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Law of Delict-viz negligence re road traffic accident.
Damages-viz delictual damages re economic loss iro road traffic accident.
Law of Delict-viz vicarious liability.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re evidence of affidavit in action proceedings.
Procedural law-viz rules of evidence re evidence of interrogatories in action proceedings iro Rule 408.
Procedural Law-viz rules of court re High Court Rule iro Rule 408.
Procedural Law-viz High Court Rules re Rule 408 iro evidence of affidavit in action proceedings.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re compellable witness.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re competent witness.
Damages-viz evidence and assessment of damages re proof of claim.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re documentary evidence.
Law of Property-viz proof of title re movable property iro motor vehicle.

Liability, Negligence or Dolus re: Loss Arising from Road Traffic Accident

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming damages totaling ZAR587,500= arising from a traffic accident in which he said the defendant's vehicle collided with and caused damage to his vehicle.

He said the accident was due to the negligence of the first defendant's driver who is the second defendant. The summons was served on the first defendant only. The second defendant could not be located. However, an appearance to defend was filed for both defendants by their legal practitioner. They requested particulars which were supplied. In his plea, the first defendant pleaded that the second defendant was on a frolic of his own at the time of the accident and denied liability and putting the plaintiff to proof thereof concerning the claim and other averments.

The second defendant said, in his plea, that he was driving the first defendant's vehicle as that is his employer. He said that he was not acting within the course of his employment with the first defendant at the time of the accident but in any case he denied liability and put the plaintiff to proof thereof.

Damages re: Assessment and Evidence of Damages iro Proof of Claim, Quantification and Restitutio in Integrum ito Approach

In preparation for trial, the plaintiff filed a synopsis of evidence in which he said he would lead evidence to show that on the 13th day of July 2010, at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Herbert Chitepo Street, in Bulawayo, the first defendant's haulage truck rammed into the plaintiff's vehicle and that the accident was due to the negligence of the second defendant. He particularized the negligence of the second defendant. He said his vehicle was damaged beyond repair and he suffered loss of income. 

He was claiming ZAR587,500=.

When the trial commenced, the plaintiff's driver was called first. He narrated how the accident occurred at the intersection of Herbert Chitepo and 3rd Avenue. He said the defendant's vehicle approached from his right side, ignored a Give Way sign and rammed into the plaintiff's vehicle which he was driving. In answer to questions put to him, he said as an employee he was not in a position to give details about the correct identity of the plaintiff in the papers whether it is a company or an individual.

He said he did not know about the value of the vehicle or the possible costs of its repair. He was therefore unable to answer any questions concerning the value of the damages claimed by the plaintiff.

This gap in the evidence of the plaintiff's case required the direct evidence of the plaintiff. 

Order 46 Rule 408 of the High Court Rules provides that in the absence of any agreement, in writing, between the legal practitioners of all the parties, and subject to these Rules, the witnesses at the trial of any action shall be examined viva voce and in open court, but the court may, at any time, for sufficient reasons, order that any particular fact or facts may be proved by affidavit, or that the affidavit of any witness may be read at the hearing or trial, on such conditions as the court may think reasonable, or that any witness, whose attendance in court ought for some sufficient cause to be dispensed with, be examined by interrogatories or otherwise before a Commissioner or Examiner.

In this case, no such arrangement was made, and no explanation was given for not calling the plaintiff…..,.

Other documents filed in this case showed that the vehicle was registered in the name of Teddy Mkandla. On seeking the correct identity of the plaintiff counsel for the defendants was unable to get any clarification in the absence of the plaintiff.

When the plaintiff's case was closed the matter could have ended there. However, the defendants submitted that instead of absolution from the instance they preferred to lead their evidence so that the matter is brought to finality. Evidence of the defendant was then led and the first defendant persisted in his denial of liability.

At the end of the hearing, it was clear that the plaintiff, who had undertaken, in his synopsis of evidence filed, to lead evidence to prove his damages, had not led such evidence. No reason was given for not calling him. The plaintiff therefore failed to prosecute his claim as required by the Rules of Court which require that he give viva voce evidence and be cross-examined. He was not present even to explain the query about the correct ownership of the damaged vehicle.

The law requires that a party who is claiming damages must prove his damages in court. A party cannot send documents to court and leave it to the court to determine the claim for him. What he stated in the summons must be substantiated in open court by his viva voce evidence….,.

The plaintiff in a claim for damages has to prove the damages. He cannot leave it to the court to work out damages for him. Only the plaintiff could give evidence as to the value of the vehicle when it was purchased, the value of the vehicle at the time of the accident, or what it would cost him to repair it.

The plaintiff's legal practitioner called two (2) expert witnesses to testify on the reasons why the vehicle could not be repaired. Their evidence concerned the damage to the vehicle and that trying to prepare it for subsequent use as a public service vehicle would render it dangerous to passengers. None of these witnesses could give evidence as to the value of the vehicle prior to the accident and the loss suffered by the plaintiff for the loss of its use. All they could do was to estimate the cost of similar vehicles - evidence which remained unsatisfactory. This evidence could not be relied on as proof of the damages suffered by the plaintiff….,.

In this case, the case ended without the plaintiff's evidence, and, as such, the plaintiff has not proved his case.

The end result is that the plaintiff's case is dismissed with costs.

Onus, Burden and Standard of Proof and Principle that He Who Alleges Must Prove re: Approach

In preparation for trial, the plaintiff filed a synopsis of evidence in which he said he would lead evidence to show that on the 13th day of July 2010, at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Herbert Chitepo Street, in Bulawayo, the first defendant's haulage truck rammed into the plaintiff's vehicle and that the accident was due to the negligence of the second defendant. He particularized the negligence of the second defendant. He said his vehicle was damaged beyond repair and he suffered loss of income. 

He was claiming ZAR587,500=.

When the trial commenced, the plaintiff's driver was called first. He narrated how the accident occurred at the intersection of Herbert Chitepo and 3rd Avenue. He said the defendant's vehicle approached from his right side, ignored a Give Way sign and rammed into the plaintiff's vehicle which he was driving. In answer to questions put to him, he said as an employee he was not in a position to give details about the correct identity of the plaintiff in the papers whether it is a company or an individual.

He said he did not know about the value of the vehicle or the possible costs of its repair. He was therefore unable to answer any questions concerning the value of the damages claimed by the plaintiff.

This gap in the evidence of the plaintiff's case required the direct evidence of the plaintiff. 

Order 46 Rule 408 of the High Court Rules provides that in the absence of any agreement, in writing, between the legal practitioners of all the parties, and subject to these Rules, the witnesses at the trial of any action shall be examined viva voce and in open court, but the court may, at any time, for sufficient reasons, order that any particular fact or facts may be proved by affidavit, or that the affidavit of any witness may be read at the hearing or trial, on such conditions as the court may think reasonable, or that any witness, whose attendance in court ought for some sufficient cause to be dispensed with, be examined by interrogatories or otherwise before a Commissioner or Examiner.

In this case, no such arrangement was made, and no explanation was given for not calling the plaintiff…..,.

Other documents filed in this case showed that the vehicle was registered in the name of Teddy Mkandla. On seeking the correct identity of the plaintiff counsel for the defendants was unable to get any clarification in the absence of the plaintiff.

When the plaintiff's case was closed the matter could have ended there. However, the defendants submitted that instead of absolution from the instance they preferred to lead their evidence so that the matter is brought to finality. Evidence of the defendant was then led and the first defendant persisted in his denial of liability.

At the end of the hearing, it was clear that the plaintiff, who had undertaken, in his synopsis of evidence filed, to lead evidence to prove his damages, had not led such evidence. No reason was given for not calling him. The plaintiff therefore failed to prosecute his claim as required by the Rules of Court which require that he give viva voce evidence and be cross-examined. He was not present even to explain the query about the correct ownership of the damaged vehicle.

The law requires that a party who is claiming damages must prove his damages in court. A party cannot send documents to court and leave it to the court to determine the claim for him. What he stated in the summons must be substantiated in open court by his viva voce evidence….,.

The plaintiff in a claim for damages has to prove the damages. He cannot leave it to the court to work out damages for him. Only the plaintiff could give evidence as to the value of the vehicle when it was purchased, the value of the vehicle at the time of the accident, or what it would cost him to repair it.

The plaintiff's legal practitioner called two (2) expert witnesses to testify on the reasons why the vehicle could not be repaired. Their evidence concerned the damage to the vehicle and that trying to prepare it for subsequent use as a public service vehicle would render it dangerous to passengers. None of these witnesses could give evidence as to the value of the vehicle prior to the accident and the loss suffered by the plaintiff for the loss of its use. All they could do was to estimate the cost of similar vehicles - evidence which remained unsatisfactory. This evidence could not be relied on as proof of the damages suffered by the plaintiff….,.

In this case, the case ended without the plaintiff's evidence, and, as such, the plaintiff has not proved his case.

The end result is that the plaintiff's case is dismissed with costs.

Onus, Burden and Standard of Proof re: Evidential Standard and Burden of Proof iro Factual Issues in Doubt

In preparation for trial, the plaintiff filed a synopsis of evidence in which he said he would lead evidence to show that on the 13th day of July 2010, at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Herbert Chitepo Street, in Bulawayo, the first defendant's haulage truck rammed into the plaintiff's vehicle and that the accident was due to the negligence of the second defendant. He particularized the negligence of the second defendant. He said his vehicle was damaged beyond repair and he suffered loss of income. 

He was claiming ZAR587,500=.

When the trial commenced, the plaintiff's driver was called first. He narrated how the accident occurred at the intersection of Herbert Chitepo and 3rd Avenue. He said the defendant's vehicle approached from his right side, ignored a Give Way sign and rammed into the plaintiff's vehicle which he was driving. In answer to questions put to him, he said as an employee he was not in a position to give details about the correct identity of the plaintiff in the papers whether it is a company or an individual.

He said he did not know about the value of the vehicle or the possible costs of its repair. He was therefore unable to answer any questions concerning the value of the damages claimed by the plaintiff.

This gap in the evidence of the plaintiff's case required the direct evidence of the plaintiff. 

Order 46 Rule 408 of the High Court Rules provides that in the absence of any agreement, in writing, between the legal practitioners of all the parties, and subject to these Rules, the witnesses at the trial of any action shall be examined viva voce and in open court, but the court may, at any time, for sufficient reasons, order that any particular fact or facts may be proved by affidavit, or that the affidavit of any witness may be read at the hearing or trial, on such conditions as the court may think reasonable, or that any witness, whose attendance in court ought for some sufficient cause to be dispensed with, be examined by interrogatories or otherwise before a Commissioner or Examiner.

In this case, no such arrangement was made, and no explanation was given for not calling the plaintiff…..,.

Other documents filed in this case showed that the vehicle was registered in the name of Teddy Mkandla. On seeking the correct identity of the plaintiff counsel for the defendants was unable to get any clarification in the absence of the plaintiff.

When the plaintiff's case was closed the matter could have ended there. However, the defendants submitted that instead of absolution from the instance they preferred to lead their evidence so that the matter is brought to finality. Evidence of the defendant was then led and the first defendant persisted in his denial of liability.

At the end of the hearing, it was clear that the plaintiff, who had undertaken, in his synopsis of evidence filed, to lead evidence to prove his damages, had not led such evidence. No reason was given for not calling him. The plaintiff therefore failed to prosecute his claim as required by the Rules of Court which require that he give viva voce evidence and be cross-examined. He was not present even to explain the query about the correct ownership of the damaged vehicle.

The law requires that a party who is claiming damages must prove his damages in court. A party cannot send documents to court and leave it to the court to determine the claim for him. What he stated in the summons must be substantiated in open court by his viva voce evidence….,.

The plaintiff in a claim for damages has to prove the damages. He cannot leave it to the court to work out damages for him. Only the plaintiff could give evidence as to the value of the vehicle when it was purchased, the value of the vehicle at the time of the accident, or what it would cost him to repair it.

The plaintiff's legal practitioner called two (2) expert witnesses to testify on the reasons why the vehicle could not be repaired. Their evidence concerned the damage to the vehicle and that trying to prepare it for subsequent use as a public service vehicle would render it dangerous to passengers. None of these witnesses could give evidence as to the value of the vehicle prior to the accident and the loss suffered by the plaintiff for the loss of its use. All they could do was to estimate the cost of similar vehicles - evidence which remained unsatisfactory. This evidence could not be relied on as proof of the damages suffered by the plaintiff….,.

In this case, the case ended without the plaintiff's evidence, and, as such, the plaintiff has not proved his case.

The end result is that the plaintiff's case is dismissed with costs.

Absolution from the Instance, Evidential Deficit and the Concept of Prima Facie

In preparation for trial, the plaintiff filed a synopsis of evidence in which he said he would lead evidence to show that on the 13th day of July 2010, at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Herbert Chitepo Street, in Bulawayo, the first defendant's haulage truck rammed into the plaintiff's vehicle and that the accident was due to the negligence of the second defendant. He particularized the negligence of the second defendant. He said his vehicle was damaged beyond repair and he suffered loss of income. 

He was claiming ZAR587,500=.

When the trial commenced, the plaintiff's driver was called first. He narrated how the accident occurred at the intersection of Herbert Chitepo and 3rd Avenue. He said the defendant's vehicle approached from his right side, ignored a Give Way sign and rammed into the plaintiff's vehicle which he was driving. In answer to questions put to him, he said as an employee he was not in a position to give details about the correct identity of the plaintiff in the papers whether it is a company or an individual.

He said he did not know about the value of the vehicle or the possible costs of its repair. He was therefore unable to answer any questions concerning the value of the damages claimed by the plaintiff.

This gap in the evidence of the plaintiff's case required the direct evidence of the plaintiff. 

Order 46 Rule 408 of the High Court Rules provides that in the absence of any agreement, in writing, between the legal practitioners of all the parties, and subject to these Rules, the witnesses at the trial of any action shall be examined viva voce and in open court, but the court may, at any time, for sufficient reasons, order that any particular fact or facts may be proved by affidavit, or that the affidavit of any witness may be read at the hearing or trial, on such conditions as the court may think reasonable, or that any witness, whose attendance in court ought for some sufficient cause to be dispensed with, be examined by interrogatories or otherwise before a Commissioner or Examiner.

In this case, no such arrangement was made, and no explanation was given for not calling the plaintiff…..,.

Other documents filed in this case showed that the vehicle was registered in the name of Teddy Mkandla. On seeking the correct identity of the plaintiff counsel for the defendants was unable to get any clarification in the absence of the plaintiff.

When the plaintiff's case was closed the matter could have ended there. However, the defendants submitted that instead of absolution from the instance they preferred to lead their evidence so that the matter is brought to finality. Evidence of the defendant was then led and the first defendant persisted in his denial of liability.

At the end of the hearing, it was clear that the plaintiff, who had undertaken, in his synopsis of evidence filed, to lead evidence to prove his damages, had not led such evidence. No reason was given for not calling him. The plaintiff therefore failed to prosecute his claim as required by the Rules of Court which require that he give viva voce evidence and be cross-examined. He was not present even to explain the query about the correct ownership of the damaged vehicle.

The law requires that a party who is claiming damages must prove his damages in court. A party cannot send documents to court and leave it to the court to determine the claim for him. What he stated in the summons must be substantiated in open court by his viva voce evidence….,.

The plaintiff in a claim for damages has to prove the damages. He cannot leave it to the court to work out damages for him. Only the plaintiff could give evidence as to the value of the vehicle when it was purchased, the value of the vehicle at the time of the accident, or what it would cost him to repair it.

The plaintiff's legal practitioner called two (2) expert witnesses to testify on the reasons why the vehicle could not be repaired. Their evidence concerned the damage to the vehicle and that trying to prepare it for subsequent use as a public service vehicle would render it dangerous to passengers. None of these witnesses could give evidence as to the value of the vehicle prior to the accident and the loss suffered by the plaintiff for the loss of its use. All they could do was to estimate the cost of similar vehicles - evidence which remained unsatisfactory. This evidence could not be relied on as proof of the damages suffered by the plaintiff….,.

In this case, the case ended without the plaintiff's evidence, and, as such, the plaintiff has not proved his case.

The end result is that the plaintiff's case is dismissed with costs.

Approach, Language of Record, Open Justice, Discovery, Obligation to Disclose All Information, Suppression & Ambush Tactics

Order 46 Rule 408 of the High Court Rules provides that in the absence of any agreement, in writing, between the legal practitioners of all the parties, and subject to these Rules, the witnesses at the trial of any action shall be examined viva voce and in open court, but the court may, at any time, for sufficient reasons, order that any particular fact or facts may be proved by affidavit, or that the affidavit of any witness may be read at the hearing or trial, on such conditions as the court may think reasonable, or that any witness, whose attendance in court ought for some sufficient cause to be dispensed with, be examined by interrogatories or otherwise before a Commissioner or Examiner.

Evidence of Oath, Evidence Derived from Previous, Concurrent or Criminal Litigation, Perjury & Submissions from the Bar

Order 46 Rule 408 of the High Court Rules provides that in the absence of any agreement, in writing, between the legal practitioners of all the parties, and subject to these Rules, the witnesses at the trial of any action shall be examined viva voce and in open court, but the court may, at any time, for sufficient reasons, order that any particular fact or facts may be proved by affidavit, or that the affidavit of any witness may be read at the hearing or trial, on such conditions as the court may think reasonable, or that any witness, whose attendance in court ought for some sufficient cause to be dispensed with, be examined by interrogatories or otherwise before a Commissioner or Examiner.

Documentary Evidence re: Interrogatories

Order 46 Rule 408 of the High Court Rules provides that in the absence of any agreement, in writing, between the legal practitioners of all the parties, and subject to these Rules, the witnesses at the trial of any action shall be examined viva voce and in open court, but the court may, at any time, for sufficient reasons, order that any particular fact or facts may be proved by affidavit, or that the affidavit of any witness may be read at the hearing or trial, on such conditions as the court may think reasonable, or that any witness, whose attendance in court ought for some sufficient cause to be dispensed with, be examined by interrogatories or otherwise before a Commissioner or Examiner.

Cause of Action re: Form, Manner and Nature of Proceedings iro Approach to Application, Motion and Action Proceedings

Order 46 Rule 408 of the High Court Rules provides that in the absence of any agreement, in writing, between the legal practitioners of all the parties, and subject to these Rules, the witnesses at the trial of any action shall be examined viva voce and in open court, but the court may, at any time, for sufficient reasons, order that any particular fact or facts may be proved by affidavit, or that the affidavit of any witness may be read at the hearing or trial, on such conditions as the court may think reasonable, or that any witness, whose attendance in court ought for some sufficient cause to be dispensed with, be examined by interrogatories or otherwise before a Commissioner or Examiner.

CHEDA AJ:       The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming damages totaling ZAR587 500.00 arising from a traffic accident in which he said the defendant's vehicle collided with, and caused damage to his vehicle.

            He said the accident was due to the negligence of the 1st defendant's driver who is the 2nd defendant.  The summons was served on the 1st defendant only.  The 2nd defendant could not be located.  However, an appearance to defend was filed for both defendants by their legal practitioner.  They requested particulars which were supplied.  In his plea, 1st defendant pleaded that the 2nd defendant was on a frolic of his own at the time of the accident and denied liability and putting plaintiff to proof thereof concerning the claim and other averments.

            The 2nd defendant said in his plea that he was driving the 1st defendant's vehicle as that is his employer.  He said that he was not acting within the course of his employment with the 1st defendant at the time of the accident but in any case he denied liability and put the plaintiff to proof thereof.

            In preparation for trial the plaintiff filed a synopsis of evidence in which he said he would lead evidence to show that on the 13th day of July 2010, at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Herbert Chitepo Street, in Bulawayo, 1st defendant's haulage truck rammed into the plaintiff's vehicle and that the accident was due to the negligence of the 2nd defendant.  He particularized the negligence of the 2nd defendant.  He said his vehicle was damaged beyond repair and he suffered loss of income.  He was claiming ZAR587 500,00.

            When the trial commenced the plaintiff's driver was called first.  He narrated how the accident occurred at the intersection of Herbert Chitepo and 3rd Avenue.  He said the defendant's vehicle approached from his right side, ignored a Give Way sign and rammed into the plaintiff's vehicle which he was driving.  In answer to questions put to him he said as an employee he was not in a position to give details about the correct identity of the plaintiff in the papers whether it is a company or an individual.

            He said he did not know about the value of the vehicle or the possible costs of its repair.  He was therefore unable to answer any questions concerning the value of the damages claimed by the plaintiff.

            This gap in the evidence of plaintiff's case required the direct evidence of the plaintiff.    Order 46, Rule 408 of the High Court Rules provides that in the absence of any agreement in writing, between the legal practitioners of all the parties, and subject to these rules, the witnesses at the trial of any action shall be examined viva voce and in open court, but the court may at any time for sufficient reasons order that any particular fact or facts may be proved by affidavit, or that the affidavit of any witness may be read at the hearing or trial, on such conditions as the court may think reasonable, or that any witness, whose attendance in court ought for some sufficient cause to be dispensed with, be examined by interrogatories or otherwise before a commissioner or examiner.

            In this case no such arrangement was made, and no explanation was given for not calling the plaintiff.  In addition to calling evidence the plaintiff in a claim for damages has to prove the damages.  He cannot leave it to the court to work out damages for him.  Only the plaintiff could give evidence as to the value of the vehicle when it was purchased, the value of the vehicle at the time of the accident, or what it would cost him to repair it.

            The plaintiff's legal practitioner called 2 expert witnesses to testify on the reasons why the vehicle could not be repaired.  Their evidence concerned the damage to the vehicle and that trying to prepare it for subsequent use as a public serve vehicle would render it dangerous to passengers.  None of these witnesses could give evidence as to the value of the vehicle prior to the accident and the loss suffered by the plaintiff for the loss of its use.  All they could do was  to estimate the cost of similar vehicles, evidence which remained unsatisfactory.  This evidence could not be relied on as proof of the damages suffered by the plaintiff.

After this evidence plaintiff's case was closed.

            Other documents filed in this case showed that the vehicle was registered in the name of Teddy Mkandla.  On seeking the correct identity of the plaintiff counsel for the defendants was unable to get any clarification in the absence of the plaintiff.

            When the plaintiff's case was closed the matter could have ended there.  However, defendants submitted that instead of absolution from the instance they preferred to lead their evidence so that the matter is brought to finality.  Evidence of the defendant was then led and 1st defendant persisted in his denial of liability.

            At the end of the hearing it was clear that the plaintiff, who had undertaken in his synopsis of evidence filed, to lead evidence to prove his damages, had not led such evidence.

            No reason was given for not calling him.  Plaintiff therefore failed to prosecute his claim as required by the Rules of Court which require that he give viva voce evidence and be cross-examined.

            He was not present even to explain the query about the correct ownership of the damaged vehicle.

            The law requires that a party who is claiming damages must prove his damages in court.  A party cannot send documents to court and leave it to the court to determine the claim for him.  What he stated in the summons must be substantiated in open court by his viva voce evidence.

            In this case the case ended without the plaintiff's evidence, and as such the plaintiff has not proved his case.

            The end result is that the plaintiff's case is dismissed with costs.



Messrs Cheda & Partners, plaintiff's legal practitioners

Messrs Calderwood, Bryce Hendrie & Partners, 1st defendant's legal practitioners
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