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Murder-viz section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23].
Murder-viz intention.
Indictment-viz establishment of mens rea.
Charge-viz establishment of mens rea.
Indictment-viz capacity to commit criminal offences re mentally incapacitated persons iro establishment of mens rea.
Charge-viz capacity to commit a criminal offence re mentally challenged persons iro establishment of mens rea.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re defences iro diminished mental capacity.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re findings of fact iro concessions between counsel.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re findings of fact iro agreements between counsel.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re expert evidence iro psychiatric evaluation.
Procedural Law-viz defence of diminished mental responsibility re insanity iro section 29 of the Mental Health Act [Chapter 15:12].
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re admissions iro unchallenged evidence.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re admissions iro undisputed averments.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re admissions iro uncontroverted submissions.
Procedural Law-viz findings of fact re concessions between counsel iro Statement of Agreed Facts.
Procedural Law-viz findings of fact re agreements between counsel iro Statement of Agreed Facts.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re expert opinion iro medical report.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re expert evidence iro post mortem report.
Murder-viz cause of death re postmortem report.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re physical evidence iro murder weapon.
Procedural Law-viz defences re diminished capacity iro mental disorder.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re defences iro establishment of mens rea.
Procedural Law-viz rules of evidence re defences iro establishment of intention.

Indictment or Charge re: Plea of Guilty, Alteration of Pleas and Triable Issues Raised During Plea Recording

The accused was arraigned before us on a charge of murder and attempted murder as defined in section 47(1)(a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23].

The State alleged, that, on 20 December 2017, and at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Eugenia Guvheya by assaulting her with an axe handle all over the body intending to kill her or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Eugenia Guvheya died.

On the second Count, it is alleged, that, on the same fateful date, the accused unlawfully attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injury from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

When the two (2) charges were put to the accused, he indicated to court that he admits what happened but that it occurred when he was mentally challenged.

As a result, pleas of not guilty were entered.

Findings of Fact re: Concessions or Agreements Between Counsel and the Abandonment of Concessions or Agreements

The accused was arraigned before us on a charge of murder and attempted murder as defined in section 47(1)(a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23].

The State alleged, that, on 20 December 2017, and at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Eugenia Guvheya by assaulting her with an axe handle all over the body intending to kill her or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Eugenia Guvheya died.

On the second Count, it is alleged, that, on the same fateful date, the accused unlawfully attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injury from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

When the two (2) charges were put to the accused, he indicated to court that he admits what happened but that it occurred when he was mentally challenged. As a result, pleas of not guilty were entered.

The State and defence counsel advised the court that they had taken a position informed by the nature of the accused's plea and the affidavit of Dr Patience Mavunganidze, a psychiatrist, to proceed in terms of section 29 of the Mental Health Act [Chapter 15:12].

The affidavit of Dr P Mavunganidze was tendered as evidence and was accepted by the court as exhibit 1 by consent.

A statement of agreed facts was tendered as an exhibit, it summarises the events as follows:

On 20 December 2017, at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused assaulted the deceased with an axe handle all over the body. The deceased sustained severe injuries which caused her death.

The accused went on and attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

Christina Chidhakwa was rushed to Bonda Mission Hospital for treatment and a medical report was compiled.

The deceased's body was conveyed to Parirenyatwa Hospital Mortuary where a post-mortem examination was conducted by Dr Roberto Trecu. He concluded, that, the cause of death was due to -

(a) Traumatic shock;

(b) Spine and ribs fractures haemoperitaemic;

(c) Multiple traumas due to assault.

At the time of the commission of the offence, the accused was mentally disordered and unable to control himself such that he lacked criminal responsibility.

The account given in the summary of the State case reflects a horrendous, unprovoked assault consistent with a mental disorder in view of the fact, that, the deceased was the accused person's grandmother.

The complainant, Christina Chidhakwa, is her mother.

The State further produced the following, by consent of the defence counsel:

(i) Post mortem report.

(ii) Medical report.

(iii) Certificates of weight.

(iv) Sketch plan.

(v) Axe handle and the axe.

Given the Statement of Agreed Facts, the psychiatrist medical evidence, and the circumstances under which the offence was committed, the court agreed with the State and defence counsels that the matter be handled in terms of the Mental Health Act.

The circumstances call for the return of a special verdict of Not Guilty because of insanity.

It was also agreed between the State and the defence, that, the accused still requires management, treatment, and rehabilitation; and, in our view, it would be improper to prematurely release him.

Institutionalisation of the accused is ideal for his recovery.

Accordingly, it is ordered that:

(a) Accused is found Not Guilty because of insanity.

(b) The accused be returned to prison for transfer to Chikurubi Psychiatric Unit or such other appropriate institution for treatment and management until discharge therefrom by a competent body.

Indictment or Charge re: Charge Sheet, Framing of Charges, Essential Elements, Causation, Intention & Competent Verdict

The accused was arraigned before us on a charge of murder and attempted murder as defined in section 47(1)(a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23].

The State alleged, that, on 20 December 2017, and at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Eugenia Guvheya by assaulting her with an axe handle all over the body intending to kill her or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Eugenia Guvheya died.

On the second Count, it is alleged, that, on the same fateful date, the accused unlawfully attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injury from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

When the two (2) charges were put to the accused, he indicated to court that he admits what happened but that it occurred when he was mentally challenged. As a result, pleas of not guilty were entered.

The State and defence counsel advised the court that they had taken a position informed by the nature of the accused's plea and the affidavit of Dr Patience Mavunganidze, a psychiatrist, to proceed in terms of section 29 of the Mental Health Act [Chapter 15:12].

The affidavit of Dr P Mavunganidze was tendered as evidence and was accepted by the court as exhibit 1 by consent.

A statement of agreed facts was tendered as an exhibit, it summarises the events as follows:

On 20 December 2017, at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused assaulted the deceased with an axe handle all over the body. The deceased sustained severe injuries which caused her death.

The accused went on and attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

Christina Chidhakwa was rushed to Bonda Mission Hospital for treatment and a medical report was compiled.

The deceased's body was conveyed to Parirenyatwa Hospital Mortuary where a post-mortem examination was conducted by Dr Roberto Trecu. He concluded, that, the cause of death was due to -

(a) Traumatic shock;

(b) Spine and ribs fractures haemoperitaemic;

(c) Multiple traumas due to assault.

At the time of the commission of the offence, the accused was mentally disordered and unable to control himself such that he lacked criminal responsibility.

The account given in the summary of the State case reflects a horrendous, unprovoked assault consistent with a mental disorder in view of the fact, that, the deceased was the accused person's grandmother.

The complainant, Christina Chidhakwa, is her mother.

The State further produced the following, by consent of the defence counsel:

(i) Post mortem report.

(ii) Medical report.

(iii) Certificates of weight.

(iv) Sketch plan.

(v) Axe handle and the axe.

Given the Statement of Agreed Facts, the psychiatrist medical evidence, and the circumstances under which the offence was committed, the court agreed with the State and defence counsels that the matter be handled in terms of the Mental Health Act.

The circumstances call for the return of a special verdict of Not Guilty because of insanity.

It was also agreed between the State and the defence, that, the accused still requires management, treatment, and rehabilitation; and, in our view, it would be improper to prematurely release him.

Institutionalisation of the accused is ideal for his recovery.

Accordingly, it is ordered that:

(a) Accused is found Not Guilty because of insanity.

(b) The accused be returned to prison for transfer to Chikurubi Psychiatric Unit or such other appropriate institution for treatment and management until discharge therefrom by a competent body.

Indictment or Charge re: Persons Lacking Capacity to Commit Criminal Offences and the Presumption of Doli Incapax

The accused was arraigned before us on a charge of murder and attempted murder as defined in section 47(1)(a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23].

The State alleged, that, on 20 December 2017, and at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Eugenia Guvheya by assaulting her with an axe handle all over the body intending to kill her or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Eugenia Guvheya died.

On the second Count, it is alleged, that, on the same fateful date, the accused unlawfully attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injury from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

When the two (2) charges were put to the accused, he indicated to court that he admits what happened but that it occurred when he was mentally challenged. As a result, pleas of not guilty were entered.

The State and defence counsel advised the court that they had taken a position informed by the nature of the accused's plea and the affidavit of Dr Patience Mavunganidze, a psychiatrist, to proceed in terms of section 29 of the Mental Health Act [Chapter 15:12].

The affidavit of Dr P Mavunganidze was tendered as evidence and was accepted by the court as exhibit 1 by consent.

A statement of agreed facts was tendered as an exhibit, it summarises the events as follows:

On 20 December 2017, at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused assaulted the deceased with an axe handle all over the body. The deceased sustained severe injuries which caused her death.

The accused went on and attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

Christina Chidhakwa was rushed to Bonda Mission Hospital for treatment and a medical report was compiled.

The deceased's body was conveyed to Parirenyatwa Hospital Mortuary where a post-mortem examination was conducted by Dr Roberto Trecu. He concluded, that, the cause of death was due to -

(a) Traumatic shock;

(b) Spine and ribs fractures haemoperitaemic;

(c) Multiple traumas due to assault.

At the time of the commission of the offence, the accused was mentally disordered and unable to control himself such that he lacked criminal responsibility.

The account given in the summary of the State case reflects a horrendous, unprovoked assault consistent with a mental disorder in view of the fact, that, the deceased was the accused person's grandmother.

The complainant, Christina Chidhakwa, is her mother.

The State further produced the following, by consent of the defence counsel:

(i) Post mortem report.

(ii) Medical report.

(iii) Certificates of weight.

(iv) Sketch plan.

(v) Axe handle and the axe.

Given the Statement of Agreed Facts, the psychiatrist medical evidence, and the circumstances under which the offence was committed, the court agreed with the State and defence counsels that the matter be handled in terms of the Mental Health Act.

The circumstances call for the return of a special verdict of Not Guilty because of insanity.

It was also agreed between the State and the defence, that, the accused still requires management, treatment, and rehabilitation; and, in our view, it would be improper to prematurely release him.

Institutionalisation of the accused is ideal for his recovery.

Accordingly, it is ordered that:

(a) Accused is found Not Guilty because of insanity.

(b) The accused be returned to prison for transfer to Chikurubi Psychiatric Unit or such other appropriate institution for treatment and management until discharge therefrom by a competent body.

Murder and Permissible or Competent Verdicts re: Approach, Intent, Motive, Corpse, Cause of Death & Inquest Proceedings

The accused was arraigned before us on a charge of murder and attempted murder as defined in section 47(1)(a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23].

The State alleged, that, on 20 December 2017, and at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Eugenia Guvheya by assaulting her with an axe handle all over the body intending to kill her or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Eugenia Guvheya died.

On the second Count, it is alleged, that, on the same fateful date, the accused unlawfully attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injury from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

When the two (2) charges were put to the accused, he indicated to court that he admits what happened but that it occurred when he was mentally challenged. As a result, pleas of not guilty were entered.

The State and defence counsel advised the court that they had taken a position informed by the nature of the accused's plea and the affidavit of Dr Patience Mavunganidze, a psychiatrist, to proceed in terms of section 29 of the Mental Health Act [Chapter 15:12].

The affidavit of Dr P Mavunganidze was tendered as evidence and was accepted by the court as exhibit 1 by consent.

A statement of agreed facts was tendered as an exhibit, it summarises the events as follows:

On 20 December 2017, at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused assaulted the deceased with an axe handle all over the body. The deceased sustained severe injuries which caused her death.

The accused went on and attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

Christina Chidhakwa was rushed to Bonda Mission Hospital for treatment and a medical report was compiled.

The deceased's body was conveyed to Parirenyatwa Hospital Mortuary where a post-mortem examination was conducted by Dr Roberto Trecu. He concluded, that, the cause of death was due to -

(a) Traumatic shock;

(b) Spine and ribs fractures haemoperitaemic;

(c) Multiple traumas due to assault.

At the time of the commission of the offence, the accused was mentally disordered and unable to control himself such that he lacked criminal responsibility.

The account given in the summary of the State case reflects a horrendous, unprovoked assault consistent with a mental disorder in view of the fact, that, the deceased was the accused person's grandmother.

The complainant, Christina Chidhakwa, is her mother.

The State further produced the following, by consent of the defence counsel:

(i) Post mortem report.

(ii) Medical report.

(iii) Certificates of weight.

(iv) Sketch plan.

(v) Axe handle and the axe.

Given the Statement of Agreed Facts, the psychiatrist medical evidence, and the circumstances under which the offence was committed, the court agreed with the State and defence counsels that the matter be handled in terms of the Mental Health Act.

The circumstances call for the return of a special verdict of Not Guilty because of insanity.

It was also agreed between the State and the defence, that, the accused still requires management, treatment, and rehabilitation; and, in our view, it would be improper to prematurely release him.

Institutionalisation of the accused is ideal for his recovery.

Accordingly, it is ordered that:

(a) Accused is found Not Guilty because of insanity.

(b) The accused be returned to prison for transfer to Chikurubi Psychiatric Unit or such other appropriate institution for treatment and management until discharge therefrom by a competent body.

Defence of Abandonment, Claim of Right, Mistake of Fact or Law and Establishment of Mens Rea or Intention

The accused was arraigned before us on a charge of murder and attempted murder as defined in section 47(1)(a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23].

The State alleged, that, on 20 December 2017, and at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Eugenia Guvheya by assaulting her with an axe handle all over the body intending to kill her or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Eugenia Guvheya died.

On the second Count, it is alleged, that, on the same fateful date, the accused unlawfully attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injury from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

When the two (2) charges were put to the accused, he indicated to court that he admits what happened but that it occurred when he was mentally challenged. As a result, pleas of not guilty were entered.

The State and defence counsel advised the court that they had taken a position informed by the nature of the accused's plea and the affidavit of Dr Patience Mavunganidze, a psychiatrist, to proceed in terms of section 29 of the Mental Health Act [Chapter 15:12].

The affidavit of Dr P Mavunganidze was tendered as evidence and was accepted by the court as exhibit 1 by consent.

A statement of agreed facts was tendered as an exhibit, it summarises the events as follows:

On 20 December 2017, at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused assaulted the deceased with an axe handle all over the body. The deceased sustained severe injuries which caused her death.

The accused went on and attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

Christina Chidhakwa was rushed to Bonda Mission Hospital for treatment and a medical report was compiled.

The deceased's body was conveyed to Parirenyatwa Hospital Mortuary where a post-mortem examination was conducted by Dr Roberto Trecu. He concluded, that, the cause of death was due to -

(a) Traumatic shock;

(b) Spine and ribs fractures haemoperitaemic;

(c) Multiple traumas due to assault.

At the time of the commission of the offence, the accused was mentally disordered and unable to control himself such that he lacked criminal responsibility.

The account given in the summary of the State case reflects a horrendous, unprovoked assault consistent with a mental disorder in view of the fact, that, the deceased was the accused person's grandmother.

The complainant, Christina Chidhakwa, is her mother.

The State further produced the following, by consent of the defence counsel:

(i) Post mortem report.

(ii) Medical report.

(iii) Certificates of weight.

(iv) Sketch plan.

(v) Axe handle and the axe.

Given the Statement of Agreed Facts, the psychiatrist medical evidence, and the circumstances under which the offence was committed, the court agreed with the State and defence counsels that the matter be handled in terms of the Mental Health Act.

The circumstances call for the return of a special verdict of Not Guilty because of insanity.

It was also agreed between the State and the defence, that, the accused still requires management, treatment, and rehabilitation; and, in our view, it would be improper to prematurely release him.

Institutionalisation of the accused is ideal for his recovery.

Accordingly, it is ordered that:

(a) Accused is found Not Guilty because of insanity.

(b) The accused be returned to prison for transfer to Chikurubi Psychiatric Unit or such other appropriate institution for treatment and management until discharge therefrom by a competent body.

Defence of Diminished Mental Responsibility or Diminished Capacity re: Substance Use, Intoxication and Insanity

The accused was arraigned before us on a charge of murder and attempted murder as defined in section 47(1)(a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23].

The State alleged, that, on 20 December 2017, and at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Eugenia Guvheya by assaulting her with an axe handle all over the body intending to kill her or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Eugenia Guvheya died.

On the second Count, it is alleged, that, on the same fateful date, the accused unlawfully attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injury from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

When the two (2) charges were put to the accused, he indicated to court that he admits what happened but that it occurred when he was mentally challenged. As a result, pleas of not guilty were entered.

The State and defence counsel advised the court that they had taken a position informed by the nature of the accused's plea and the affidavit of Dr Patience Mavunganidze, a psychiatrist, to proceed in terms of section 29 of the Mental Health Act [Chapter 15:12].

The affidavit of Dr P Mavunganidze was tendered as evidence and was accepted by the court as exhibit 1 by consent.

A statement of agreed facts was tendered as an exhibit, it summarises the events as follows:

On 20 December 2017, at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused assaulted the deceased with an axe handle all over the body. The deceased sustained severe injuries which caused her death.

The accused went on and attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

Christina Chidhakwa was rushed to Bonda Mission Hospital for treatment and a medical report was compiled.

The deceased's body was conveyed to Parirenyatwa Hospital Mortuary where a post-mortem examination was conducted by Dr Roberto Trecu. He concluded, that, the cause of death was due to -

(a) Traumatic shock;

(b) Spine and ribs fractures haemoperitaemic;

(c) Multiple traumas due to assault.

At the time of the commission of the offence, the accused was mentally disordered and unable to control himself such that he lacked criminal responsibility.

The account given in the summary of the State case reflects a horrendous, unprovoked assault consistent with a mental disorder in view of the fact, that, the deceased was the accused person's grandmother.

The complainant, Christina Chidhakwa, is her mother.

The State further produced the following, by consent of the defence counsel:

(i) Post mortem report.

(ii) Medical report.

(iii) Certificates of weight.

(iv) Sketch plan.

(v) Axe handle and the axe.

Given the Statement of Agreed Facts, the psychiatrist medical evidence, and the circumstances under which the offence was committed, the court agreed with the State and defence counsels that the matter be handled in terms of the Mental Health Act.

The circumstances call for the return of a special verdict of Not Guilty because of insanity.

It was also agreed between the State and the defence, that, the accused still requires management, treatment, and rehabilitation; and, in our view, it would be improper to prematurely release him.

Institutionalisation of the accused is ideal for his recovery.

Accordingly, it is ordered that:

(a) Accused is found Not Guilty because of insanity.

(b) The accused be returned to prison for transfer to Chikurubi Psychiatric Unit or such other appropriate institution for treatment and management until discharge therefrom by a competent body.

Criminal Trial (Mental Health Act 15:12)

MUZENDA J: The accused was arraigned before us on a charge of murder and attempted murder as defined in section 47(1)(a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23].

The state alleged that on 20 December 2017 and at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Eugenia Guvheya by assaulting her with an axe handle all over the body intending to kill her or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Eugenia Guvheya died.

On the second count it is alleged that on the same fateful date the accused unlawfully attempted to cause the death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injury from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

When the 2 charges were put to the accused, he indicated to court that he admits what happened but that it occurred when he was mentally challenged. As a result pleas of not guilty were entered.

The state and defence counsel advised the court that they had taken a position informed by the nature of accused's plea and the affidavit of Dr Patience Mavunganidze, a psychiatrist, to proceed in terms of section 29 of the Mental Health Act [Chapter 15:12].

The affidavit of Dr P Mavunganidze was tendered as evidence and was accepted by the court as exh 1 by consent.

A statement of agreed facts was tendered as an exhibit, it summarises the events as follows:

On 20 December 2017 at Guvheya homestead, Nyatsanza Village, Chief Mutasa, the accused assaulted the deceased with an axe handle all over the body. The deceased sustained severe injuries which caused her death.

The accused went on and attempted to cause death of Christina Chidhakwa by assaulting her with an axe on the left side of the head thereby causing severe injuries from which the said Christina Chidhakwa could have died.

Christina Chidhakwa was rushed to Bonda Mission Hospital for treatment and a medical report was compiled.

The deceased's body was conveyed to Parirenyatwa Hospital Mortuary where a post-mortem examination was conducted by Dr Roberto Trecu. He concluded that the cause of death was due to -

(a) traumatic shock;

(b) spine and ribs fractures haemoperitaemic;

(c) multiple traumas due to assault.

At the time of the commission of the offence the accused was mentally disordered and unable to control himself such that he lacked criminal responsibility.

The account given in the summary of the state case reflects a horrendous unprovoked assault consistent with a mental disorder in view of the fact that the deceased was accused person's grandmother. Complainant Christina Chidhakwa is her mother.

The state further produced the following by consent of the defence counsel:

(i) Post-mortem report.

(ii) Medical report.

(iii) Certificates of weight.

(iv) Sketch plan.

(v) Axe handle and the axe.

Given the statement of agreed facts, the psychiatrist medical evidence and the circumstances under which the offence was committed, the court agreed with the state and defence counsels that the matter be handled in terms of the Mental Health Act.

The circumstances call for the return of a special verdict of Not Guilty because of insanity.

It was also agreed between the state and the defence that accused still requires management, treatment and rehabilitation and in our view it would be improper to prematurely release him. Institutionalisation of the accused is ideal for his recovery.

Accordingly, it is ordered that:

(a) Accused is found Not Guilty because of insanity.

(b) The accused be returned to prison for transfer to Chikurubi Psychiatric Unit or such other appropriate institution for treatment and management until discharge therefrom by a competent body.

National Prosecuting Authority, State's legal practitioners

Khupe & Chijara Law Chambers, Accused's legal practitioners

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