the 19th Respondent's opposing affidavit in HC2128/21, is that what is being sought to be impugned is the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 2) Act, 2021. However, what is involved is the interpretation of that Act and the Constitution and the constitutionality of some of the provisions of the Amendment Act. These are matters that fall within the domain of the court.

44. lnterpretation of the law is the primary duty of the Court. Neither Parliament nor the President has a role in that process. Once the Legislature makes a law it would have discharged its mandate. It cannot be called upon to appear before a court to answer to questions pertaining to the alleged unconstitutionality of the law or the meaning or effect of that law, unless what is being raised is whether it has complied with the constitutional procedures in making the law.

45. In relation to the President of the Republic, there is the submission that he has written the letter of 11 May 2021 in terms of which the second respondent's term of office was extended. However, the cause of action in both applications is not founded upon the letter of 11 May 2021.

Accordingly, this objection is without merit and is dismissed.

The Alleged Absence of a Cause of Action

46. This objection is taken by the third respondent in HC2166/21, in paras 7-11 of the heads of argument. Although it is raised as an objection in limine the submissions show that it is an argument on the merits of the matter. The point being made is that the applicants in HC2166/21 failed to establish their entitlement to the right of access to courts as enshrined in section 69(3) of the Constitution 2013 and how the continued occupation of the office of Chief Justice by the second respondent violates the applicants rights as protected by section 69 and section 56 of the Constitution 2013.

This objection is therefore dismissed.

Whether the matter has become moot

47. The 1st respondent in HC2128/21 and the 3rd respondent in HC2166/21 contend that the dispute between the applicants and 2nd respondent has become moot by reason of the 1st respondent's term having been extended prior to the hearing of the matter. It is common cause that a letter was written on behalf of the President on 11 May 2021, the same day that the first application was instituted. The letter was produced as an annexure to the opposing papers for the JSC. In terms of the letter the President agreed to extend the 2nd respondent's continued stay in office as Chief Justice with effect from 16 May 2021.

48. The doctrine of mootness is one of the prudential considerations on the basis of which on public policy considerations a court may decline to exercise its jurisdiction to determine a matter which has come before it. This would arise where there is no remaining triable issue. A case is moot and therefore not justiciable if it no longer raises an extant or live dispute, harm, controversy or threat of prejudice to the applicant, see S v Dlamini; S v Dladla; S v Joubert; S v Schietekat 1999 (4) SA 623.

49. ln the case of National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Anor v Minister of Justice and Ors 1999 (1) SA 5 the Court stated that a matter ceases to be justiciable on the ground of mootness if it “no longer presents an existing or live controversy". The doctrine is applicable where a matter is brought to court too late when the issues to be determined have been resolved or, as is sometimes said, when the horse has already bolted out of the stable. See, for example, DeFunis v Odegaard (1974) 415 US 312 a case in which the applicant challenged the decision of the Admission Committee of the University of Washington Law School to deny him admission. He alleged that he had been denied enrolment on grounds of racism. By the time that the matter got to the Supreme Court the Law School had admitted the applicant as a student and he was now registered for his final quarter in the Law School. The Supreme Court of the US held that it could not consider the substantive constitutional issues raised because the controversy had been resolved.

50. The jurisprudential rationale for the doctrine, as explained in the case of JT Publishing (Pty) Ltd and Anor v Minister of Safety and Security and Ors, 1997 (3) SA 514 Courts should avoid deciding points that are "abstract, academic or hypothetical".

51. In casu the dispute remains alive notwithstanding the writing of the letter of 11 May 2021.The issue of whether section 186 of the Constitution 2013 has the effect of extending the tenure of office of the 2nd to 18th respondents as judges beyond the age of seventy years remains alive. The question of the retirement age for the 2nd respondent and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court was not resolved by that letter.

For these reasons the matters raised are not abstract; they are not moot. The objection must therefore fail.

The Applicants Objections in Limine

52. The applicants in their answering papers also raised objections in limine to the respondents papers. The authority of Walter Chikwana, the Secretary of the JSC, to motivate the joinder of the 19th respondent was questioned. The application for joinder was not made on affidavit but was made orally at the case management conference. lt was not based on any affidavit. The joinder was granted with the consent of the applicants.

Therefore, the objection to the joinder cannot stand.

53. There was also the question as to whether the JSC had authorized the deponent to the affidavit to defend the matter or participate in it, it being clear from the resolution attached that the authority given is merely "to sign documents on behalf of the JSC in litigation matters". It is not in every case that the court would insist on a resolution to authorize or defend proceedings. Where a juristic entity has brought itself before the court, particularly where it is represented by a legal practitioner, it is up to the person alleging want of authority to produce evidence to support the allegations.

54. ln the case of Madzivire & Others v Zvarivadza & Others SC10-06; 2006 (1) ZLR 514 the dispute involved directors who were competing to control a company, hence the issue of the authority of the company to participate in the proceedings had to be proved after being put in issue. In the present cases there is no evidence led to suggest that the legal practitioner who appeared had no authority to represent the JSC to apply for its joinder or to file opposing papers on its behalf.

Accordingly, the objection is dismissed.

55. The other points taken are that the Attorney-General has no authority to depose to an affidavit on behalf of the 1st respondent in HC2128/21 and that, in any event his opposing affidavits in both cases were not properly commissioned and are therefore invalid. The Attorney-General is the principal legal advisor to the Government and has the authority to represent the government in civil and constitutional proceedings. If he has knowledge of the facts to which he deposes he would not be disqualified from deposing to an affidavit on behalf of the Government.

56. In this case he explains why the 1st respondent was unable to depose to the affidavit himself by reason of being unavailable. He further explains that his defence is largely based on legal issues which would be within his domain.

We therefore do not believe that he is disqualified from deposing to the affidavit.

57. The second ground of objection is that the affidavits deposed to by the Attorney-General were sworn to before the very same legal practitioner, Ms F Chimbaru, who is appearing in these proceedings. Ordinarily she would be disqualified from commissioning the affidavits by reason of her interest in the matter given her involvement. No acceptable reason was given as to why no other commissioner of oaths could commission the documents. Be that as it may, given the urgency involved in these matters, the court is prepared to turn a blind eye to these deficiencies in order to deal with the substance of the matter.

Accordingly, the objections in respect of the affidavits are dismissed.

The Dispute on the Merits

58. This dispute stands to be resolved on the effect of section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as introduced by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act, 2021 in light of the provisions of section 328 of the Constitution 2013.

59. The new section 186 provides -

186 Tenure of office of judge

(1) The Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to their mental and physical fitness so to continue in office.

(2) Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of not more than 15 years, but —

(a) they must retire earlier if they reach the age of 70 years unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office;

(b) after the completion of their term, they may be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, at their option, if they are eligible for such appointment.

(3) Judges of the Supreme Court hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire unless, before they attain that age, they elect to continue in office for an additional 5 years:

Provided that such election shall be subject to the submission to, and acceptance by the President, after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, of a medical report as to the mental and physical fitness of the judge so to continue in office.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 328, the provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court.

(5) Judges of the High Court and any other judges hold office from the date of their assumption of office until they reach the age of 70 years, when they must retire.

(6) A person may be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court or any other court for a fixed term, but if a person is so appointed, other than in an acting capacity, he or she ceases to be a judge on reaching the age of 75 years (in the case of a judge of the Supreme Court) or 70 years (in the case of a judge of the High Court or any other court) even if the term of his or her appointment has not expired.

(7) Even though a judge has resigned or reached the age of retirement or, in the case of a judge of the Constitutional Court, reached the end of his or her term of office, he or she may continue to sit as a judge for the purpose of dealing with any proceedings commenced before him or her while he or she was a judge.

(8) A judge may resign from his or her office at any time by written notice to the President given through the Judicial Service Commission.

(9) The office of a judge must not be abolished during his or her tenure of office.”

60. Its effect is to extend the retirement age of the Chief Justice, deputy Chief Justice and judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court as will be dealt with in due course.

61. Section 328 of the Constitution 2013 reads as follows:

(1) In this section —

'Constitutional Bill' means a Bill that seeks to amend this Constitution;

'term-limit provision' means a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

(2) An Act of Parliament that amends this Constitution must do so in express terms.

(3) A Constitutional Bill may not be presented in the Senate or the National Assembly in terms of section 131 unless the Speaker has given at least 90 days notice in the Gazette of the precise terms of the Bill.

(4) Immediately after the Speaker has given notice of a Constitutional Bill in terms of subsection (3), Parliament must invite members of the public to express their views on the proposed Bill in public meetings and through written submissions, and must convene meetings and provide facilities to enable the public to do so.

(5) A Constitutional Bill must be passed, at its last reading in the National Assembly and the Senate, by the affirmative votes of two thirds of the membership of each House.

(6) Where a Constitutional Bill seeks to amend any provision of Chapter 4 or Chapter 16 —

(a) within 3 months after it has been passed by the National Assembly and the Senate in accordance with subsection (5), it must be submitted to a national referendum; and

(b) if it is approved by a majority of the voters voting at the referendum, the Speaker of the National Assembly must cause it to be submitted without delay to the President, who must assent to and sign it forthwith.

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.

(8) Subsections (6) and (7) must not both be amended in the same Constitutional Bill nor may amendments to both those subsections be put to the people in the same referendum.

(9) This section may be amended only by following the procedures set out in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) as if this section were contained in Chapter 4.

(10) When a Constitutional Bill is presented to the President for assent and signature, it must be accompanied by —

(a) a certificate from the Speaker that at its final vote in the National Assembly the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly; and

(b) a certificate from the President of the Senate that at its final vote in the Senate the Bill received the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate.”

62. We draw particular attention to the provisions of section 328(7) because this matter revolves around its relationship with section 186, and the effect of that relationship on the tenure of office of the Honourable Justice Luke Malaba and the other judges who are cited as respondents in Case No. HC2128/21.

The Applicants and Respondents Contentions

63. The applicants case is summarized in paras 61-65 of the founding affidavit in HC2128/21 and paragraphs 17-21 of the founding affidavit in HC2166/21. It is that the second respondent and the other persons cited who occupy fie offices of judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court cannot remain in office beyond the age of 70 years notwithstanding the provisions of section 186 of the Constitution as substituted by the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act, 2021. The essence of the respondents case is that section 186 did not affect the term-limit or tenure of the judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, and is therefore not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) of the Constitution.

64. ln other words, what has to be decided in casu is whether the 2nd to 18th respondents retire upon reaching the age of 70 years or are entitled to elect to continue in office for an additional five years until they reach the age of 75 years. This issue can only be resolved by interpretation of sections 186 and 328(7) of the Constitution. It is important to give an overview of the principles of interpretation which apply to constitutional provisions in general insofar as these have a bearing on how these two sections should be understood.

The Approach to Constitutional Interpretation

65. According to Iain Currie & Johan de Waal 'The Bill of Rights Handbook' 6th ed. Pg133,

"Constitutional interpretation is the process of determining the meaning of a constitutional provision."

66. Thus, interpreting a constitution entails giving "meaning" which we understand in its wide sense, to the provisions of a constitution. An interpretation that does not give effect to the purpose of the provision does not give meaning to it; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani & Others 17-SC-068;-2017 (2) ZLR 114. The textual provisions of the constitution under consideration are the starting point but they should not be considered and interpreted piecemeal or in isolation.

We therefore do not agree with the submission by Mr Magwaliba that the cases of Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Enduhreni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 and Zambezi Gas (Pvt) Ltd v NR Barber (Pvt) Ltd & Anor 20-SC-003 introduce a new and different paradigm to the interpretation of constitutional provisions.

67. The textual provisions must be construed contextually having regard to the constitution as a whole; see Matatiele Municipality v President of the Republic of South Aftica 2007 (6) SA 477.

68. The preferred approach is the 'generous' and 'purposive' interpretation that gives expression to the underlying values of the Constitution, as was held in S v Makwanyane 1995 (3) SA 391.

69. Section 46(1) of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

(1) When interpreting this Chapter (read 'Constitution'), a court, tribunal, forum or body —

(a) must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;

(b) must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom and in particular, the values and principles set out in section three;

(c) must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party

(d) must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and

(e) may consider relevant foreign law;”

70. The starting point is to appreciate that in Zimbabwe the Constitution is the supreme law. This fundamental tenet of democracy is enshrined as a rule and as one of the values and principles upon which the nation of Zimbabwe is founded. Section 2 of the Constitution 2013 provides as follows:

2. Supremacy of Constitution

(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(2) The obligations imposed by this Constitution are binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative and judicial institutions and agencies of government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.”

71. Section 3 of the Constitution 2013 states the following, among other things:

3. Founding values and principles

(1) Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles —

(a) Supremacy of the Constitution;

(b) the rule of law;

(c) Fundamental human rights and freedoms;





(h) good governance;


(2) The principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level, include -





(e) Observance of the principle of separation of powers;

(f) Respect for the people of Zimbabwe, from whom the authority to govern is derived

(g) transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness;


72. See also section 331 of the Constitution 2013, which provides as follows:

Section 46 applies, with any necessary changes, to the interpretation of this Constitution apart from Chapter 4.”

73. The essence of the constitutional supremacy doctrine, as distinct from parliamentary sovereignty, is that the Constitution is the litmus test, the ultimate measure, by which the validity of any law, practice, custom or conduct is assessed. This aspect distinguishes constitutional supremacy from parliamentary supremacy or parliamentary sovereignty. Where the latter system obtains, parliament is supreme, and any law that it passes cannot have its content questioned for validity. Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy in which the constitution is supreme, and not a parliamentary democracy in which parliament is supreme; see Judicial Service Commission v Zibani and Others (supra).

74. The principle of separation of powers which is explicitly provided for in section 3 and guaranteed by the architecture of our Constitution has in it that among the three arms of the State, the judiciary has the primary duty to interpret the law; see In Re: Prosecutor-General of Zimbabwe on his Constitutional lndependence and Protection from Direction and Control, 17-CC-013 at para 21-23 and 17(1) ZLR 107.Therefore, the exercise of determining what section 186 of the Constitution means in light of the provisions of section 328(7) falls squarely within the mandate of the courts.

75. The principles which are encapsulated in the principle of good governance demand a new and different way of doing things from what may have been done in the past, hence the special mention of transparency, justice, accountability and responsiveness. This is the context in which the entrenchment of section 328(7) of the Constitution must be understood. The provision's purpose is, among the other important considerations, to ensure that a person who holds or occupies public office does so for a limited time, to prevent turning persons into institutions thereby compromising on the precepts enjoined in section 3 of the Constitution.

76. It is also to ensure that a person who occupies or holds public office does not influence changes in the law in order to entrench his or her occupation of the public office by extending the length of time that he or she remains in that office.

77. With particular reference to judicial officers, entrenchment of provisions relating to terms of office for incumbents ensures confidence in the judiciary by dispelling any suspicion that favours are being extended to them contrary to the provisions of the Constitution that would undermine the independence of the judiciary. As was held in the case of Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others:

"ln approaching this question it must be borne in mind that the extension of a term of office, particularly one conferred by the Executive or Parliament, may be seen as a benefit. The judge or judges upon whom the benefit is conferred may be seen as favoured by it.…The power of extension in section 176(1) must therefore, on general principle, be construed so far as is possible to minimize the risk that its conferral could be seen as impairing the precious won institutional attribute of impartiality and the public confidence that goes with it."

78. Public confidence in the independence of the judiciary would be severely undermined if there was a belief or even suspicion that the judiciary or members thereof are, like nocturnal spooks acting under cover of darkness, knocking on the doors of the Executive and Legislative arms of government begging or lobbying for extension of their terms of office. This is the reason why there is need for certainty regarding the tenure of office of judicial officers in order to dispel any thinking that if they behave in a certain way they might get the benefit of favourable constitutional amendments. In order to guard against subtraction from the founding values and principles, including the independence of the judiciary, the court must embrace substantive reasoning, an interpretive model which gives substance to those values and principles, and eschew legal sophistry which would result in narrowing down the meaning of these values.

79. Further, the entrenchment ensures that if there is any change in the Constitution the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy public office such a change in the in law must be subjected to the rigorous processes in section 328, which include a referendum.

80. We point out that section 328 does not stop the legislature from amending the Constitution by extending term limits in general. If the changes in the Constitution do not have the effect of extending the length of time that the incumbent may hold office they do not have to go through the rigorous processes required by section 328. However, if the effect of such amendments is to extend the length of time that a person holds or occupies public office then they must be subjected to those entrenched processes.

81. Section 328 has not been repealed by the Constitutional Amendment. It must therefore be given effect.

Interpretation of Section 186 and 328(7)

82. It is an established principle that sections of the constitution must not be read in isolation but must be read together and in the context of the whole text in order to give effect to the purpose and objective of the Constitution.

See Tsvangirai M v Mugabe R, Z.E.C & 2 ORS 17-CC-020-2017 per MALABA DCJ at para 39-40 (2) ZLR 1 (CC) at 9C.

83. In this case, the two sections are not in conflict but must be read together and with the constitution as a whole. Section 328 which deals with amendment of the Constitution entrenches certain provisions. This entrenchment is by requiring, in addition to the usual procedure for passing an amendment to the Constitution, that such amendments be submitted to a referendum and get approval from a majority of the voters voting at the referendum.

84. One such provision which is entrenched is section 328(7), which, as recited above, provides that:

(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an amendment to a term-limit provision, the effect of which is to extend the length of time that a person may hold or occupy any public office, does not apply in relation to any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment.”

85. The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act, 2021 amends section 186 of the Constitution through its section 13. Section 332 of the Constitution 2013 defines the term 'amend' to include "vary, alter, modify, add to, delete or adapt."

86. In this instance the existing section 186 was repealed and substituted with a new section 186. This is an amendment. In order to determine whether or not the amendment is one that falls within the ambit of section 328(7) two requirements must be satisfied, namely –

(a) it must be an amendment to a term limit; and

(b) it must have the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office.

'Effect' simply means result, consequence or impact, irrespective of the expressed purpose of the amendment.

Once it satisfies these two requirements then such an amendment is excluded from applying to "any person who held or occupied that office, or an equivalent office, at any time before the amendment."

87. The reference to an "equivalent office" is no doubt meant to deal with a situation where an amendment might seek to rename or reconfigure what is essentially the same office in order to escape the consequences of section 128(7), thereby extending a person's stay in office.

88. There can be no question that judges occupy public office. There was debate as to whether section 186 is a term-limit provision which has the effect of extending the length of time that the second respondent and the other judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court may hold or occupy office.

89. The respondents contended that it was not a term-limit provision. The submission was that the only term limit which is contained in section 186 is one that is contained in subsection (2), which states that "Judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed for a non-renewable term of no more than fifteen years". Their argument was that the retirement age stipulated does not limit the term of office of the judges. This argument means that judges of the Supreme Court and High Court have no term limit.

90. That argument is not sustainable. Section 328(1) of the Constitution 2013 defines 'term-limit provision' to mean "a provision of this Constitution which limits the length of time that a person may hold or occupy a public office".

91. We therefore come to the conclusion that section 186 is a term limit provision and that it has the effect of extending the length of time that a person may hold the office of judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court. It increases the retirement age of the judges of these courts from the original 70 to 75 years. The fact that this extension of the tenure of office is subject to election by the concerned judge and acceptance by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission and production of a medical report does not change its nature as an extension of a term limit. In respect of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the term limit is based on two dimensions, namely;

(i) the period of 15 years which is provided in section 186; and

(ii) the age of the affected judge.

It is clear that whichever of these 2 occurs first terminates the tenure of the judge. This is what is generally referred to as a hybrid tenure arrangement.

There are thus three types of valid tenure arrangements in use generally the world over:

(i) Life limits (when one dies);

(ii) Age limits (when one reaches a specified retirement age); and

(iii) Fixed term Iimits (when a specified period of service is reached).

92. These three tenure arrangements are contained in section 186 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Tenure has to do with term of office; term of office has to do with time. Both fixed term (fixed time), and age-based term (age-based time), have to do with time. Time is the underlying factor in both of them.

Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that varying retirement age is varying term limits.

93. ln respect of Supreme Court judges, the tenure of office is defined by age only. Thus, for instance, a Constitutional Court judge who is aged 70 years at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term limited to only five years. That term limit is defined by his or her age. He or she must retire upon turning seventy-five years after serving for only five years. On the other hand, a judge of the same court who is fifty years old at the time of his or her appointment has his or her term defined by the period of fifteen years. The judge retires from the Constitutional Court at the age of sixty-five years.

94. On the other hand, a judge of the Supreme Court under the new amendment retires at the age of seventy-five years irrespective of how many years he has served on that bench.

95. That section 186 is a term limit provision, and that it is concerned with extending the length of time that judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court hold or occupy public office, is also evident from the provisions of section 186(4). This provision explicitly refers to section 328(7). This reference to section 328(7) would be rendered superfluous or nugatory if, as suggested by the respondents, it is found that section 186 is not a term-limit provision.

96. The respondents have not suggested why the legislature would engage in a superfluous exercise, especially in light of the presumption against superfluity in the interpretation of statutes.

Also, in the affidavits filed in this court, the respondents referred to its effect as extending the term of office.

See paras 25.4(b) and (c) of the 19th respondent's opposing Affidavit in HC2128/21.

97. The submission made on behalf of the respondents reads the reference to the fifteen years in isolation from the rest of subsection (2) of section 186. That is the approach to interpretation which must be discarded. The case Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others which has been referred to by both the applicants and respondents also confirms that age can, and does, indeed define and can be used to extend a term of office, as has happened following the enactment of section 186:

"lt follows that in exercising the power to extend the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge, Parliament may not single out the Chief Justice.... Age is an indifferent criterion that may be applied in extending the term of office of a Constitutional Court Judge.” [Emphasis added]

98. Section 186(4) and section 328(7) can be read together. In our conclusion, section 186(4) does not apply to the person of the second respondent and the other persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court prior to the amendment. It also does not apply to the persons who were judges of the Supreme Court. This is because these are persons who fall within the ambit of section 328(7) in that they held or occupied the public office prior to and at the time if the amendment of the Constitution.

99. Consistent with the hallowed principle of interpretation which avoids an interpretation which results in a conflict in constitutional provisions, we come to the conclusion that section 186(4) does not apply to the judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme court who held office before the amendment. There is no confusion which results from the wording of section 186(4). It says that the section shall apply to the continuation in office of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, judges of the Constitutional Court and judges of the Supreme Court. This means it would apply to the continuation of the mentioned public officer other than those who were judges before the amendment.

100. The provision mentions offices rather than the persons occupying them, section 186(4) must therefore be understood as applicable to persons who are appointed to the named offices subsequent to the amendment. It does not mention 'persons' and does not state that the persons who were in office prior to the amendment would benefit from it.

101. If it did so this would put it in conflict with the express provisions of section 328(4) and its constitutionality would be in question given that it was not submitted to a national referendum.

On the other hand, an interpretation that excuses the persons who held public office as judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts prior to the amendment from the ambit of section 328(7) would reduce the Constitution to a wooden iron, because any person who already holds or occupies public office can easily cause their term of office to be lengthened by enactment of a provision similar to section 186(4) thereby perpetuating the mischief which was meant to be addressed by the entrenchment of section 328.

The Status of Honourable Justice Malaba

102. It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021. The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years. The respondents in their opposing affidavits have referred to a letter dated 11th May 2021 by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from l6 May 2021.

103. In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable, Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court (at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time. Nothing tums on the letter of 11 May 202l when it was written that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 202l was intended to take effect only on 16 May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier. An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended.

104. It is common cause that the Honourable Justice Malaba is the only judge of the Constitutional Court who has turned 70. At the time that the applications were filed, he had not turned 70. He turned 70 years old on 15 May 2021. The applications were filed following indications that he might or would benefit from the new section 186 of the Constitution by having his tenure of office extended by another 5 years. The respondents in their opposing affidavits have referred to a letter dated 11 May 2021 by which his tenure was to be extended with effect from l6 May 2021.

In view of the conclusion we have reached, Honourable Justice Luke Malaba ceased to be a judge of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court(at 0000 hours on 15 May 2021) when he turned 70 years. Equally, he ceased to be the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe at that time.

105. Nothing turns on the letter of 11 May 202l, when it was written that was the same day that the application was filed. The letter of 11 May 202l was intended to take effect only on 16th May 2021, on which date the then incumbent would have ceased to be a judge some twenty-four hours earlier. An absurd situation, which neither the Executive nor the Legislature would have intended, would have resulted whereby the country would be without a Chief Justice for the period of 24 hours, between 0000hours on l5 May 2021 and 0000 hours on 16 May 2021. There would have been nothing to extend since he would have ceased to be a judge and Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.

106. Thus, any purported extension of the second respondent's occupation of the office of judge or Chief Justice remains a nullity because there was nothing to extend once he ceased to be a judge at the inception of 15 May 2021. This is so whether the extension is said to have been constituted by his election to remain in office or by the letter of 11 May 2021. The celebrated statement in the case of MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd [1961] I AER 1169 decidedly seals the effect of that letter:

''If an act is void, then it is in law a nullity. It is not only bad, but incurably bad. . . And every proceeding which is founded on it is also bad and incurably bad. You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. lt will collapse."

107. ln the case of Muchakata v Netherburn Mine,1996 (1) ZLR 153 the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (Per Korsah JA) said that if an act is void ab initio it is "void at all times and for all purposes. It does not matter when and by whom the issue of its validity is raised; nothing can depend on it." In making these observations, we are mindful of the fact that the two applications were not based on the letter of 11 May 2021. That letter was produced in opposing papers.

Our conclusion is that the letter does not affect the conclusions which we have reached based upon an interpretation of the constitutional provisions considered above.

The Position of the other Judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court

108. The effect of the conclusion reached above is that the persons who occupied the positions of judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts prior to the amendment cannot have their term in office extended beyond the age of 70 years based on section 186 of the Constitution as presently worded. This is because they held or occupied the concerned office before the amendment introduced by section 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act, 2021.

109. We point out, however, that acting judges be they in the Constitutional Court or Supreme Court are not affected by the provisions of section 328(7) as read with section 186 of the Constitution 2013. These include the 4th to 14th and the 18th respondents in so far as they have been acting Constitutional Court judges as well as the 15th, 16th and 17th Respondents in case no. HC2l28/21 in so far as they are substantive High Court judges who have been acting as Constitutional Court and/or Supreme Court judges. There is no extension to the length of their term in office since they are just acting judges.

The Violations of the Applicants Rights

110. The applicants in both applications allege that the continued occupation of public office as judge and/or Chief Justice of Zimbabwe by the second respondent would violate their fundamental rights enshrined in section 56(1) and section 69(3) of the Constitution. The parties accepted that the reference to section 69(4) in the draft order in HC2166/21 was an error, the correct and intended citation being section 69(3).

Section 56(1) provides as follows:

"All persons are equal before the law and have the right to equal protection and benefit of the law."

Section 69(3) provides as follows:

"Every person has the right of access to the courts, or to some other tribunal or forum established by law for the resolution of any dispute."

111. This court is concerned with substantive equality and equal protection and benefit of the law rather than formal equality. In the case of Mawarire v Mugabe N.O. & Ors supra, the applicant alleged violation of, inter alia, section 18(1) of the old Constitution which provided as follows:

"Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, every person is entitled to the protection of the law."

The Court came to the conclusion that the failure to perform a constitutional duty violated the applicant's fundamental right as protected by section 18 of the Constitution.

Section 56(1) of the Constitution 2013 is wider in its scope than section 18 of the old Constitution. It qualifies the protection of the law with the word 'equal'; it also adds the entitlement to 'equal benefit' of the law which was not there in the old Constitution.

112. We conclude that the continued occupation by the second respondent of the offices of judge and Chief Justice after he has turned seventy years old violates the applicants right as enshrined in section 56(1) of the Constitution. The applicants are entitled to protection and benefit of the law in the sense of having public office occupied in accordance with and not in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. The applicants are therefore entitled to the declaratory relief which they seek.

113. The second violation of fundamental rights alleged by the applicants in Case No. HC2166/21 is of section 69(3) of the Constitution.

Para 9(a) of the affidavit of Emma Kate Drury

It has been held that the right of access to courts is essential for constitutional democracy and the rule of law. Road Accident Fund v Mdeyide 2011 (2) SA 26 (CC) paras 1 and 64; De Beer N.O.v North-Central Local Council and South-Central Local Council 2002 (1) SA 429 (CC) para 11.

114. ln the case of Bernstein v Bester N.O.1996 (2) SA 751 (CC) para 105, the purpose of the right of access to courts was explained by the Constitutional Court of South Africa as:

"to emphasise and protect generally, but also specifically for the protection of the individual, the separation of powers, particularly the separation of the judiciary from the other arms of the state,.. (It) achieves this by ensuring that the courts and other fora which settle justiciable disputes are independent and impartial. It is a provision fundamental to the upholding of the rule of law, the constitutional state, the 'regstaatidee' for it prevents legislatures at whatever level, from turning themselves by acts of legerdemain into 'courts'… By constitutionalizing the requirements of independence and impartiality the section places the nature of the courts or other adjudicating fora beyond debate..."

115. We respectfully endorse the above exposition of the law. Both the separation of powers principle and the rule of law are enshrined in section 3 of the Constitution 2013. The essence of the rule of law is that any person may challenge the legality of any law, conduct, practice etc in a separate, impartial and independent court or other forum, one that is free from the control of the perpetrator of the illegality, Currie & de Waal “The Bill of Rights Handbook 6th ed. p711.

116. If a sitting judge can have his or her term of office extended by amendment of the Constitution just one week before he or she is due to retire, or judicial officers have their age limit extended contrary to the express provisions of the Constitution which prevent incumbents from having terms of office extended for them while they are in office, questions will reasonably abound as to the extent to which the Court can be independent. The intended extension of the length of time that the persons in office as judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court, do have the effect of compromising on the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law. Significantly, the election to continue in office introduced by section 186(1), (2) and (3) is not an automatic guarantee that the judge concerned will continue in office. It is subject to acceptance by the President. It is not guaranteed. This has the effect of subjecting the term of office (or extension thereof) to the control of the Executive.

117. If any extension is to be afforded to the 2nd to 14th and the 18th respondents then there would be violation of the applicants right as protected by section 69(3). This is so given the conclusion that we have reached that such extension contemplated by section 186 does not apply to persons who were in office as judges before the amendment.


118. Our conclusion is that the extension of the retirement age amounts to extension of tenure. Tenure is defined by both the fixed time and the stipulated retirement ages. In terms of section 328(7) of the Constitution 2013, such an extension of tenure is an amendment to the Constitution. It cannot benefit the persons who held or occupied the office at any time before the amendment.

119. Any extension of the length of time that persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court prior to the amendment of section 186 through the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Act, 2021 would be a violation of the applicants rights as protected by section 56(1) and section 69(3) of the Constitution 2013.


120. We consider that the issues raised in these two matters are of national importance. They relate to the interpretation of provisions of the Constitution and how those provisions affect the persons who were judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court before the amendment which triggered the filing of the applications. For these reasons, in accordance with the approach of the courts in matters of this nature, we do not believe that any of the parties should be ordered to pay costs.


ln the result, we make the following order:


1. The second respondent in HC2128/21 who is also the second respondent in HC2166/21 ceased to hold the office of the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and judge by operation of law on I5 May 2021 at 0400 hours.

2. The extension of the length of time in the office of the judge beyond the age of 70 years provided for in section 186 of the Constitution does not apply to the 2nd to 14th and the 18th Respondents.

3. There shall be no order as to costs.

CHAREWA J agrees

MUSHORE J agrees

Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, applicant's legal practitioners in HC2128/21

Honey & Blanckenberg, legal practitioners for the applicants in HC2166/21

Kantor & Immerman, legal practitioners for the 2nd to 19th respondents in HC2128/21 and for the 1st and 2nd respondents in HC2166/21

Civil Division of the Attorney-General's Office, legal practitioners for the 1st respondent in HC2128/21 and for the 3rd respondent in HC2166/21

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